Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

The thing Biden had going for him was being seen as a nice old man. That’s all out the window.
Very well said.

Mask off is the right pHrase

“Ohhhh women’s rights!! Oh those poor muuuuuuzzzzzlems in Iran whose leaders are oppresors!!!” Man shut up you white Karen looking liberal *****

I fell for it too!

This snapped me into how they just used identity politics to score points against their arch nemesis political rivals.

It really kicked me back into gear to deconstruct how neoliberal politics, capitalism and systems, just rebranded itself to get us back into check. Meanwhile, they're the undercover psychopaths setting the world on fire, and are just like the overt bloodthirsty politician sociopaths/psychopaths. They're just better at trying to hide it.

MORE of us just won't go back to sleep.
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The thing Biden had going for him was being seen as a nice old man. That’s all out the window.

Biden is incapacitated and my armchair diagnosis gets the feeling he has onset dementia, why in the hell should he run a country?

Trump is a psychopath goon as well.

But for the fact some are affected by Biden's policy on Gaza and are straying from voting for him and his party is no one but Biden's fault. If Trump is re-elected, it's Biden's fault. Why are they going after the voters that don't want to be complicit in this sham of a system ? Let the system crumble because might as well just go with it.
If Biden loses it’s 100% his fault no matter what bitter old Hillary or anyone else says.

There’s no good choice in this election or probably any to come in the future. It’s all going to be negative partisanship.
But, here is the difference though...

What's different this time is some of us have been seeing a 24/7 live streamed genocide funded and aided by the U.S. leader in charge.

I am talking about the most inhumane and unimaginable horrors with killings of human beings where we are seeing intestines out of babies bodies and headless and eviscerated people.

We are talking about a party whose leaders and political party are propping, funding and aiding these abominable horrors we are seeing live and with our own eyes 24/7 for 7 months straight.

The Palestinians are then showing us, hey look, right here, U.S.made bomb, look at the ID and manufacturers, this is what's killing us with your tax money.

We didn't see or even get this under Trump.

So if in their values that doesn't fly with them, anymore, why should be forced to vote for the genocidal warmonger candidate ?
There is no difference. Nothing you said changes the equation. Research, analyze, compare, conclude.
Let's also not act like gruesome civilian deaths are something new to the US/West. Perhaps you just haven't paid attention. Iraq/Afghanistan war, drone strikes, Libya, supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia to basically wipe Yemen off the map as well. Strange how Yemen is never brought up here. Overwhelmingly more deaths than Palestine since the war started in around 2015. Would you like to guess which president provided the most military aid to Saudi Arabia's bombing and mass starvation campaign in Yemen? And which president subsequently ended that president's policy of aiding the war in Yemen?

If you were to actually research, you would know that Trump is even more pro-Israel and he surrounds himself with the absolute worst neocon warmongers and zionists on top of that.
Strictly on the Palestine issue, the logical conclusion is that in the unlikely best case scenario, Trump will continue as Biden is currently doing. Based on his track record, statements and the advisers he surrounds himself with, Trump will provide significantly more support for Israel.
Then there’s obviously all the other issues that come with Trump. He proudly states he will pardon the Jan 6th criminals who tried to stage a violent coup d’état, etc etc but let's not open that can of worms.

The reality is that neither president is going to be pro-Palestine. This isn't a fairytale.

Again, it doesn't take much research or analysis. Especially if you've been conscious the last 8 years.
All this below is just a tip of the iceberg but doing proper research is not all that time-consuming.





Right from the UN. And those are outdated numbers from 2020. Upon first glance I didn't see a more recent casualty update.
The war started in around 2015.So well over 100k deaths supported by the US and primarily by Trump. Biden ended US support for the Yemen war in 2021.

UN humanitarian office puts Yemen war dead at 233,000, mostly from ‘indirect causes’​


Trump Vetoes Measure to Force End to U.S. Involvement in Yemen War​


Now let's see what Biden did. Oh. Ended Trump's policy of unconditional support for Saudi Arabia's bombing and mass starvation.“And to underscore our commitment,attacks from Iranian-backed forces.

Biden announces end to US support for Saudi-led offensive in Yemen​

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nger incumbents.

There is no difference. Nothing you said changes the equation. Research, analyze, compare, conclude.
Let's also not act like gruesome civilian deaths are something new to the US/West. Perhaps you just haven't paid attention. Iraq/Afghanistan war, drone strikes, Libya, supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia to basically wipe Yemen off the map as well. Strange how Yemen is never brought up here. Overwhelmingly more deaths than Palestine since the war started in around 2015. Would you like to guess which president provided the most military aid to Saudi Arabia's bombing and mass starvation campaign in Yemen? And which president subsequently ended that president's policy of aiding the war in Yemen?

If you were to actually research, you would know that Trump is even more pro-Israel and he surrounds himself with the absolute worst neocon warmongers and zionists on top of that.
Strictly on the Palestine issue, the logical conclusion is that in the unlikely best case scenario, Trump will continue as Biden is currently doing. Based on his track record, statements and the advisers he surrounds himself with, Trump will provide significantly more support for Israel.
Then there’s obviously all the other issues that come with Trump. He proudly states he will pardon the Jan 6th criminals who tried to stage a violent coup d’état, etc etc but let's not open that can of worms.

