Is it just me or does Kobe seem hella corny??

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

you sir ARE


Just cause son aint thugged out with tats all over (ie, melo, ai, or jr smith) and isn't deep in the 'streets' doesn't mean he's corny. he just seems like a chill dude to me.
ok judging from the post the guy doesnt seem mad about kobe torching his penver thuggets...hes just pointingout a fact

smh at you kobe stans...will do yhting to defend your guy

Originally Posted by cheezybaby

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

you sir ARE


Just cause son aint thugged out with tats all over (ie, melo, ai, or jr smith) and isn't deep in the 'streets' doesn't mean he's corny. he just seems like a chill dude to me.
ok judging from the post the guy doesnt seem mad about kobe torching his penver thuggets...hes just pointingout a fact

smh at you kobe stans...will do yhting to defend your guy


@ you of all people callinganyone a "stan"

Originally Posted by cheezybaby

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

you sir ARE


Just cause son aint thugged out with tats all over (ie, melo, ai, or jr smith) and isn't deep in the 'streets' doesn't mean he's corny. he just seems like a chill dude to me.
ok judging from the post the guy doesnt seem mad about kobe torching his penver thuggets...hes just pointingout a fact

smh at you kobe stans...will do yhting to defend your guy


at you talking about "defending your guy"
4real wat sense would it make to get salty over Kobe giving the nuggets work....plenty of teams/players have given the nuggets work all year.....kobe is thebest player in the league and gives everyone work so he'd be the last player id get mad about
--I didn't find that Kobe gun thing holster whatever action corny. I thought it was cool.

--They were comparing it to MJ shrugging his shoulders against the Blazers which was kinda corny IMO.
Originally Posted by D723

It's just that after the rape incident Kobe is very conscious of what he says in the press and interviews.

Nailed it.

But if you have never met kobe before you might not really know. I met him a couple of times and he actually remembered me the 3rd time I met him. I actuallygot to sit down and talk to him for 10-15 mintues. Real cool cat. Made jokes hell we even took some jabs at shaq. He is a good dude. If you find him corny, itscool. I don't know...I guess I just don't understand how people judge people they never met.
Corny is using the phrase "hella" as an adjective. Probably the worst saying in the history of the English language.
Originally Posted by cheezybaby

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

you sir ARE


Just cause son aint thugged out with tats all over (ie, melo, ai, or jr smith) and isn't deep in the 'streets' doesn't mean he's corny. he just seems like a chill dude to me.
ok judging from the post the guy doesnt seem mad about kobe torching his penver thuggets...hes just pointingout a fact

smh at you kobe stans...will do yhting to defend your guy


Of all people you're the one to call anybody a stan?


Yo, I just read the original post in this thread, and that's it....haven't read none of the replies. With that said, THAT'S WHAT I BEEN SAYING. Iremember a thread a while back about players with swag, and a lot of ppl were listing Kobe and I said Kobe Bryant has no swag whatsoever. Reason being,he's a straight cornball. He's like the kid at school who tries to be cool, but isn't. I'd respect him more if he just stayed in his lane, butthe +$+%% gotta think he got swag and %@!%. I put him in the same category as the Nick Cannons and Omarions of the world.
Yeah, at least Kobe has the game to back up being corny.

He's like one of those kid's that tries too hard to be cool, but he'll school you and make you look stupid when it comes to playing ball.
I am sure Kobe cares just as much as the Don does when people make fun of his hair. They probably sit back laugh thinking you wish you were me. Kobe has thegame to back up any stupid thing he does on the court, so I think he could care less what people think.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by D723

It's just that after the rape incident Kobe is very conscious of what he says in the press and interviews.

Nailed it.

But if you have never met kobe before you might not really know. I met him a couple of times and he actually remembered me the 3rd time I met him. I actually got to sit down and talk to him for 10-15 mintues. Real cool cat. Made jokes hell we even took some jabs at shaq. He is a good dude. If you find him corny, its cool. I don't know...I guess I just don't understand how people judge people they never met.
Damn for real?
That's tight.
How'd you meet him all those times?

& I knew Kobe was chill.... it's just the whole TV thing, he seems like he'd be cracking jokes & chill in person.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by D723

It's just that after the rape incident Kobe is very conscious of what he says in the press and interviews.

Nailed it.

But if you have never met kobe before you might not really know. I met him a couple of times and he actually remembered me the 3rd time I met him. I actually got to sit down and talk to him for 10-15 mintues. Real cool cat. Made jokes hell we even took some jabs at shaq. He is a good dude. If you find him corny, its cool. I don't know...I guess I just don't understand how people judge people they never met.
Damn for real?
That's tight.
How'd you meet him all those times?

