I never knew that......

^^^ thats where i got that from lol

-it takes approximately 20 minutes for the brain to realize your stomach is full

-it takes 13 hours to build a toyota...and 6 months to build a rolls royce.

-more tigers live in texas than their native land india.

View media item 1446675
The iceberg that sunk the titanic has been around since 1000 bc.
View media item 1446676.
A cricket can be used as a thermometer

View media item 1446677
Some cats are allergic to people.

When richard nixon famously said "i am not a crook" he was at disney world

Googles original name was "backrub"
During filming of taxi driver robert de niro asked cybil shepard out on a date and she turned him down.
after that he only spoke to her during their scenes.
(If youve ever seen that film its kind of funny )
View media item 1446678
Hamsters are illegal in Hawaii.

View media item 1446683View media item 1446682View media item 1446681.
the human body has about 60 thousand miles of blood vessels.
the circumference of the earth is about 25 thousand miles.
I thought it was a change pocket not a watch pocket lol
Didnt know ken jeong was from nc 8)

Aziz ansari is from sc...always thought that wuz funny
He was also born in Detroit.

Which doesn't matter really. It's not where you're born, it's where you're raised. Jordan was born in NY but he was raised in Wilmington, NC. I think with most people, your surroundings from toddler age on is where your influences come from.

And Aziz is a Fool. One of my favorite comedians, probably the only reason why I ever watched ParksRec. When I heard him talk for the first time, I was like guy Has to be from the south.
Didnt know ken jeong was from nc

Aziz ansari is from sc...always thought that wuz funny
the eastern and western seaboards are full of diversity
Wasn't those born and raised in the east coast yet repped the best coast as hard as jadakiss gets :nerd:
^^^ thats where i got that from lol

-it takes approximately 20 minutes for the brain to realize your stomach is full

-it takes 13 hours to build a toyota...and 6 months to build a rolls royce.

-more tigers live in texas than their native land india.

View media item 1446675
The iceberg that sunk the titanic has been around since 1000 bc.
View media item 1446676.
A cricket can be used as a thermometer

View media item 1446677
Some cats are allergic to people.

When richard nixon famously said "i am not a crook" he was at disney world

Googles original name was "backrub"
During filming of taxi driver robert de niro asked cybil shepard out on a date and she turned him down.
after that he only spoke to her during their scenes.
(If youve ever seen that film its kind of funny )
View media item 1446678
Hamsters are illegal in Hawaii.

View media item 1446683View media item 1446682View media item 1446681.
the human body has about 60 thousand miles of blood vessels.
the circumference of the earth is about 25 thousand miles.
I thought it was a change pocket not a watch pocket lol

I thought it was a change pocket not a watch pocket lol
I thought it was a lighter pocket :tongue:

It's the chapstick pocket per King of queens

was my phone pocket until i got this 6+ now its the lighter,keys,bluetooth
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