The reality is that neither president is going to be pro-Palestine. This isn't a fairytale.

Again, it doesn't take much research or analysis. Especially if you've been conscious the last 8 years.
All this below is just a tip of the iceberg but doing proper research is not all that time-consuming.

Again, the wars you mentioned weren't on our live feeds 24/7. The wars you mentioned were still very much filtered through the mainstream news. This time, the propaganda from the neocons and warmongers hasn't stuck. Because then if that was the case, it would been different. I remember how large and massive were the anti-war protests against invasion of Iraq, but that died QUICK.

We have been watching children with empty skulls and brains blown off, and fetuses/newborns amputated and limbs blown off fresh from their wombs over and over, for 7 straight months. This was also due to the Palestinians on the ground showing this to the world. We have marched to the streets, protested, only to be silenced and ignored, and then these goons and Biden sending more BILLIONS in aid, coming from our tax money.

Nothing can make us look away. We are seeing live in real time and mechanism how the establishment works in overtime to profit off wars and kill with impunity, which has a different impact and effect on the public consciousness.

And it's damn scary because it's hard to believe how blackmail/threats aren't driving US/Western business & policy, business, political and media behaviour around BOTH the genocide/destruction in Gaza and the campus protest movement. It is mind boggling the entire US establishment is willing to go so much farther suppressing dissent about Israel policy than ANY other type of dissent other than racial justice protest. At least for BLM, it wasn't the entire establishment, but yet this is tied to the whole establishment, left to right.

We're just DONE and don't care to vote either because we have a clearer picture that it is all interlinked and connected to bring forth destruction of humanity and our livelihoods whether domestically or abroad.
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I don't see anyone calling for Bibi's resignation.
You're not looking then.

Members of his war cabinet are starting to publicly distance themselves from him over the lack of direction of the Israeli response.

The US also suggested that Israel should change leadership a few months ago. The thing is, you won't find any of this in this thread though, because they have bought into the white/black rhetoric of this conflict.
We're just DONE and don't care to vote either because we have a clearer picture that it is all interlinked and connected to bring forth destruction of humanity and our livelihoods whether domestically or abroad.
I find that an extremely privileged position to take from a golden throne, relatively speaking.
Just to be clear, we're not disagreeing on the importance of the Palestine issue here, nor am I questioning your care for the cause.
It is perfectly understandable and normal to experience voter fatigue in general, especially in this situation. I'm well aware the "lesser of 2 evils" method is about as unmotivating as it gets, especially given the options.

In order to help the Palestinians, is it really that much effort to do a bit of research, analysis and conclude which option will most likely be worse?
There is always some nuance. Palestinians are being exterminated but privileged voters act like researching who to vote for is just too hard.
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I find that an extremely privileged position to take from a golden throne, relatively speaking.
Just to be clear, we're not disagreeing on the importance of the Palestine issue here, nor am I questioning your care for the cause.
It is perfectly understandable and normal to experience voter fatigue in general, especially in this situation. I'm well aware the "lesser of 2 evils" method is about as unmotivating as it gets, especially given the options.

In order to help the Palestinians, is it really that much effort to do a bit of research, analysis and conclude which option will most likely be worse?
There is always some nuance. Palestinians are being exterminated but privileged voters act like researching who to vote for is just too hard.

The system, and those who run it, have clearly abandoned any sense of popular wellbeing or even basic accommodations for a vast segment of the population, and they are still wretching the world on fire and killing with impunity for war profiteering and imperialist conquests.

Also, it doesn't mean that some of us won't vote for anyone, just not those political parties anymore who have only robbed us of our basic needs and are complicit in genocides and war crimes.
The system, and those who run it, have clearly abandoned any sense of popular wellbeing or even basic accommodations for a vast segment of the population, and they are still wretching the world on fire and killing with impunity for war profiteering and imperialist conquests.
That's hardly new if you've been paying attention and/or read up on modern US foreign policy history going back to at least Reagan.

Also, it doesn't mean that some of us won't vote for anyone, just not those political parties anymore who have only robbed us of our basic needs and are complicit in genocides and war crimes.
Third party candidates are grifters with an absolute zero chance of winning in the US two party system. Those running as third party candidates are of course well aware of this fact, yet still they raise and raise money, unfortunately conning many average citizens into donating to a non-existent cause.


Here you see a sharp divide in the left and centre-left's view on how Biden is handling the Israeli genocide. You might see that those identifying as conservative are far more disapproving of Biden's handling on this than any other group. The next poll will answer where that 84% disapproval comes from.

Now you see where that 84% comes from. They want someone like Trump, who has a track record and statements supporting a stronger pro-Israel foreign policy. 40% of Trump's base wants to continue aiding the genocide, 21% want to increase said aid.
The left and moderates however are far more opposed to supporting Israel. Given the divide between GOP views on this, it's no surprise that you won't find many Republicans at pro-Palestine protests.


While conservatives/Republicans are obviously far more pro-Israel, let's not let the Democrats and independents off the hook either.
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