I Don't Think "Certain People" Understand Proper Public Pet Management

Oct 13, 2001
If I am sitting on the park bench eating my pita chips and hummus, PLEASE don't think it is ok for you to let your dog walk toward me and sniff my lap without you pulling his leash.

Why do you think that is ok?

Why do you think I want to touch him or even have him rub up on my leg?

I don't think certain folks understand that man.

Yes I am mad. :D
Should hit her with a smooth "I eat ***" face.

Woulda scared her away in an instant.
Did that ish on purpose.

Should have talk about suing and calling the ASPCA and watch how fast that person would have pulled that leash back.
They had their kids with them. Didn't want to make a scene. I gave them a hard enough look for them to get the point though
Well certain people also kiss their dogs in the mouth and treat them better than their human kids too and hate that other certain people just tie their mean looking *** dogs up in the yard and feed them table scraps and think that's the extent of pet ownership.
Should have kicked it.
Nah, I respect the dog. It is the owners of some of them that just don't get it.

Funny story I overheard coming from Father's Day Dinner. (Yes Double J, I overheard another convo.)

I was in the parking lot and this big black woman was explaining how she went over someone's house and refused to sit on the couch because that was the same couch that the dog sleeps on. She was explaining how the owner of the dog/couch couldn't understand that concept. I found that funny. :lol:

Im a city boy, i been staying with my bm out here in whitemans land for a few days and its absurd how many times i have been jumped on by dogs, some nit even on leashes....How do you have your dog walking 10 ft in FRONT of you with no leash?Then no apology.... If its a little to medium sized dog i will kick the **** outta it.

Not to mention the dog ****.....smh clean up after your damn pets
Sleeping with dogs though. :smh: :stoneface: :x

I'm not a dog hater, but SOME people just let their dogs do whatever they damn want and it's annoying as hell. Like when I go to the park and people let their dogs just run up on my daughters and get hurt when I check the **** out of them. I've had to curse a few people out in the past few months and that's no exaggeration.

And I'm not talking about friendly dogs either.
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If by "certain people", you mean white ppl, then yes i agree.

I don't know bout all that now. I don't care if you encounter it on the daily or not but you mistaken if you think that's "just a white people thing"... Wrong for that one fam
I don't know bout all that now. I don't care if you encounter it on the daily or not but you mistaken if you think that's "just a white people thing"... Wrong for that one fam

I never had a rott or pit run up on me on me with its owner in plain sight in the hood...NEVER. Black ppl handle dogs differently. Mainly because the city is filled with violent dogs, but still none of that carelessness when it comes to handling,your pet. You may have to worry about strays on the loose but thats it.
That's cool and all but there plenty more hoods other than just yours and there is also plenty more people on this earth other than just yourself. That's your opinion not a fact.

I can say the same thing in my hood about black people nd there dogs but why even go there when you kno damn right every once in awhile it'll be a different race with that dog you encounter.

Seems like you need to explore cause I kno when I was in Jamaica outside of the resort the locals dogs did the same ****. So I ain't Tryna hear that BS that its just white people.

All love doe
Yea this thread doesn't need to be about any race of people. Keep it about the owners
Lets talk about the certain people that have their dogs sleep with them in their beds:stoneface:
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