iPhone: Post everything here

Yup thats the same thing that I did when I got mines. I was still under contract to AT&T with a family plan but called them up and they tol me to just payfor the data plan ONCE and then your regular bill will be the same afterwards
just add the $20/month
Originally Posted by vincec15

Who cares i have the iphone and i hate that piece of crap
did you just look for a thread about the iphone to type this in because what you said had nothing to do with the topic
This is a thread about the iphone and i was giving my opinion about it. and IMO it sucks
Originally Posted by vincec15

This is a thread about the iphone and i was giving my opinion about it. and IMO it sucks

The iPhone is a good phone. I love mine. I bet you're just salty 'cause you got caught up in the hype and bought it without knowing anythingabout what it can and can't do.
my sister got her iphone stolen on new years and i was wondering if there was any way that they would be able to track it.
her phone is dead and they only took the phone, nothing else.
nope. got my iphone stolen about 2months ago too. apple nor att cant do anything about it.
I think At&t can do something bout it if someone tries to activate it. But to be realistic,I doubt she will get her phone back. Good luck though.
Have you tried TrackMyStoleniPhone.com?

I feel stupid for actually seeing if that was real.

I would imagine when you try to register it on iTunes and it's stolen that some sort of flag would be raised, but maybe not.

na i highly doubt they would catch anyone like that-- maybe if the "thief" ninja takes it back to apple for some type of issue - maybe then they cansee who the real owner is through the serial number.
I put mine on my phone yesterday. Its ok the locater has yet to work on the map fuction it just says your location cannot be located. The only cool part is nowyou can manually manage your music. The moving things around on the screen isn't really that cool. And saving a website to your home page is just the sameas using a bookmark in safari itself. So all in all its ok i guess. I just want ichat on my phone already. I can't wait for third party apps but theybetter give us ichat for free. We get ichat and navigation via google maps and i will be happy. Ps the voyager is a childs toy compared to the iphone. Iphoneis manly phone voyager is 13 year old girls texting each other "idk my bff jill" phone. suck it voyager you lose
I heard with the new update that texting conversations are out of order....

like instead of....
other person
(how it should be)

its often showing up as....
other person

can anyone confirm??
while yall are arguing, can anyone answer my question?

If you use another carrier w/ iphone what happens to your current plan?

Laced Up Jordans- It costs $399 so whatever your state tax is you should add on to that.

1.1.2 is unlocked i think,
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