Instagram rated worst social network for Mental Health.

Instagram is destroying what little moral fibers we have left in modern society. I've been saying this for years!


Everyone feels the need to prove something and seek approval of others.

The amount of followers has become todays status symbol.

Was talking to my homie and he asked if knew so and so. Told him I didn't and he replied, "what? She has like x amounts of followers"

people flex on the gram all the time. no need to take that stuff serious

edit: unless you a instathot making $$$$ of tea
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No one wears their kicks on NT anymore it seems. So I'll skip over to IG every now and then to check out some on foot pics of a sneaker I may potentially grab.
Mine just got hacked and they changed the username, email, and password. Any way to get it back? NT detectives [emoji]128064[/emoji]
What was the username? Did the account have anything special (high follower count, a unique username, ...)

Also, is the account currently being used or did the hacker simply swap off the username to a different account?

If you have access to the OG email, the email address you registered your instagram account with, you should be able to get it back.

I only have a link to IG's contact form for false trademarking/deactivation, ... instead of the hacked account form but you should be able to find it on the app on your phone. You have to find the link on your app because it's not listed on their website on a pc or laptop. Once you find it, I would recommend opening the link on your pc/laptop and fill it out there.

Here's an example of what it should look like, but this is the form for deactivated accounts so don't fill out this one.

Note that you must have access to the original signup email of the instagram or they will either ignore you or tell you they can't help you. 

List that email as your contact email in the form. They will also ask you for your name, again the name you listed when the account was registered.

If you didn't use your real name that's not an issue as long as you remember whatever name you used when you signed up. I recently got an IG back from Belgian customer support with "John Smith" as my name 
 So it doesn't really matter if you signed up with a fake name.

Provide as many details as possible about your use of the account, when you last used it, when it was taken from you, the steps you took to try to get it back, ...

Hence why I recommend copying the help form link to your laptop and filling it out there instead of on your phone.

Shortly after sending the form you'll get an email with further instructions before they will actually look at your case.

They will ask you to send them a picture in .JPEG format with your face in full view, good lighting, and holding up a piece of paper with your signup name (example. Jordan NT) and a verification code on it. The code will be in the email with the instructions.

Depending on what you have posted on your IG this doesn't necessarily have to be your  face. If you have posted pictures of yourself on the account, your face must match the pictures you have posted. If you have never posted pictures of yourself, then you can have someone else stand in for you and take the picture. In my line of work it's better that my real name or face isn't attached to any specific account as I own many and that could complicate things with support if I need to contact them. But I assume that wouldn't be of any importance to you so just follow their instructions.

Once you've done that, they will look at your case and hopefully give you your account back.

Also, they won't tell you how you got hacked even if you ask. There's numerous ways someone could have accessed your IG. Some are obvious and others are private methods that I do not have access to. I do know several people that can access any active instagram account but it's a service people pay upwards of $1000 for so unless your account would fetch such a price you can scratch that off the list.

The most obvious explanation would be that your password was not complex enough and your account was bruteforced.

Another likely possibility is that your security information on other websites has been compromised and is in a semi-public database. That information could then be used to breach your instagram.

Just to be sure, change your passwords for your email address, most important applications, ... I'd recommend changing them twice in a row. Through social engineering (think of it as manipulating customer support) someone can revert your password back to the previous one by pretending to customer support that you have been hacked. Hypothetically, if someone already knew your old password and you only changed it once, it would then be reverted to the old password, which gives the hacker access again. By changing the passwords twice, this makes sure it doesn't revert to an old password that could be compromised.
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The people in the survey were aged 14-24.

You don't need social media to be a mess at this age. It can definitely amplify any issues you might have though.

All social media is whatever you want it to be. You choose to use the apps. You choose who you follow/interact with.

And you can choose to be inspired or feel that you are lacking in some way.
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The people in the survey were aged 14-24.

You don't need social media to be a mess at this age. It can definitely amplify any issues you might have though.

All social media is whatever you want it to be. You choose to use the apps. You choose who you follow/interact with.

And you can choose to be inspired or feel that you are lacking in some way.

There is nothing wrong with social media...its just some people are too insecure,mentally/emotionally unstable, immature and
have thier priorities wrong.
If you are a low self esteem insecure lost person when it comes to people being more attractive and successful than you.
You should confront those issues before hopping on social media.
Instead these people choose a path of hate, shaming and trolling others out of envy.
Look at how many of these people follow celebrities and just be outright hating and trolling thier picture comments.
Most of the time the female narcissism is false...they can get as much validation and male thirst as they want
At the end off the day they still hate what they see in the mirror offline.

Social media can be so toxic for younger developing minds still trying to find thier identities in life.
The adolescent high school social hierarchy environment is already harsh enough on a young developing mind.
Thats why its important younger folks learn to develop into something real and not a facade to feed and inflate an online ego. Either way you are gonna have to face real life and the real personal interactions with real people.
So many new age young adults out here with little to no real social skills they lack charismatic character and rather run
and tuck thier head into the comfort of a smartphone mindlessly thumbing away in a social media app the minute the real world feels too tough or cold to them
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One thing I don't understand about a lot of the guys on here when it comes to social media is that with complete control of what and who you can follow and the many examples of people who make bank from or connections from their social media accounts, how can you not cultivate and prune those you follow into an enjoyable experience?

