Information Technology (IT)

Just passed the ISACA CGEIT exam. They’re changing the exam in July. Bought the review manual and practice questions awhile back. Went through the practice questions and hit the I believe button.

Fortinet offered free cyber security training a lil while back. Going to review the NSE 4 curriculum and see if it’s viable to take that exam. Also attending an Azure 104 class next week. Pretty geeked out.

Datznasty, where you located?

I just got back my TS. And when it comes to government organizations. It’s all about the culture.

Best place I ever worked was SOCOM. IT is there to enable the SOF operator. They used a semi mature ITIL process and Remedy. They also had a lot of money. So they played around with a lot of projects, etc. But turnover was an issue there as well.
Passed the VCP exam last month.

And just passed Microsoft AZ900 (Azure fundamentals). Trying to glow up after a break up by getting my cents up and mind right.
my company just partnered with linuxacademy, so i guess im gonna work toward the azure stuff. starting with AZ900 then probably 103 and 301. been a while since i was on the cert hustle....last ones were win10 and sccm 2012 lol

AZ900 was pretty easy? think i read somewhere its only 50 questions
It was the last version. I just took courses through Stanly CC. Cheapest way to qualify for the VCP unless you work for somewhere with credits.

Thanks for the info. About to start on the new ccna, just got the books for it today.
Going to use pluralsight and packet tracer as well for the lab portion.
AZ104 is the 103 replacement.

And I hear Linux Academy’s AWS material is legit too. If you get access, pursue it. Cloud is the future.

I think Stanly CC has the CCNA class too. PacketTracer trash lol. Okay it’s not. For basic CCNA it’s good. I wish you luck.
spiderjericho spiderjericho DISA West. They set me up to fail today, I don't even know what's going to happen tomorrow, if I'm in trouble and if so are they in trouble because they'll get findings and if there's a chain reaction or when I can shut this thing down and say F it, with the accesses I have and the person who passed this task off onto me ghosting me, this is the best I can do. Or do I just keep milking the clock until they call it, I'm at 14 hours today. Long story short, I dont have access to what I need to fix the problem since the one method we relied on failed and our backup and workaround both are as well .

is SOCOM in Miami? My last PM went TDY there and would not stop talking aabout it. Every time you looked at his computer thereafter he was on looking at houses and jobs trying to get down there
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spiderjericho spiderjericho DISA West. They set me up to fail today, I don't even know what's going to happen tomorrow, if I'm in trouble and if so are they in trouble because they'll get findings and if there's a chain reaction or when I can shut this thing down and say F it, with the accesses I have and the person who passed this task off onto me ghosting me, this is the best I can do. Or do I just keep milking the clock until they call it, I'm at 14 hours today. Long story short, I dont have access to what I need to fix the problem since the one method we relied on failed and our backup and workaround both are as well .

is SOCOM in Miami? My last PM went TDY there and would not stop talking aabout it. Every time you looked at his computer thereafter he was on looking at houses and jobs trying to get down there
SOCOM is here in Tampa (MacDill AFB)
SOUTHCOM is in Miami/Dural.

Not a bad spot lol. Drive to there sucks.

MacDill has SOCOM, CENTCOM. Love the base gym lol.

datznasty, what you doing there? I don’t even know where DISA West is. Surprised to hear it’s a ishshow.
I currently have my Secret Clearance and a Security+. Would it be worth getting the CCNA? I want to get into the overseas contracting game so any advice would be good.
I currently have my Secret Clearance and a Security+. Would it be worth getting the CCNA? I want to get into the overseas contracting game so any advice would be good.
If you’re interested in the networking side of infrastructure, then yeah it’s worth it.

the more familiar you are with all aspects of infrastructure the better your worth (end point management, security, networking, cloud/serves)
I’m currently on day 3 of this CCNA course. The instructor is all over the place man. I know I’m gonna have to probably use some YT videos to help before I take the test. Luckily, we get 2 vouchers for the test.
Is it a boot camp or an actual course?

And sadly I failed the AZ4 exam by 44 points. Disappointed but I didn’t really review too much. Have another voucher so I’ll probably retake in a few weeks.
Is it a boot camp or an actual course?

And sadly I failed the AZ4 exam by 44 points. Disappointed but I didn’t really review too much. Have another voucher so I’ll probably retake in a few weeks.
What would be the difference? The length? In the military I feel like we call any type of training a course :lol:

It’s a 2 week course. It’s normally 1 week but our unit worked out some kinda deal to get an additional week plus a “guarantee” pass voucher which just means if you fail the first exam, you have to pass their practice exams with 90% 3 consecutive times and then you’ll be given a second voucher.
Well...for instance...

As a fellow military servicemember, I used to teach a CCNA course (9 years ago). It was two months. I’d teach them everything. Two months was still a short time for them to grasp.

But those boot camps are usually a week long. You learn nothing. Your only saving grace might be the test dumps they might offer. Or the actual books that you can self study if you’re inclined. Wish you well.
Oh yeah, definitely not getting a 2 month long course. I have experience dealing with routers and switches, it’s part of my job. I can get in there and load configs, input several different commands and understand what they do. The issue now is learning IPv6, the differences between OSPF, EIGRP, and RIP etc. and understanding all that stuff. I thought we’d get more hands on and less classroom PowerPoint stuff. The instructor says that the experience will come in handy as the class continues so we’ll see.
I finished a 2 week CCNA course that includes two test vouchers. I was so lost. The instructor had everyone confused with his teaching style. I’m just holding onto my vouchers and going to continue self studying until I feel more comfortable.
Passed my CCNA. Now I have knock down sec+ and CCNA in a span of like 3 months. What’s a good place to start looking for new positions?
professor messer for da security + papi

i got his paid study guide and maybe some other security stuff, if you interested hit my DM
Passed the VCP exam last month.

And just passed Microsoft AZ900 (Azure fundamentals). Trying to glow up after a break up by getting my cents up and mind right.
How long did you study before taking the exam? I don't have extensive exp. with Azure but occasionally work in it when needing to toggle MFA or check devices, users, and etc. for intune. I have a free voucher to take it within 3 months and planned on it during my week long bday vacay, but I made excuses for myself and really wanted to rest during the time lol.

I started studying but fell out of the routine so now I think I need to go back to studying consistently to be prepared.
^^^AZ900, maybe a few days. It’s very surface level. There’s a 9-11 hour course on Microsoft Learning. You can probably pass with just that.

I failed the 104 and have to retake it. That one is a bit more difficult and more deep.
Probably gonna quit my job here in the next say or 2, I don't even think I can stomach through a 2 week notice. I've never been so stressed and unhappy, had massive migrains last night like I never had before and it all imo boils back down to stress and of course blood pressure. I'll just give up 20k or more to have a job where I am (hopefully, most likely) happier and can work 8 hours a day, 5 days in a week and go home. I worked a 16, then a 13, then a regular day on Friday but I left 2 hours early ( and they tried to have a heart attack) then work on both what should be weekend days. Nah b, I need to see my family, your servers can go to **** for all I care.

There's a 9 man team, top secret requires, of **** 5 sysadmins and 4 network, that has a contract 100% travel to military bases conuswide to update the Dept of Health's infrastructure, soumds like migration which is easy and its base pay plus food plus they put you up in each coty 4 to 6 weeks. They keep calling me, but seems like something someone single could clean up from
How much they paying lol?

And honestly if you’re having that level of anxiety AND unhappiness, it’s probably better to make a move.
How much time did y’all dedicate to studying for the sec+? I need to get it for my job and have been procrastinating for far too long now plus I want to explore other jobs opportunities once I do have it.
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