Howard Schultz to sue Clay Bennett and get the team back

this adds to my thing about the national media, its horrible:

Not to go all conspiracy theory on you, but did anyone else notice how ESPN suddenly dropped their poll on where the Sonics should play next year? Could this be because Seattle was getting 80 percent of the vote?

This is pure speculation of course, but do you think the NBA has been putting pressure on ESPN (who has broadcast rights to the NBA) to bury any pro-Seattle Sonics stories? Judging by the lack of front-page stories about Bennett's e-mails and the Schultz lawsuit, it sure seems to be the case.

NBA votes on Friday, if you see david stern on the street, throw something at him please
ESPN has done a lot more than I thought they would in regards to being pro-Sonics. Another conspiracy was the the strange disappearance of Neil Everett duringSC broadcasts for awhile after the first time he said "Save the Sonics" after a highlight package. He's since gone back to saying it after eachSonics highlight, but it became very clear that ESPN wanted none of that.
i wonder if it was espn, or david stern mentioning something that made them not want to...

save our sonics
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