Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012?

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Prada G

but ninjahood, you are poor...
do you know anything about politics...

me and my family are far from poor....

let's put it like this...da NY times just compared Obama's ideology to that of da recently elected French President and how they were nearly identical...did you hear that guy

wants to up income tax of top earners to 75%

i knew obama was trash once he tried to enact cap and trade...hell his administration is tied in knots because natural gas is so damn cheap that their expensive green agenda is getting cut

at da knees, so of course his minions are trying to find way to re-rail that whole movement....i dont rock with people telling me what kinda car I should drive, what kinda food I should eat.

for the most part i agree with ninja...i used to live in NYC and can tell you that bloomberg has done a hell of a (great) job with that city... plus i really think obama is nothing more than a celebrity using his 'cool' power to enact a bunch of crappy policies.
BUT...that thing about taxing highest earners 75%...there may be a historical basis to that. apparently throughout all of the 'good times' in the country, top wage earners have historically been taxed 90% or above. (one source of many: 
Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

You know how many black people i know voted for Obama only cuz he's half black SMH

Blacks vote Democrat for presidential elections regardless of who the nominee is.  The only "blacks" that tend to vote Republican are house @*#+%$, which is why and by whom this thread was created in the first place.  They are in the minority anyway.    

Obama beating Mcain was a no brainer but also at the same time now Dont you think its just going to turn into a race war now?

What exactly do you mean by "turn into a race war now??"  Give me something specific. 
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I will NEVER understand how anyone who's not a millionaire would vote Republican nowadays. They're not working for your best interest, they couldn't give 2 $%*@+ about you unless you're making well over 100k a year 

In all honesty neither party has our best interest at heart and partisan politics is the devil. But I do agree if you're not making upwards of 250k a year how in the hell are you voting republican? Ninja in here talking about Obama taxing top earners and he lives in a damn hut. Dudes sound like a fox news rerun in here. GTFOHWTBS
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I will NEVER understand how anyone who's not a millionaire would vote Republican nowadays. They're not working for your best interest, they couldn't give 2 $%*@+ about you unless you're making well over 100k a year 

In all honesty neither party has our best interest at heart and partisan politics is the devil. But I do agree if you're not making upwards of 250k a year how in the hell are you voting republican? Ninja in here talking about Obama taxing top earners and he lives in a damn hut. Dudes sound like a fox news rerun in here. GTFOHWTBS
I'm a Liberal but the Dems aren't much better either. But yea,what does taxing top earners have anything to do with regular people? Why complain about that when it doesn't even affect you Ninja? Cmon now,let the 1% care about that. It's become a vote for the lesser of 2 evils the past couple of years with Obama being the lesser.
It blows my mind when you see some of these poor conservatives from the South being the biggest supporters of Republicans. They're probably laughing their @+$@+ off at the fact that the people they could care less about are their biggest supporters 
Ninja in here talking about Obama taxing top earners and he lives in a damn hut. Dudes sound like a fox news rerun in here. GTFOHWTBS


That's truly the funniest part in all of this.  This dude ninjahood is advocating for people that damn sure don't care about him, but yet he's still trying to stand up for them for some odd reason, as if he's one of them.  It reminds me of the scene in X when Malcolm was explaining the house *$@!#'s love for his master.........."What's wrong boss.....WE sick", "What's wrong boss.....WE top earners getting taxed too much??"
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Blacks vote Democrat for presidential elections regardless of who the nominee is.  The only "blacks" that tend to vote Republican are house @*#+%$, which is why and by whom this thread was created in the first place.  They are in the minority anyway.    

Obama beating Mcain was a no brainer but also at the same time now Dont you think its just going to turn into a race war now?

What exactly do you mean by "turn into a race war now??"  Give me something specific. 

Im not trying to sound racist, What i mean is not just black people but any race, ethnicity, Will start to only vote for what the candidate is, And in America we dont need that. Do you see where im going?
Originally Posted by Dimelo

Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.

Me and you might be the only new Yorkers that like Bloomberg

Everyone on wall street likes bloomberg
Romney's an idiot and Obama takes orders. If Ron Paul does not run as a 3rd party candidate, I'm not even going to vote.
You don't need to be a millionaire to see bad policy for what it is.BTW does Hollywood have your best interests at heart?
Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Obama beating Mcain was a no brainer but also at the same time now Dont you think its just going to turn into a race war now?

What exactly do you mean by "turn into a race war now??"  Give me something specific. 

Im not trying to sound racist, What i mean is not just black people but any race, ethnicity, Will start to only vote for what the candidate is, And in America we dont need that. Do you see where im going?

I hear everything that your saying, truly I do.  However, blacks people tend to vote democrat because of the issues that pertain to the black community, and democrats that are voted into office at least ATTEMPT to address those issues and speak to our community, while the other party doesn't.  The same can be said for other sectors or other targeted groups in America as well. 

Just look at the current Republican Party right now from a broad scope, they are concerned with vaginal probes on women, discrimination laws against immigrants, and an unwillingness to reconsider their stance on gay marriage.  Just with those topics alone, thats women, gays, and latinos.  If we give the Republicans enough time I'm sure they will come up with something that will be against the Asian community if they haven't done so already.  Democrats as of now at least are open to these groups, while Republicans are not.  It's not that people only vote due to what race the candidate is, people are voting for candidates that have their interest in mind.  Well, everyone except ninjahood and people that think like him that have that Joe Oliver mentality. 
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

You don't need to be a millionaire to see bad policy for what it is.BTW does Hollywood have your best interests at heart?

