If you were a crack dealer, would you sell to an already addicted relative?

Oct 8, 2002
I was listening to Future the other day and he mentioned selling crack to an Aunt. Could you do that?

The easy answer is no, but, If they didn't get it from you, they're going to get it anyway and do who knows what for it. Some of the stuff dealers get addicts to do when they come up short is straight up crazy and/or dangerous. If they got it from you, at the least, it would be for someone that somewhat could care for them versus someone who gives no dambs about them.
50 use to do the same thing lol, they use to give him money to buy from a dealer and he use to pocket it and give them out of his stash. They didn't know he was selling.
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I have...to cousins

I was young and ignorant.

I feel bad about it now. :smh:
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In that chosen profession you can't really have the same morals and values one would have if they lived a legitimate life. It's a conflict of interest.
they will get it from someone else regardless, it will be safe for them to get it from you, but that will also put you in a bad spot..they will ask for fronts and who knows maybe even try to rob u..

one is too many and a thousand never enough...a drug addict is still an addict family or not..an addict would sell his momma to get his fix..

its a vicious cycle and noone truly comes out a winner.. 
In that chosen profession you can't really have the same morals and values one would have if they lived a legitimate life. It's a conflict of interest.
i often use to think about this and try to see the moral implecations in it. I say all that to say why dont ppl look at it as they would legal drugs (alcohol). Like do budweiser feel bad that possibly/likely they have a family member close friend that buys their product... Do you (generally speaking) feel some kinda way/bad having a family memeber you may suspect/or is infact an alcoholic.

I know ppl will say its different... and now ppl try to tell me it is was different. Call it what you want but outside the political/legal hypocracies,,, i never saw the difference in selling dope, and serving alcohol... I mean they are both drugs, both can be fatal... matter fact more ppl die from alcohol related symtoms then any other drug... probably all illegal drugs combine.

Like i said maybe it was i means of me justifying what i had done, but i honestly didnt see again outside of hypocritical legal standpoint, the difference in someone buying weed/coke/pills... and serving them shots drinks etc...
If I was a crack dealer, I probably would think very little of human life, so YES I probably would sell to an already addicted relative.

My justification: "at least I can ensure that they're getting the purest, 'healthiest', crack; none of that watered down stuff."


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If I was a crack dealer, I probably would think very little of human life, so YES I probably would sell to an already addicted relative.
My justification: "at least I can ensure that they're getting the purest, 'healthiest', crack; none of that watered down stuff."

damn those words resonate lol...
Probably not. Not coming from a moral standpoint but coming from a a point of view where you shouldn't mix family up like that. Think about it, if you deny this relative for any reason they know where you live, and can come and threaten your mom or something along the lines of that. The reward of getting a little money is just not worth it if you put other family members in danger.
In that chosen profession you can't really have the same morals and values one would have if they lived a legitimate life. It's a conflict of interest.
i often use to think about this and try to see the moral implecations in it. I say all that to say why dont ppl look at it as they would legal drugs (alcohol). Like do budweiser feel bad that possibly/likely they have a family member close friend that buys their product... Do you (generally speaking) feel some kinda way/bad having a family memeber you may suspect/or is infact an alcoholic.

I know ppl will say its different... and now ppl try to tell me it is was different. Call it what you want but outside the political/legal hypocracies,,, i never saw the difference in selling dope, and serving alcohol... I mean they are both drugs, both can be fatal... matter fact more ppl die from alcohol related symtoms then any other drug... probably all illegal drugs combine.

Like i said maybe it was i means of me justifying what i had done, but i honestly didnt see again outside of hypocritical legal standpoint, the difference in someone buying weed/coke/pills... and serving them shots drinks etc...

If you give someone one shot of alcohol, its not going to turn them into an alcoholic, but if you give a person a hit of rock, they're now a crack head, ain't no way around it. You could let a person get totally **** faced, but if you tell them thats enough, unless they're total alcoholic, they'll more than likely listen. You can't tell a crack they've had enough.
In that chosen profession you can't really have the same morals and values one would have if they lived a legitimate life. It's a conflict of interest.
i often use to think about this and try to see the moral implecations in it. I say all that to say why dont ppl look at it as they would legal drugs (alcohol). Like do budweiser feel bad that possibly/likely they have a family member close friend that buys their product... Do you (generally speaking) feel some kinda way/bad having a family memeber you may suspect/or is infact an alcoholic.

I know ppl will say its different... and now ppl try to tell me it is was different. Call it what you want but outside the political/legal hypocracies,,, i never saw the difference in selling dope, and serving alcohol... I mean they are both drugs, both can be fatal... matter fact more ppl die from alcohol related symtoms then any other drug... probably all illegal drugs combine.

Like i said maybe it was i means of me justifying what i had done, but i honestly didnt see again outside of hypocritical legal standpoint, the difference in someone buying weed/coke/pills... and serving them shots drinks etc...
If I work for Budweiser, I'm not out directly putting alcohol in their hands like a drug dealer with his client. Even say you're a bartender, you're serving people without knowing their background or caring, true. You also are selling to people who can drink responsiby. There aren't resposible crack users out here. If I serve liquor and see someone I know personally who is an alcoholic, I wouldnt serve them becuase I know their background, and I have a legal right to. Not to knock anything you said but I feel there's a grey area when comparing the two.

I agree that I wouldnt sell to a family member simply from a business standpoint
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one is too many and a thousand never enough
dat program

But I mean, I probably would if I was still about that life. I've sold dope to my best friend, so I don't think a relative would be any different. When you're caught up in the lifestyle, you start making excuses.

"Well they were gonna get it anyways, might as well get it from me,"

"At least I know they're getting good stuff if they get it from me,"

"It's better getting it from me than getting robbed on the street"

There is no conscience in the drug game so why would I stop at family, only family you got is washington, jefferson, lincoln, hamilton, jackson, grant and franklin (not srs)
7: this rule is so underrated,
Keep your family and business completely separated.

there are enough crackheads in the world that I could make my money without selling to my family.

seeing an older cousin serve his mom when I was younger ingrained it in my head forever. **** that.
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