I came out to my parents today....

Congratulations OP. I'd imagine how hard something like that is to get off your chest for thirty three years. Question, when did you know you where gay?
if my son told me he was gay,i ultimately would accept it but i know i would ask myself where did i go wrong (even though i know you are born that way)
Originally Posted by DecemberLove

Fig Neuton should take notes on how to come out to NT

Props to you OP

I honestly think the reason this thread has been so positive is because of the way Tim portrays himself.  Although I have had little to no interaction with Tim, I have always respected him and how he took jokes on his bootcut jeans and what not.  I am not sure how, he must have mentioned it some time, but I knew he was gay before this thread.
Fig gets hated on (by myself included) because he is flamboyantly gay and annoying, in my opinion, about his homosexuality. 

Congrats TimWitIt
Courage is courage... it does not matter what you are reaveling to someone... much respect OP
and to keep it NT... here is the idiotic response that you would have expected from people 

Good for you man. I'm sure it was extremely difficult, but be content with the stress of that being over with now and being able to move on.

Way to go.
That's awesome. Glad everything went the way you wanted it to in regards to your parent's reaction. I couldn't even imagine what you were going through moments before you told them.
Good stuff, Tim 
I cant imagine what it'd be like to tell your parents that (it was always very difficult for me to tell my mom I failed a class lol), but I'm happy you got the courage to tell them and that they're supporting you.

Also, I had no idea you were that old
Glad to see no one making silly comments

Congrats man, this was the major step that you need to be the person you truly are. Props dude hopefully your family can accept and treat you the way they should as a friend and loved one and most important a son.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

btw, time to hit up The Castro.

all you can drink mimosas at Lime.

Congrats, good sir! And I agree, that the only way to celebrate this occasion would be to follow damnitzdom's advice.
Originally Posted by bjamez20

 While youre fielding questions, when did you realize you were gay?
when did i realize i was gay?  looking back, probably in high school.  but i didn't have a name for it at the time.  not sure how to explain it.  i vividly remember one of my best friends saying something about a girl he liked, and i wondered why i didn't feel the same way.  it was a sobering moment... one that i should have paid more attention to.  
btw... i have no idea what the castro is, lol...
Originally Posted by Rod301


Madd Courage For Posting This On NT. 

Things Should Easen Up For You Mentally Now That You Dont Have Anything To Hide From Them... Good Luck With Everything.
Originally Posted by jumpmankb

*reads first page of post*

*goes to last page of post to see ignorant pyramid quotes*

*sees nothing but congrats posts*


Good for you OP, must've been really difficult thing to do if you waited so long.

QFT Good luck OP
GJDM, must have been hard.

To answer your question OP: I probably would have ideas if he is or not. I'm not entirely sure how I would react. I'd like to say I'd be open and accept him for who he is.
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