Hollywood isn't in charge of the country and they don't make the decisions that affect peoples everyday lives. In all honesty, I'm probably not going to vote for anyone.
@ the Joe Oliver comparison 
Originally Posted by AceMaster193

Romney's an idiot and Obama takes orders. If Ron Paul does not run as a 3rd party candidate, I'm not even going to vote.

You might as well not vote anyway then.
The more I have seen/heard of romney, he has gone down dramatically in my book.  I had high hopes a few months ago, but they literally went down the drain.
ninjahood wrote:
Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

ninjahood wrote:
bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC


yea tryin to go back to da early 90's-late 80's again?

Ninja, why are putting like Bloomberg is a straight "republican" when he's a independent?

Bloomberg doesn't equal Romney.
All politicians are diabolical liars.

I hate politics and hate voting.

However, will have to choose the lesser of the two evils.
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

I will NEVER understand how anyone who's not a millionaire would vote Republican nowadays. They're not working for your best interest, they couldn't give 2 $%*@+ about you unless you're making well over 100k a year 

In all honesty neither party has our best interest at heart and partisan politics is the devil. But I do agree if you're not making upwards of 250k a year how in the hell are you voting republican? Ninja in here talking about Obama taxing top earners and he lives in a damn hut. Dudes sound like a fox news rerun in here. GTFOHWTBS
what ya dont understand is da MORE you tax people with a million dollars or more da LESS those people would be willing to invest into anything other then protecting their assets.

da biggest tax growth in this country was when taxes were lowered...


Hollywood isn't in charge of the country and they don't make the decisions that affect peoples everyday lives. In all honesty, I'm probably not going to vote for anyone.
da hollywood elite has been a very influential constituent for da obama administration for a good minute now...George Clooney is hosting a 40k per invite dinner with obama at his house.

spike lee had a similar one a few months ago.

da funny thing about ya NTers who think im sort of sell out is da fact that 90% of ya dunno what da hell is going on policy wise with obama. he wants to make fossil fuels more expensive so da

subsidized alternative fuels will be ite price wise in comparison...cap and trade would've made our energy sector so expensive that we would've been screamin for a replacement.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Ninja in here talking about Obama taxing top earners and he lives in a damn hut. Dudes sound like a fox news rerun in here. GTFOHWTBS

That's truly the funniest part in all of this.  This dude ninjahood is advocating for people that damn sure don't care about him, but yet he's still trying to stand up for them for some odd reason, as if he's one of them.  It reminds me of the scene in X when Malcolm was explaining the house *$@!#'s love for his master.........."What's wrong boss.....WE sick", "What's wrong boss.....WE top earners getting taxed too much??"

...Ninjahood? advocating for people that dont care about him? nah. couldnt be.
...not the same Ninjahood that wont accept his........nvm.

Give Obama one more term and a majority House and we'll see what's up.

The president has less power than you nincompoops think. He can't just snap his fingers and fix the problems Dubya Bush and even Daddy Bush started.

Do you not realize that the Republicans block or attempt to block almost EVERYTHING he tries to do?

I'm not huge on Obama, but a Romney-run White House is terrifying.
He can't fix what Bush did. Can he make it exponentially worse? I like how you skipped the problems Clinton visited on this country. Grow up, guy. The republicans blocked errthang when the dems had the presidency, the senate, and the house?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

and yet obama voted to extend those same bush tax cuts last year when he could've let them expire because he admitted

"it would ****** da economic recovery of da united states"

The house republicans attached the tax cut extension to the same bill including the unemployment extension.
So obama had the option of ending the cuts..... and stopping unemployment checks for hundreds of thousands..... or allowing the cuts to stay and keeping unemployed americans with money to live....

You obviously don't follow politics
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

He can't fix what Bush did. Can he make it exponentially worse? I like how you skipped the problems Clinton visited on this country. Grow up, guy. The republicans blocked errthang when the dems had the presidency, the senate, and the house?
So what has he made EXPONENTIALLY worse? Specifically.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Originally Posted by Deuce King

What exactly do you mean by "turn into a race war now??"  Give me something specific. 

Im not trying to sound racist, What i mean is not just black people but any race, ethnicity, Will start to only vote for what the candidate is, And in America we dont need that. Do you see where im going?

I hear everything that your saying, truly I do.  However, blacks people tend to vote democrat because of the issues that pertain to the black community, and democrats that are voted into office at least ATTEMPT to address those issues and speak to our community, while the other party doesn't.  The same can be said for other sectors or other targeted groups in America as well. 

Just look at the current Republican Party right now from a broad scope, they are concerned with vaginal probes on women, discrimination laws against immigrants, and an unwillingness to reconsider their stance on gay marriage.  Just with those topics alone, thats women, gays, and latinos.  If we give the Republicans enough time I'm sure they will come up with something that will be against the Asian community if they haven't done so already.  Democrats as of now at least are open to these groups, while Republicans are not.  It's not that people only vote due to what race the candidate is, people are voting for candidates that have their interest in mind.  Well, everyone except ninjahood and people that think like him that have that Joe Oliver mentality. 

This isn't exactly at how works. While the Democrat party does profit from the majority of the minority vote, African-americans especially, it isn't because they choose policies that benefit the minorities. If the Democrat party were to really advocate for the rights of minorities, it would push much of the white middle-class vote to the right. If that happens, Democrats lose every single election from here on out. It's only when the Republican party advocates for policies that are discriminatory towards minorities that the Democrat party can benefit from pro-minority policies.
Your second paragraph actually hints at what the Democrat party relies on most heavily... the female vote. In presidential elections, the Democratic candidate has been getting 55+% of women for quite some time now. When women don't go out and vote on election day... Republicans win. Look at Reagan.
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