How the hell do people drink protein shakes??!!

Sep 21, 2004
I have always tried to get into drinking protein shakes but never could do it, just too nasty. It has been awhile since I last tried, but I started liftingagain and I figured it would help out. So this morning I mix one up and try drinking it. I damn near threw up in my mouth 5 times but managed to keep itdown. I had about 3/4's down and then threw it up in the sink. It is disgusting. How do you guys do it?
suck it up.

its not that bad. which one are u using? ON whey tastes fine depending on flavor.

they're not gonna taste great, but oh well.
hey, no one said they are going to get your taste buds going on overdrive..but it aint that prob don't eat your veggies either...add some honeyif you can't take it down or just eat more fish/chicken.
^Some taste REALLY good, I look forward to drinking them during the day
I love my chocolate whey protein shakes. I could drink them at any time of the day...preferably before other drinks.

Ridiculously good when mixed with chocolate weight gainer...
no i in fact do eat my veggies. im using metrx myosin plus vanilla. 3 cups with milk. its like im swallowing powder and i did follow the directions correctly.
I don't understand protein shakes and bars. Most shakes have about 40 grams of portei nand bars have less and they taste terrible. If you want to add 40grams of protein to your diet to supplement your meals, have a turkey and swiss sandwhich with some chocolate milk or a can of beef stew or some jerkey andyou'll get your extra 40 grams from some actual food.
try muscle milk. you cant go wrong. just make sure you mix it with milk. i use cytosport cytogainer (maker of muscle milk), in mint chocolate flavor, gottatell you thats the best tasting high protein shake out in the market.
have a turkey and swiss sandwhich with some chocolate milk or a can of beef stew or some jerkey and you'll get your extra 40 grams from some actual food.
look at this ol' jared from subway dude

homie, half of the reason why people use protein shakes is becausethey don't have easy access to protein enriched foods, hence the word "supplement." You're supplementing a shake for foods that may be toomuch of a hassle to prepare (like meat) or too expensive (like chicken breasts and 93% lean meats). Protein shakes do the job.
Originally Posted by presequel

suck it up.

its not that bad. which one are u using? ON whey tastes fine depending on flavor.

they're not gonna taste great, but oh well.
alright you guys thanks for the help and constructive criticism lol. ill try to toughen up.
If you want to add 40 grams of protein to your diet to supplement your meals, have a turkey and swiss sandwhich with some chocolate milk or a can of beef stew or some jerkey and you'll get your extra 40 grams from some actual food.
Chocolate Milk (8 oz) : 210 Calories, 26 g Carbs, 31 Mg Cholesterol, 8 g Protein
Beef Stew (Adjusted for full Can serving ~ 16 oz): 300 Calories, 30 g Cholesterol, 1700 Mg Sodium (74% Daily RecommendedServing), 42 g carbs, 40 g Protein
Beef Jerky (Serving size is 1.8 oz, but it comes in a nearly 4 oz bag, so heres the bag numbers) : 280 Calories, 2120 MgSodium (88% Daily Recommended Intake), 30 g Protein

Protein Powder (Myoplex Lite) : 180 Calories (only 15 from fat), 20 Mg Cholesterol, 20 g Carbs, 25 g protein(50 with a double scoop), plus at least 50% of daily recommended intake of 18 different Viatamins and Minerals

That, my friend, is the big thing with Protein Powder, you don't need to get the extra junk that comes with that "real food" if all you want isthe protein, plus it doesnt hurt to get the other helpful Vitamins and such. Knowledge is power
Try a new brand and try maybe mixing with water. It's pretty much that simple (if you currently dont like your product). You shouldnt be having to force itdown like that.

Also depending on your size, 3 scoops with milk in the morning could be sorta OD (if im reading that right)
My friend, you need to get a blender, some Bananas, Strawberries, Ice, Ice cream or sherbert, and some concentrated fruit Juice (Frozen lemonade, orange juice,or other fruit juice you like). Mix the protien mix in with that and blend it untill you have a nice smoothie that's delicious. Kiwi and Watermellon alsomake great shake fruits. Never use an apple though.
That, my friend, is the big thing with Protein Powder, you don't need to get the extra junk that comes with that "real food" if all you want is the protein, plus it doesnt hurt to get the other helpful Vitamins and such. Knowledge is power

Most of your protein should come from real food. Not to mention, you can easily find healthier versions of those foods.

Also, the protein powder you selected is more of a meal replacement drink (well it actually is a meal replacement drink) then it is just a protein powder.
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