Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

I use to watch Daredevil the series and think: there is no way Wilson Fisk has this much pull

Now I realize he’s based on Bibi

I use to watch Daredevil the series and think: there is no way Wilson Fisk has this much pull

Now I realize he’s based on Bibi

Why is this criminal butcher always walking around fearless and like he's literally part of some untouchable/invincible elite that pulls strings all over the world?

The fact he's committing genocide so openly, and him and his government and goons just go around the threatening anyone in their way. It's like he knows he can't be touched and is very highly protected.
I find it strange how this genocide is like a ‘wakeup’ for a lot of people. If anything that’s a good argument for strengthening education on geopolitics. Either through school or something everyone should

It really doesn’t take much to grasp geopolitics. First of all, dump any thoughts and emotions about ethics and morality.
Then if you really want to simplify geopolitical conflicts to its core:
- Which country has stronger allies
- How valuable is the relationship between these major allies
- Who brings more money/investment/intelligence/commerce etc to the table?

Apply that to Israel’s genocide and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that western allies, specifically the US, are standing with Israel.

What genuine powerful allies do the Palestinians have that are willing to get off their *** and do more than lip service
Next, what do the Palestinians bring to the table? The sad reality is that the answer to that question is: nothing
They’ve been oppressed too long to provide any meaningful services. Their political power structure has been hijacked by terrorists (Hamas) gloating about how much of a recruitment boon they’re getting because of all the Palestinian civilians and children being brutally slaughtered by Israel.

It really shows how many people just live in a deluded fantasy land. What knocked them out of their fantasyland?
It can’t be because of the number of civilian casualties. Saudi Arabia’s longstanding bombing and starvation campaign in Yemen (with US and others providing weapons support) has racked up well past 100k deaths, with many thousands more to follow due to the starvation campaign.

So it’s what, seeing some videos and photos?
It really doesn’t take much to grasp geopolitics. First of all, dump any thoughts and emotions about ethics and morality.
Then if you really want to simplify geopolitical conflicts to its core:
- Which country has stronger allies
- How valuable is the relationship between these major allies
- Who brings more money/investment/intelligence/commerce etc to the table?
This. Or they can always play Stellaris...

We don't have a UN/world police to enforce international law because no country would want it; there isn't a leader out there who wants to curtail their nation's ability to claim resources outside their territory or impede their ability to influence their neighbors. The size/political ideology of the country is irrelevant: Rwanda has been involved in Congo DR for the last 30 years; Egypt and Ethiopia are currently fighting over access to/use of the Nile.

What genuine powerful allies do the Palestinians have that are willing to get off their *** and do more than lip service
Next, what do the Palestinians bring to the table? The sad reality is that the answer to that question is: nothing
I said earlier that "this conflict is a lesson on how not to lose a war" precisely because of this.

North Korea has been isolated since 1958, but they have a powerful ally (China) that has been able to sustain them all this time. Palestinian leaders have repeatedly refused to listen to the very Arab nations that lost (and regained) territories over the issue of the existence of Israel. As a result, they isolated themselves to the point where most of these states don't want to deal with their problems beyond humanitarian assistance.

GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. Let's get back to my interview with Gregg Carlstrom, a Middle East correspondent for The Economist. So I had asked you earlier what you're hearing from people that they're not willing to say in public, what you're hearing about the war. I want to ask you about Arab leaders. What are you hearing from some Arab leaders that they will not say in public about the war?

CARLSTROM: There's a lot that they won't say in public. There's probably more that they won't say in public than they will say in public. Going back to the very beginning, I mean, speaking with a very senior Arab official - I can't say who - but in the early days, a week or two after October 7 - and this person said, I hope Israel finishes the job in Gaza - that bluntly, that he hoped Israel would defeat Hamas and win the war in Gaza. And that's, of course, not what you would expect to hear from most officials in the Middle East, but it actually is a view that I think is held by a number of Arab governments.

In geoplitics, you only have two things: your weapons and your ability to make friends who will come to your rescue. At some point, someone in Palestinian political circles will have to come to the reality that if there is to be a Palestinian state, they won't be able to get it by being belligerent with everyone, including the leaders who defend them.
I watched an interview with some ex politician, forgot his name. But he pretty much summed up geopolitics/international relations in a few words.

On the international stage, nations operate in an anarchy. There is no higher power , no hierarchy of law and order.
I watched an interview with some ex politician, forgot his name. But he pretty much summed up geopolitics/international relations in a few words.

On the international stage, nations operate in an anarchy. There is no higher power , no hierarchy of law and order.
I would only add that there can be some level of law and order as long as interests loosely align (see the various regional/intercontinental blocs such the EU, the Arab league), but no nation is going to sacrifice their ability to participate in an international environment of complete anarchy.

Israel announces 'immediate recall' of its ambassadors to Ireland and Norway​

Israel have “instructed for the immediate recall” of Israel’s ambassadors to Ireland and Norway.

Not Spain?

Israel allows return to three evacuated West Bank settlements The Israeli military has approved permission for Israelis to return to three former West Bank settlements they had been banned from entering since an evacuation ordered in 2005, the defence ministry said on Wednesday. The three settlements, Sa-nur, Ganim and Kadim, are located near the Palestinian cities of Jenin and Nablus, both of which are strongholds of armed militant groups in the northern West Bank, reports Reuters.

