i swallowed a handful of tylenol.

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

whats your race op?

If I recall correctly, he looks similar to...

I'm not trying to make a joke, OP himself posted this in a PYP thread. 
Damn raw, hope @%%# goes smooth. Idk the repercussions of taken a hand full of tylenol but hopefully you are good.
Fam, You aint ready to leave this earth....If you were, you would've have taken the "sure" route and put a Gun to your head.

Problems come and go. Not to sound Cliche, but God wont put you in any situation that he knows you can't handle and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, wiser and a better person in the long-run...

Roll with the punches... Its what lifes about, Making it to that next round unscathed and prepared for what ever comes your way.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Monday account got hacked?

That's what I'm hoping. I have NEVER seen dude complain about his personal life as long as he's been on nt.

Either way, if true, hope you're okay dude. Your an asset to this community.

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

"swallowed" is not the best choice of words when coming out of a man's mouth (no ayo no pun)

choose "popped" next time

anyways smoke a blunt instead of popping them pills, besides what's wrong with you? what's so bad? And what mad you feel like popping a handful of Tylenol was the right thing to do?

Are you really that insecure?

That's pretty pathetic.
I didn't know that females were the only ones to attempt/commit suicide or have acts of desperation?

Hope all is well...I would avoid any/all alcohol until that Tyenol runs it course out of your system. You will probably have a crucial stomach ache and headache to match. 
Females cry for attention... Swallowing tylenol? If you was really bout that swallow a gallon a bleach & go lie in the street...

Dude chewed a bunch of childrens advil & posted on NT... This dude needs to man up plain & simple
Keep your head up homie. I know people frown upon counseling, but it works very well. It'll help you sort out any problem you may have.
This is very serious.. and please call 911 for your sake and family.. I lost my cousin to 13 tylenol capsules... he was 18 190 pounds... call for help.. seriously.
Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

whats your race op?

What difference does it make? Dude is obviously depressed and just popped a handful of tylenol and all you can think of is "what's your race" ??

Now let me retract before the NT sheep start piling on OP... Suicide & depression is no joke... But being an attention horse is

My grandfather shot himself in the head in front of my uncles & aunt so i feel kinda strongly about this !+%... You may be goin through a rough patch but you by no means are about that... Tylenol & NT as your last thoughts?? Yea right you just wanted a pity party fam
monday, bro call someone and make sure they're with you right now.. no need to be alone at this time.

if you need someone to talk to mann, hit me up on the pm nd we can exchange contacts...

im always down to help an nt brotha out... i still remember how you went out of your way to educate me on the car audio, least i can do is try and help.
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