If God doesn't Exist Explain To Me How This Happened By Chance

Thread was doomed from the start.

I'm a Christian but OP was wrong for making this thread.

Meek Meals ^^^^

Honestly it doesn't matter how it was introduced to slaves. Most Christians in Rome were slaves or were persecuted.
When Constantine became a "Christian" and turned the Roman Empire into the Christian Religion all the former Roman priests were afraid and against Christianity cuz it had One God and they would be out of a job basically (each Roman God had a priest and alter). As a result the "Christian Religion of Rome" incorporated many of the Roman and pagan practices of the old roman religion. Instead of Mars, Venus, and Jupiter the romans made Jesus' Desciples saints and DemiGods. So nothing changed in Rome just the names of their Gods. Before and after Christianity, Rome was still imperialistic and blood thristy. Same goes for all the countries, empires, and leaders that have been so-called "Christians". Religion, money, and politics corrupts the real message.

My point is don't let religion or the bad deeds of others keep you from discovering God.
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OP is so uneducated and unreasonable :smh:

Son wants an explanation of how something evolved and came to be how it is today, doesn't agree with answers given or is unable to accept that there aren't any answers at the moment so instead he is willing to hand wave all of his questions (which probably weren't genuine to begin with and was all apart of an agenda to prop up his make believe deity for this thread and to feel a bit more secure or inflate it) for a GOD that doesn't have any explanation for how it came to be.
A lot of people will watch Bill Maher bash Christianity or see the resemblance between us and a monkey and thus assume there is no God. 
Our relationship with apes has nothing to do with whether a god exists or not. 

The Trilobite which apperantly lived "Billions" of years ago had a better Eye than Humans and most mammals. 

This doesn't really mean anything.

So the world isn't necessarily evolving. Change does not equal evolution.

The world is evolving. Evolution is occurring all the time. Evolution is the change of genetics over time. 

 In fact most mutations impair and even kill an organism despite what Stan Lee and the XMen have taught us. 

What is your source on this? Any biology class I've taken or book I've read states that most mutations are neither harmful nor helpful.
You're suggesting that people feel and smell god but are in denial that he exists?
Basically. If you don't believe in God just go into a quiet place and sit there. You don't have to pray or anything. Just sit there and think of nothing. For 5 minutes. Tell me if you feel something. I not go on with your life and ignore me.
Imagine if someone told you that you're just delusional if you think that you feel and smell god. How would that make you feel? 

You're insisting that you know how other people feel here. I'm sure you'd be offended if they told you how they think you feel. 
Meek Meals ^^^^

Honestly it doesn't matter how it was introduced to slaves. Most Christians in Rome were slaves or were persecuted.
When Constantine became a "Christian" and turned the Roman Empire into the Christian Religion all the former Roman priests were afraid and against Christianity cuz it had One God and they would be out of a job basically (each Roman God had a priest and alter). As a result the "Christian Religion of Rome" incorporated many of the Roman and pagan practices of the old roman religion. Instead of Mars, Venus, and Jupiter the romans made Jesus' Desciples saints and DemiGods. So nothing changed in Rome just the names of their Gods. Before and after Christianity, Rome was still imperialistic and blood thristy. Same goes for all the countries, empires, and leaders that have been so-called "Christians". Religion, money, and politics corrupts the real message.

My point is don't let religion or the bad deeds of others keep you from discovering God.
great post. Religions are not free from regulation and deregulation cycles much like industries deal with. Christianity was used as a job killing bill and consolidation of wealth front.

people not dealing with the church becasuse of corrupt men and their practices is like not dating a woman because she's had an ex and had sex
Our relationship with apes has nothing to do with whether a god exists or not. 

This doesn't really mean anything.

The world is evolving. Evolution is occurring all the time. Evolution is the change of genetics over time. 

