It only takes 3 mins to steal a BMW? Wow.

Aug 21, 2005
Not sure if this was posted but wow
BMW need to fix this as soon as possible.
How come they could reprogram a key but can't cover or take out 2 cameras that are clearly within arm's reach?
Originally Posted by georgehimself

How come they could reprogram a key but can't cover or take out 2 cameras that are clearly within arm's reach?

they clearly saw it, and probably didn't care. 
Originally Posted by GreyFoxx

Originally Posted by georgehimself

How come they could reprogram a key but can't cover or take out 2 cameras that are clearly within arm's reach?

they clearly saw it, and probably didn't care. 
Yup, todays thieves don't care about surveillance cameras.
Originally Posted by 1994SS

I mean, if a thief wants your car, they'll get it. The only way to really stop a thief is to make your security system unique. Since BMW probably makes the same system for all their models, once the thief figured out one, he figured out them all. Here's a good read from another forum. It's more for older cars though.

Your car *WILL* get stolen

That's how I matter what you do they will take it...just have good insurance and don't keep anything in your car you can't get back
It's like the end of the article says that its an industry wide thing; BMW's just happen to be in more demand.
1994SS wrote:
I mean, if a thief wants your car, they'll get it. The only way to really stop a thief is to make your security system unique. Since BMW probably makes the same system for all their models, once the thief figured out one, he figured out them all. Here's a good read from another forum. It's more for older cars though. car *WILL* get stolen

Yo! You frequent the GBF?        I haven't been able to connect to their site all day... Is it something on my end ? or are they upgrading servers or something ?   
they'll put your car in a trailer with aluminum foil if they really want it.

they do this around midnight to 3 am.

if they want your car, they're going to get it.
Originally Posted by 1994SS

I mean, if a thief wants your car, they'll get it. The only way to really stop a thief is to make your security system unique. Since BMW probably makes the same system for all their models, once the thief figured out one, he figured out them all. Here's a good read from another forum. It's more for older cars though. car *WILL* get stolen

This is what Im sayin, yall actin like any other car is better. Theyre all the same
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