& I knew Kobe was chill.... it's just the whole TV thing, he seems like he'd be cracking jokes & chill in person.

Kobe walks the streets man.

But the long talk was during a nike event.
That's how I got my 81point zk1's auto'ed.
dude is MAD CORNY. He has the personality of Christian Laettner trynna act gangsta. He has no sense of what is cool, what is funny,what is the right thing to say. His fake blaccent is pure comedy, during interviews he's trying to sound like a black guy doing his best to sound white,when in fact the whole thing is an act. He trynna sound like MJ.

Originally Posted by brunotattaglia

dude is MAD CORNY. He has the personality of Christian Laettner trynna act gangsta. He has no sense of what is cool, what is funny, what is the right thing to say. His fake blaccent is pure comedy, during interviews he's trying to sound like a black guy doing his best to sound white, when in fact the whole thing is an act. He trynna sound like MJ.


His game > his personality.

And you need to let the whole MJ thing go. Sad.
kb just aint that social or whatever. he seems like a socially akward guy like someone said

I mean kb been rich his whole life, grew up in italy, didnt really fit in when he was in the states

dude has no one to relate too. no wonder he was chilling with vujacic all last season
There's definitely something a lil awkward about Kobe, he just seems like he tries too hard sometimes for the cameras and the media - too much toeing the line for me, trying to be the guy everyone wants him to be and never really showing his own personality (assuming he has one).
Kobe ain't corny... he just acts a little too hard to please people sometimes.

Recent example is the Kenny Smith / Aston Martin vid on TNT. You can see the awkwardness showing...
Originally Posted by brunotattaglia

dude is MAD CORNY. He has the personality of Christian Laettner trynna act gangsta. He has no sense of what is cool, what is funny, what is the right thing to say. His fake blaccent is pure comedy, during interviews he's trying to sound like a black guy doing his best to sound white, when in fact the whole thing is an act. He trynna sound like MJ.


yeah kobe is a bit different than most other superstars but i don't see how he acts 'gangsta'. i think early in his career he tried to be thatkid from philly but now i think he's matured a lot so the way he talks and acts is different. but on a personal level, i've only heard good thingsabout him. he works out at my gym (UCI ARC) often and my friend has met him a couple of times, says he's real down to earth and chill.
Originally Posted by brunotattaglia

dude is MAD CORNY. He has the personality of Christian Laettner trynna act gangsta. He has no sense of what is cool, what is funny, what is the right thing to say. His fake blaccent is pure comedy, during interviews he's trying to sound like a black guy doing his best to sound white, when in fact the whole thing is an act. He trynna sound like MJ.



Your laughing way to hard at your own attempt at humor.
23ska909red02 wrote:
Wait a sec, CP... the other day, my man Winter made a thread about Kobe a vs. Kobe A' vs. Kobe A, and you mentioned that it was just another useless Kobe thread.

But this one you answer with no qualms?


That other one was comparing Kobe to......Kobe. Just no point and seemed very much like "let's make a we all love Kobe thread". Not a goodlook. Were you in the right mood, you might have locked that up before the first post hit the board.

This one, a guy made an observation and asked what people thought, and in a way I saw where he was coming from. Kobe is a bit odd to me. Not a bad thing,just seems either rehearsed or forced to me. So I tried to convey that and then left the thread until I got home. I never thought this thread would reach 4damn pages, but never underestimate Kobe and the love affair that is NT.

I wasn't trying to say one thread was more ok then the other, I just didn't see a point in comparing a person to himself.

One other factor? This one was started by a Nugget fan, so there was potential for less Laker hate then a fellow Laker starting the obligatory/mandatory dailyKobe thread.

I didn't mean to get on Winter for no reason. If he thought that, I am sorry.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

  • I read the title
  • I saw the sig
  • I understood


This sounds like an anti-Kobe campaign. Ironic that this thread came out after Kobe dropped 49 on your team.
I'd rather have a guy who is corny but can ball rather than a funny guy who can't play on my team.
Originally Posted by Cyprus Sinner II

Good God some of you Kobe fans on here ride his jock WAY too hard.

If you're defending his game that's one thing.

But when you start throwing out "U MAD" and "U SALTY" pics when someone just questions his personality it is lame as hell.

Kobe is not a member of your family; shut the hell up already.

[Insert 90 U mads, Salty pics, and Phil Jackson gifs below]

I'm not "riding" Kobe, I just think some people have way too much time on their hands if they have time to think of threads like these andpost them. I mean, this is a sports forum and there's a thread GOSSIPING about a man's personality? Someone they've never met before? Someone theyonly know from watching on television? Thats what your basing your opinion of someone on?
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