What is your source on this? Any biology class I've taken or book I've read states that most mutations are neither harmful nor helpful.
evolution doesn't only go in one direction.
Believing in god is such a old tradition some people just believe to fit in or not get looked down upon because being an athiest make people look at you funny. Like when people say " i believe in god but im just not religious", they clearly dont know the definition of religion and are scared of being judged based off of their beliefs. Or when people accept awards and thank god first just to sound pc when they cant even remember the last time they picked up a bible. Im not saying all people do this but alot do
Our relationship with apes has nothing to do with whether a god exists or not. 

This doesn't really mean anything.

The world is evolving. Evolution is occurring all the time. Evolution is the change of genetics over time. 

What is your source on this? Any biology class I've taken or book I've read states that most mutations are neither harmful nor helpful.

Incorrect. The law of entropy actual states the Earth and organization is headed for disarray. So basically everything is deteriorating over time because energy is becoming more chaotic.

Second, you are incorrect about mutations. Most mutation in our genes affect the creation of proteins and thus can render the "factory" useless or cause an infirmity. Downs syndrome, klinefelters, cystic fibrosis, alzheimers and Turners are just a few common examples of mutations that have effected proteins and their duties in the body.. None of these mutations have made people "more evolved humans".
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Wasn't trying to do so, I've heard the theory before and wondered if anyone had anymore information or insight on it​

It's just another sad excuse that blacks have to justify our ignorance as a people. White people are Christian to my knowledge as well.

Unless they just act like it so we don't know the deeper truth!?!

At the end of the day...

I can't prove the existence and you can't prove the non-existence of King Kai waiting for me to die and travel the Snake Road so I can learn the Kaio-Ken & Spirit Bomb.

Let's just drop it and learn karate & friendship.
Incorrect. The law of entropy actual states the Earth and organization is headed for disarray. So basically everything is deteriorating over time because energy is becoming more chaotic.

Second, you are incorrect about mutations. Most mutation in our genes affect the creation of proteins and thus can render the "factory" useless or cause an infirmity. Downs syndrome, klinefelters, cystic fibrosis, alzheimers and Turners are just a few common examples of mutations that have effected proteins and their duties in the body.. None of these mutations have made people "more evolved humans".
That's not what the second law of thermodynamics says.

Again I'll ask you, what is your source? Please show me a source that demonstrates that most mutations are harmful to organisms. 

I mean, you do realize that genetic variation in humans is the result of evolution, right? 
Is it really that hard for folks to let dudes believe what they want? I'm talking about both the extreme preachers and overzealous atheists. Everybody always has to put there unwanted two cents in.

OP is a fool for that post, but I get the point. Atheists do the same exact inflammatory trolling when trying to prove religion wrong
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Here's a bit if history, when Christianity was breaking into sects around the time of Constentine and the 'bible' was being decided upon, a group of Christians broke off as the Gnostics, as the years went on they completely disregarded church doctrine and began being called 'agnostic' because they did not know if there was an actual God or if he was just and idea, I've settled on idea, not answering anther here is an actual God, but rather settling in they way in which we as humanity relate to 'God' , as far as him existing idk.

thats nice.... there also exist a faction of Christianity who refer to themselves as Christian Scientists....

According to your logic, they are justified in omitting the "christian" and just calling themselves "scientists", regardless of the true definition of the word.
Definition of AGNOSTIC
: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something

Gnostic = knowing
A-gnostic = without knowing

If you believe there is a god but the properties of that god are unknowable that would make you an "Agnostic Theist".... not Agnostic
christian agnostic = oxymoron

Religions tend to bastardize terms as they propagate.... your assertion is one of those.

Lol dude thought he was kicking knowledge. The word agnostic literally means to NOT KNOW.
You just posted a whole series of graphs full of detailed information we know about the inner workings of our body and DNA, and this leads you to the conclusion that God must have made us? Talk about missing the point.
When are people going to realize that gnosticsm/agnosticsm aren't mutually exclusive with theism/atheism?

If you are not a true Agnostic, then you should specify which subset you subscribe to.

Agnostic Theist

Agnostic Atheist
How would you define a "true agnostic"?

One who doesn't know/believe there is or isn't a God..... a person waiting for more information/discoveries/knowledge to make a decision
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