Most people only follow people who are like minded, have similar interests, are entertaining etc why after finding out a person you follow posts things you don't enjoy why bother follow them still and complain when that unfollow button is right there?
I have 15k followers and get about 800-1000 likes average with some of my pics reaching almost 2k. Its fashion based and its cool and enjoyable. Free stuff is always nice too and I have gotten paid on a few things.

Social media is def a nice hobby thats fun if what you are doing is enjoyable to you.

How do people get hacked though? Sheesh.
One thing I don't understand about a lot of the guys on here when it comes to social media is that with complete control of what and who you can follow and the many examples of people who make bank from or connections from their social media accounts, how can you not cultivate and prune those you follow into an enjoyable experience?

Most people only follow people who are like minded, have similar interests, are entertaining etc why after finding out a person you follow posts things you don't enjoy why bother follow them still and complain when that unfollow button is right there?

A lot of people out there become attached to their suffering.

For some it's a lot easier to remain a victim than make positive change in their lives.

They want society to cater to them rather than changing themselves.
I have 15k followers and get about 800-1000 likes average with some of my pics reaching almost 2k. Its fashion based and its cool and enjoyable. Free stuff is always nice too and I have gotten paid on a few things.

Social media is def a nice hobby thats fun if what you are doing is enjoyable to you.

How do people get hacked though? Sheesh.
There's lots of ways people get hacked. I know a few people who can take almost any active instagram account as long as it's active.
They charge upwards of $1000 just for the service though, not including the value of the username. And people don't pay that for a crappy username of course so that can easily add a few thousand dollars on top of that.

I also know another guy who can take almost any username that is inactive or deleted, but again that'll cost upwards of $1000.

Those kinds of requests are also very limited to not expose their method too much. Plus it takes some time to obtain the account; at least a week.

There's also social engineering customer support to gain access to an account or deciphering accounts' email addresses and breaching the email address to gain access to the account. Every AOL email address can easily be jacked for example, and another guy I know can break into any email address. Even Gmails can be jacked if they don't have 2 factor auth. enabled.

Then there is the old fashioned way of bruteforcing, which is a program/script that rapidly forces login attempts with a username and password list.

Another way is filing false trademark claims or false obituaries. The false trademark is self-explanatory. The false obituary method is forging an obituary for the owner of an inactive account. You then contact IG support with the obituary and pretend to be a relative and ask them to take the page down for emotional reasons etc. With a bit of luck, they delete the account and release the username , which allows it to be registered again. The impersonator will have a program running to automatically register that username as soon as it is available so nobody else gets it.

That's some methods off the top of my head, there's a few more.
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There is nothing wrong with social media...its just some people are too insecure,mentally/emotionally unstable, immature and
have thier priorities wrong.
If you are a low self esteem insecure lost person when it comes to people being more attractive and successful than you.
You should confront those issues before hopping on social media.
Instead these people choose a path of hate, shaming and trolling others out of envy.
Look at how many of these people follow celebrities and just be outright hating and trolling thier picture comments.
Most of the time the female narcissism is false...they can get as much validation and male thirst as they want
At the end off the day they still hate what they see in the mirror offline.

Social media can be so toxic for younger developing minds still trying to find thier identities in life.
The adolescent high school social hierarchy environment is already harsh enough on a young developing mind.
Thats why its important younger folks learn to develop into something real and not a facade to feed and inflate an online ego. Either way you are gonna have to face real life and the real personal interactions with real people.
So many new age young adults out here with little to no real social skills they lack charismatic character and rather run
and tuck thier head into the comfort of a smartphone mindlessly thumbing away in a social media app the minute the real world feels too tough or cold to them
okay, so not that I don't agree with what you're saying...but if the traits you describe cover a significant percentage of human beings--which I think they do--doesn't that make it something with known and dangerous "side effects?"

if the number of people experiencing negative effects is higher than those who benefit, it's worth talking about the realities of the situation from an honest standpoint.

think of a prescription drug...sure it only causes death, heart palpitations and oily anal discharge in like 15 percent of people...but that reality makes the risks worth knowing off the bat and discussing at length with everyone it may affect.
So the two factor thing IG introduced does nothing?
It's the best protection IG itself can offer but technically there are ways you can get around it yes. But it would require a high skillset.

I don't have intimate knowledge of those 2 methods that allow them to take almost any active or inactive/deleted account so I'm not sure if 2 factor auth would have any effect on those methods. But unless your account is worth $1000+ you don't need to worry about those.
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i have an ig i barely use i post like 6 or less a year :lol:

too much of any social media is bad for you.
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it can be bad for you but you can cultivate your social media to be entirely positive and uplifting. I'd say social media can actually heal a lot of the wounds it can also create which is why it's important to take full control of what you choose to follow
I have 15k followers and get about 800-1000 likes average with some of my pics reaching almost 2k. Its fashion based and its cool and enjoyable. Free stuff is always nice too and I have gotten paid on a few things.

Social media is def a nice hobby thats fun if what you are doing is enjoyable to you.

How do people get hacked though? Sheesh.
i bought those camo pants from zara cause of you :lol:
Ahhh shiddddd I would say that these thick chocolate/red bone sistahs that hop on IG Live late at night help me with mental health. 
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