With France approving the ICC decision to pursue Bibi and Hamas, it looks like the Israeli government plan is to establish "facts on the ground" before the hammer eventually falls.
I find it strange how this genocide is like a ‘wakeup’ for a lot of people. If anything that’s a good argument for strengthening education on geopolitics. Either through school or something everyone should

It really doesn’t take much to grasp geopolitics. First of all, dump any thoughts and emotions about ethics and morality.
Then if you really want to simplify geopolitical conflicts to its core:
- Which country has stronger allies
- How valuable is the relationship between these major allies
- Who brings more money/investment/intelligence/commerce etc to the table?

Apply that to Israel’s genocide and it shouldn’t surprise anyone that western allies, specifically the US, are standing with Israel.

What genuine powerful allies do the Palestinians have that are willing to get off their *** and do more than lip service
Next, what do the Palestinians bring to the table? The sad reality is that the answer to that question is: nothing
They’ve been oppressed too long to provide any meaningful services. Their political power structure has been hijacked by terrorists (Hamas) gloating about how much of a recruitment boon they’re getting because of all the Palestinian civilians and children being brutally slaughtered by Israel.

It really shows how many people just live in a deluded fantasy land. What knocked them out of their fantasyland?
It can’t be because of the number of civilian casualties. Saudi Arabia’s longstanding bombing and starvation campaign in Yemen (with US and others providing weapons support) has racked up well past 100k deaths, with many thousands more to follow due to the starvation campaign.

So it’s what, seeing some videos and photos?

I think we understand all of this, or most of us that see the world through the prism of fighting for an anti-colonial, anti-imperial order. I mean, that's just the works of the Empire and their power and dominance aligns with the need to expand geopolitical resources/strategic geopolitics.

This has always been the same with any kingdom or empire, but what people I think are waking up to is this notion of the mask pulled off as being the 'good guys' with the West espousing being leaders of progression, modernity, human rights and justice. Actually, they're the bigger and more dominant 'bad guys'. If you are the most powerful and at the top of the food chain operating in an inherently capitalist, imperial, patriarchal international world order, you are the biggest bad guy of them all.

Also, people have made the links that modernity and progress of the West came at the expense of exploitation and plundering in other countries/territories. The reason they are more developed is because of their continued imperial exploitation and domination.
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This. Or they can always play Stellaris...

I know we have been going around in circles on this before and we have very different views.

I think your view comes from the notion that Palestinians were going to get a state, but as a Palestinian and from historical and in depth analysis, they are at the grips of the colonial powers in which they were never going to be given a state. That was the strategy, and even why the Brits actually made sure the Palestinians didn't have a local leader for self-determination but placed monarchies and rulers in their other carved up states.

The Middle East needs to stay destabilized, no pan-Arabism or modern secularism that's effectively and powerfully organized, or there needs to be leaders that are pro-West/Zionist.
With France approving the ICC decision to pursue Bibi and Hamas, it looks like the Israeli government plan is to establish "facts on the ground" before the hammer eventually falls.

My opinion is there's a schism in Western governments of now seeing Bibi and his goons as a liability and needing to rebrand their image, so they are becoming more pro-Benny Gantz to become Israeli leader. Some U.S. officials have been meeting with Gantz in past couple of months, and he recently said if Bibi doesn't abide by his list of demands for the war by June 8, he is breaking the unity government and may call for elections.

So now you have Western politicians and leaders that want to stand with Bibi vs. the Gantz camp.

Meh, all the same to us, whether you're a liberla Zio or centrist or Bibi, we've been killed and neglected, and occupied under ALL spectrums of Israeli leadership.
The original establishment of Israel kinda set things up to fail in perpetuity. Israel should've never been established in the first place but obviously you can't just dissolve Israel after all these years, especially given their power and influence. If anything, allied countries should've set up a special immigration process for the jews after WW2 so they could easily immigrate and get citizenship in allied countries. Instead they were given land that doesn't belong to them, surrounded by countries that don't want want them there. All under the absurd rationale of some nonsense about a religious claim to the land.

I think a one state 'solution' is completely delusional when a substantial portion of both sides have wanted to kill eachother for decades upon decades.
Which leaves the two state solution, but no one wants to give up territory.
The original establishment of Israel kinda set things up to fail in perpetuity. Israel should've never been established in the first place but obviously you can't just dissolve Israel after all these years, especially given their power and influence. If anything, allied countries should've set up a special immigration process for the jews after WW2 so they could easily immigrate and get citizenship in allied countries. Instead they were given land that doesn't belong to them, surrounded by countries that don't want want them there. All under the absurd rationale of some nonsense about a religious claim to the land.

I think a one state 'solution' is completely delusional when a substantial portion of both sides have wanted to kill eachother for decades upon decades.
Which leaves the two state solution, but no one wants to give up territory.

I am for a one-state solution, and it is up to both of them to have to come up eventually with realistic acceptance, reparations and healing.

I do wonder if the Zionists and Western superpowers ever foresaw the issue of establishing Israel, but perpetual destabilization and war serves them though. That's the whole point. That area and land is too damn strategic for any empire to just let go of.

Also, Zionism inherited a lot of the European antisemitism and I find it inherently an antisemitic ideology in of in itself. But, then it served the European/Western imperial powers and it is literally a European Western military outpost project in that area.

The West/U.S. have way too much interests and whatever shape it takes as borders and countries is whatever serves the Western imperial core.

I know how cynically full of crap Zionists are and their deranged propaganda. Why do they always have to lie about stuff and make stuff up? Also with the SA stuff lies? It is really messed up and psychopathic.

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You know they losing the war when the day after 3 countries recognize the state of Palestine they release a Hamas video where they line up female soldiers and then fake the subtitles with “she’s beautiful. She can get pregnant” so that US media can continue to push the fake mass rape story

If that’s what you claim as a victory then god you’re losing so bad
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