How do you TELL your girlfriend she's not your #1 priority? UPDATE: Broken Up

Mister Meaner

formerly super producer j
Mar 24, 2007
Without essentially ending the relationship, I mean. Idk, this girl is always whining about something, but still wants to be with me. For example:

"I never feel taken care of like I try not to compare relationships but [insert ex bfs name] paid my phone bill on top of his own bills n if he didn't have anything he always made sure I was ok I never had to go out of pocket he'd rather not have anything as long as I had something
I took a risk with you and I want us to work"

Text she just sent me.

I don't know how many ways I can say I have bills of my own, and tuition, and class to study for, and work full time. I'm too young to be getting this stress from a woman.

edit: can't edit the title from my phone apparently

Update: The deed is done. After a good week of talking, hashing things out, without argument, we came to this solution to end this chapter of our lives. I have to say that our problems stemmed beyond what was included in my OG post, but that would have been a wall of text unsuited for NT. That quote was my tipping point though. Despite these deep feels developed, things just aren't as they should be in a relationship. As stated, I've got my own life to get together, and her priorities are ones I don't see adding up to a bright future. She's got a lot of growing to do, as do I. I'm not claiming perfection in this relationship, as I alluded to, but the disconnect and other stress factors got to be too much at this point in time.

I guess I should thank NT for its infinite wisdom :lol:. I feel all types of sick now though, feels batman. I need to not be low right now.
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dead her famb...

I mean let her know you are not her ex. and that you have priorities right now that are ahead of her/the relationship.

She is just going to stress you out.
she sounds silly.

are you guys engaged? are you living together?

If not, I don't see how or why you should be paying for any of her bills :lol: :smh:

"I never had to go out of pocket"

:lol: sounds like she wants a sucker not a boyfriend.

dead her famb...

I mean let her know you are not her ex. and that you have priorities right now that are ahead of her/the relationship.

She is just going to stress you out.

Females who always have that me me me attitude are always bad news or just a waste of time
dead it before u end up making another thread a few months from now about how she cheated on u with another guy who paid her phone bill
:lol:.. that's sad yo.

To keep it real... Most guys REALLY want to take care of their lady...

Its just whether or not the. GUY feels she's deserving.

Some guys are more loose with who they feel is deserving.

In the case with this chick, she's just trying to guilt you into some sucker ****.... And if you cave, its gonna roll down hill...

Signs of disrespect

1. Comparing you to ex bf
2. Asking for you to "take care" of her instead of her earning it

Your in college famb. So I'm guessing y'all don't live together or anything...

My advice... Check that *** ASAP.

Real advice: shouldn't eem have a girlfriend at this point in your life unless you plan on staying together forever...

You can get the benefits of a girlfriend... Without actually having a girlfriend
I hear y'all, it's tough making that call cuz feelings got real deep, 2 years together.
She has to go. Talking $$$ now, you know she don't want anything else....

No future in it, bruh.
I hear y'all, it's tough making that call cuz feelings got real deep, 2 years together.

...and still talking about ex boyfriends?!?!?!?

I'm too old to say this, but she sure as hell has not made you her top priority. Be surprised if you were her 4th priority....

She's on the lookout for a new meal ticket.
Basically what everyone else has said fam. Dead her before you get your feelings hurt, cuz she gonna get that phone bill paid one way or another.......................................
Don't let the P tarnish your judgement.

That woman has no respect for you.

Hop out while you can
Bruh tell her, her ex was a whipped chump thats why he let that happen..

I had to kinda deal with the same thing, my girl or idk what we are right now since we're not really talking wanted to get on me for some dumb ish. I feel she never appreciated all the things I did for her. I haven't been working for the past 2 months and still was paying for everything whenever we were out doing something.. I wish she would hit me with "pay my phone bill cause my ex did it" shed get a straight big faced :smh:
It would appear that you're not ready to give her the commitment she's looking for. She's not going to just drop her standards. Nobody ever really does. Would you just accept what appears as downgrades in your relationships as they progress? Of course not. So again, talk to her and make a decision. If you really like her then commit and give her priority, and after some transitional time which will be difficult, your relationship will probably improve. That's assuming you picked a half-decent person as a girlfriend.. If you're not ready to really commit to this girl fully though, then it might be time to move on. Time to choose OP. G'luck.
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There's nothing you can say, you just have to SHOW, you can't have both but you can show her how much you appreciate her when you're together's called quality time.

Trying to juggle both will cause you more pain in the long run. As sexist as this sounds, BE A MAN, do what you know is BEST and she'll respect it. If she doesn't, she didn't have your best interest in mind anyway.
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There's a difference between taking care of your girlfriend and paying her bills. Until you're married, you're responsible for your own stuff. If you need to help her out one month, that's one thing. If she's expecting you to take care of her bills permanently, then it sounds like she's basing relationships on what she can give out of it. TIP... The key to any successful relationship is not what you can get out of it. It's what you can give to it to make it successful for both people.

If she's asking you to pay bills and she doesn't have a job, that's a red flag. If she does have a job and constantly asking, it means she's poor with finances and any long term relationship will be severely strained. Money & communication are the two most cited items in seperations.
is she your wife? if she isn't, then she should already know.

Shorty sounds childish as hell. I hate females with that Princess syndrome 'ooooh care for me, take care of meeee, buy me shiney thingssss, tell my I'm pretty' please will you s tfu
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I know everyone is saying to dead her, i agree but you probably won't do it since you have deep feels for her

She needs a grip. Bringing up ex guys is a no go. Shes comparing you to dude! You need to tell her that you arent paying for all that stuff. If she wants her phone bull paid tell her to go back to her ex

I mean if you were the type to pay for stuff you have a history of doing it with her. But you dont. You arent like that

She has a problem with it because it's what she's used to. You shouldn't change for her

Have a talk with her like aslap
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