I mean, seriously Yuku? Vol. Ads

Jan 30, 2007


Anybody else see this?
Firefox + Ad Blocker FTW

On a side note...that "Chedda gets Chedda" one used to have me laughin hard as hell.
Whenever you see an ad like that, just report it to Yuku so they can block it from the rotation. We have no direct control over it.

Send them an email at ads@yuku.com

Include a screenshot of the ad (just hit printscreen, paste it into a graphics editing program, and save) as well as the destination URL.

AdBlock FTW
We need people to view the ads so we can issue charitable donations, let alone keep the site online. Nobody from NikeTalk sees one cent of the adrevenues.

If you're blocking the ads, you're just COSTING us money. Frankly, we and our charities would be better served if we simply banned everyone whoblocked our ads. Bandwidth and hosting aren't free.
Originally Posted by Method Man

Whenever you see an ad like that, just report it to Yuku so they can block it from the rotation. We have no direct control over it.

Send them an email at ads@yuku.com

Include a screenshot of the ad (just hit printscreen, paste it into a graphics editing program, and save) as well as the destination URL.

AdBlock FTW
We need people to view the ads so we can issue charitable donations, let alone keep the site online. Nobody from NikeTalk sees one cent of the ad revenues.

If you're blocking the ads, you're just COSTING us money. Frankly, we and our charities would be better served if we simply banned everyone who blocked our ads. Bandwidth and hosting aren't free.

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