I'm a New Comedian- Help Me Out-Update-New Vid Page 1-Time Square Comedy

I think you're well on your way

just think most comedians work towards more concise, simpler anecdotes.
you had a bit extra that could have been shaved off, made it a bit tougher to follow.

props bro..

i just woke up too .. its 4 oclock lol
Originally Posted by cbrooks3

i thought the funniest part was when you would tell a story and people would laugh and you get mad at 'em because "that %#** is serious, it is a part of my life. this isn't funny."

Yeah - I think you should say that with a little more "umph" like " 
 #+#$ y'all laughin' at?!" - kinda like Bernie Mac at the Apollo when he was cussin' at the audience ("I ain't scared of you mutha #+#$!!") or Chris Tucker in "Friday" ("Don't laugh - it ain't funny")...
...it's a cheap way to get laughs while you get the crowd into you and set the next joke up.

Your stage presence will get better over time, but you're off to a good start...
Originally Posted by cbrooks3

i thought the funniest part was when you would tell a story and people would laugh and you get mad at 'em because "that %#** is serious, it is a part of my life. this isn't funny."

Yeah - I think you should say that with a little more "umph" like " 
 #+#$ y'all laughin' at?!" - kinda like Bernie Mac at the Apollo when he was cussin' at the audience ("I ain't scared of you mutha #+#$!!") or Chris Tucker in "Friday" ("Don't laugh - it ain't funny")...
...it's a cheap way to get laughs while you get the crowd into you and set the next joke up.

Your stage presence will get better over time, but you're off to a good start...
It was good. Like everyone said, it just needs to look and feel a little more natural, but
good job bro
It was good. Like everyone said, it just needs to look and feel a little more natural, but
good job bro
good job brotha. I thought it was funny. and yea as it was said, the more experience you get, the more comfortable up there you'll get. in the beginning you had that ricky bobby what do i do with my hands face loll but it was all good. your material was solid. keep up the good work
good job brotha. I thought it was funny. and yea as it was said, the more experience you get, the more comfortable up there you'll get. in the beginning you had that ricky bobby what do i do with my hands face loll but it was all good. your material was solid. keep up the good work
I liked the 2nd bit the best.
The first part was decent. I don't know, I just felt like you took the sheepish/playing dumb role too far, and it wasn't funny.

Telling everyone not too laugh kind of got tired, for the audience, I feel like. 

The 2nd one was funny, though. You found a rhythm, and just started flowing man. That seemed to be you in your natural state, at ease n all. 

And you had quotables! That's what makes comedy, for me. When you hear something, love it, laugh, and reference it later. Bc that means it struct a chord w you; you related

Your last bit seemed very rushed, and I think that was the nervousness the people in this thread observed. 

Hope that helped. Just wanted to give you some honest feedback from somebody who attempts to study comedy

Keep on workin man, you can make it happen if you want

Oh! And respect for even getting up there. Most people wouldn't even consider that. 
I liked the 2nd bit the best.
The first part was decent. I don't know, I just felt like you took the sheepish/playing dumb role too far, and it wasn't funny.

Telling everyone not too laugh kind of got tired, for the audience, I feel like. 

The 2nd one was funny, though. You found a rhythm, and just started flowing man. That seemed to be you in your natural state, at ease n all. 

And you had quotables! That's what makes comedy, for me. When you hear something, love it, laugh, and reference it later. Bc that means it struct a chord w you; you related

Your last bit seemed very rushed, and I think that was the nervousness the people in this thread observed. 

Hope that helped. Just wanted to give you some honest feedback from somebody who attempts to study comedy

Keep on workin man, you can make it happen if you want

Oh! And respect for even getting up there. Most people wouldn't even consider that. 
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