Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

I feel for the FM that died. He was very well regarded globally and had 2 young children. Will be interesting to see the forensics that comes out of it bc the helicopter was shattered to tiny pieces except the tail. Likely bad weather and absolutely foolish decision to fly Raisi and FM together on same plane AND in that weather

Hilarious seeing BBC trot out the west supporting minority (usually US citizens who fled with gold and money in the 70s to Beverly Hills) of Iran and claim “millions are
happy now in Iran” yet today and likely during funeral this week, there will be LITERAL millions there mourning. Ironically, those happy about his death are Israelis, weird aipac funded republicans that can’t find Iran on a map, al qaeda and Isis - so yea not sure you want that company

Have and Iranian friend that goes back from time and time. October 7 news coverage has allowed me to see through media really well. I’m so proud of it.
I feel for the FM that died. He was very well regarded globally and had 2 young children. Will be interesting to see the forensics that comes out of it bc the helicopter was shattered to tiny pieces except the tail. Likely bad weather and absolutely foolish decision to fly Raisi and FM together on same plane AND in that weather

Hilarious seeing BBC trot out the west supporting minority (usually US citizens who fled with gold and money in the 70s to Beverly Hills) of Iran and claim “millions are
happy now in Iran” yet today and likely during funeral this week, there will be LITERAL millions there mourning. Ironically, those happy about his death are Israelis, weird aipac funded republicans that can’t find Iran on a map, al qaeda and Isis - so yea not sure you want that company

Have and Iranian friend that goes back from time and time. October 7 news coverage has allowed me to see through media really well. I’m so proud of it.
Interesting comment. Almost like Iranians themselves didn't protest against the morality police a few years ago.
Why are they so bad at this stuff

My guess is it’s a combination of factors:

1.) free/stolen land makes for very boring and uncreative groups. In the US context, culture is mostly produced by Black people, Jews, Catholics, and poor and landless Appalachian and Southern whites. Meanwhile, Anglos and Germans, contribute almost nothing to American culture and they got most of the stolen land in this country.

2.) Israel has no need to achieve cultural victories or do serious public diplomacy, it already has the US’ ruling class on its side. Unlike Thailand, South Korea, Japan, they have no need to create a positive image for Israel in the minds of the average person across the world, in general, and the OECD in particular.

3.) Conservative comedy ipso facto sucks. It’s mostly an exercise in reaffirming prejudices and hierarchies. Israeli comedy is basically just the Babylon Bee but some how worse.
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This leaked audio here is nothing new.

Zionists and the Western imperial powers never ever wanted to give Palestinians any land or self determination. The two state solution was always a sham. LISTEN TO US.


"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to The Associated Press in southern Israel on Tuesday, accusing the news organization of violating the country’s new ban on Al Jazeera.

The Qatari satellite channel is among thousands of clients that receive live video feeds from the AP and other news organizations. The AP denounced the move.

“The Associated Press decries in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government to shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into Gaza and seize AP equipment,” said Lauren Easton, vice president of corporate communications at the news organization. “The shutdown was not based on the content of the feed but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country’s new foreign broadcaster law. We urge the Israeli authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world.”"


"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to The Associated Press in southern Israel on Tuesday, accusing the news organization of violating the country’s new ban on Al Jazeera.

The Qatari satellite channel is among thousands of clients that receive live video feeds from the AP and other news organizations. The AP denounced the move.

“The Associated Press decries in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government to shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into Gaza and seize AP equipment,” said Lauren Easton, vice president of corporate communications at the news organization. “The shutdown was not based on the content of the feed but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country’s new foreign broadcaster law. We urge the Israeli authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world.”"


"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli officials seized a camera and broadcasting equipment belonging to The Associated Press in southern Israel on Tuesday, accusing the news organization of violating the country’s new ban on Al Jazeera.

The Qatari satellite channel is among thousands of clients that receive live video feeds from the AP and other news organizations. The AP denounced the move.

“The Associated Press decries in the strongest terms the actions of the Israeli government to shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into Gaza and seize AP equipment,” said Lauren Easton, vice president of corporate communications at the news organization. “The shutdown was not based on the content of the feed but rather an abusive use by the Israeli government of the country’s new foreign broadcaster law. We urge the Israeli authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world.”"

DLF DLF Isn't this great? They seized equipment from a western mainstream press outlet
Remember to vote for democrats bc they are moral compared to the lying republicans

As ingenuous as they're indigenous

The craziest thing for me is this:

The whole “war on terror” and anti-islam movement in the west was clearly a written by Israeli and its lobby.

The terminologies that were used by Bush and all news agency are the same terms Israelis have been using for a long time. The same hasbara that was used in early 2000s is the same that’s been and currently used by Israel.

The phrase, “every accusation is a confession” really is the truth here.

It’s kind of blowing my mind connecting all the dots.
The craziest thing for me is this:

The whole “war on terror” and anti-islam movement in the west was now clearly a written by Israel.

The terminologies that were used by Bush and all news agency are the same terms Israeli have been using for a long time.

The phrase, “every accusation is a confession” really is the truth here.
You see it.

Y'all peeped how netanyaho said the ICC warrants were antisemitic? Smh

The craziest thing for me is this:

The whole “war on terror” and anti-islam movement in the west was clearly a written by Israeli and its lobby.

The terminologies that were used by Bush and all news agency are the same terms Israelis have been using for a long time. The same hasbara that was used in early 2000s is the same that’s been and currently used by Israel.

The phrase, “every accusation is a confession” really is the truth here.

It’s kind of blowing my mind connecting all the dots.

Netanyahu was all over it from the 70s and 80s, even before Islamic militancy or terrorism was an ideology in modern day politics. He wrote this book:

I read somewhere that Jewish terrorism and Zionist terrorism were used as terms to describe the attacks by the Zionist militant terrorist militias/ groups in the 1930s and 1940s before Israel's creation in 1948. So, just to give you insight on how the ideologies start coming up. He also made some eerie remarks after the 1993 World Trade Centre Attacks.

Also, Netanyahu and the 'Clash of Civilizations' pundits, Bush et al, serve to fit their agendas more from Islamic terrorism rather than secular type political anti-imperial movements. This is especially after the fall of the USSR.

Then again, Mossad and other powerful Western intelligence agencies have funded and abetted many groups and mercenaries to feed into their political agendas and world order to fit narrative and ideologies they manufacture for the political & international world order.

I was thinking the other day why are these rogue intelligence agencies still allowed to operate like a violent criminal mafia wreaking havoc. It's like they always go unchecked. They're behind a lot of the wars and conflicts.
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