I literally Don't Understand Dead Beat Dads

To be honest I don't think I'm fit to be a parent .
I'm mad selfish

Don't want kids at all been thinking about getting a vasectomy to make sure that doesn't happen
That's a bit condescending. You don't have to be immature to not want the responsibilities that come with having children.
Not wanting children isn't immature. Not being responsible and taking care of children you already have is immature among other things.

Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
What exactly is the dumb part?

Help me understand
Maybe I'm seeing things in a loving dad perspective, I apologize on my behalf for calling your post stupid, I guess it just depends on how you view things.
It's not really how you view things so to speak.

It's just a common sense approach. I'd say almost everybody at some point growing up didn't have to worry about taking care of someone else. If you can recall that feeling, you can have an understanding of why a person who is still immature would want to continue living that way even when they have responsibilities. You don't have to like it or agree but I mean you can sort of look at it as a sort of child's view on things if that helps.

It's the exact opposite for me. I grew up having to take care of someone else and I still do take care of her.
It was mostly by choice but I did and do take a large share of the responsibility for her and that's why I don't really see kids in my future.
I used to tell chicks in HS when they asked me about wanting future kids that I already had one :lol:
Well yeah, that's a personal experience that had a big affect on your life and who you are. That's why I didn't just say everybody is this one way but even so I'm sure at some point in your life you got know how it feels to not be responsible for nobody other than yourself. Probably now, if you aren't still taking care of that person.

If I grew up having to take care of someone else (whether it be siblings, cousins, possibly disabled elder) and basically missed out on that chance to be childishly selfish and immature I'm sure I'd probably be putting off the responsibility of children any time soon.
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You can be a loving father and be real with yourself man. The definition of CHILD is inconvenience. Calling them that doesn't mean you can't love them as well. But that is what they are man. You know it. I know it. Your wife knows it. It is what it is man. No need to sugar coat it.
It can be inconvenient at times but what in life isn't? Stressors occur daily b.
The rewards of connection and seeing yourself in their eyes outweigh any uncomfortable feeling in life
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