Jordan Brand will be remastering (building better quality shoes) starting in 2015

All remastered means is "we gonna give you all the cws you want and nike air treatment for all you fanboys" :lol:

How many being waiting for columbia 4s and French blue 7s? Oreo 4s? Hares? Proper chi 1 release? [.]

[emoji]9995[/emoji] lol [emoji]128514[/emoji] I'm young though only 22 my first ogs where 12s in 97
All remastered means is "we gonna give you all the cws you want and nike air treatment for all you fanboys" :lol:

How many being waiting for columbia 4s and French blue 7s? Oreo 4s? Hares? Proper chi 1 release? [.]
no Nike Air

Columbias and Oreos never had Nike Air to begin with, and same with all the VII's. Probably part of the reason JB wants to start with those models.

If JB revealed one the Classic OG colorways with NO Nike AIr than they would have blown up their own spot that this was fake remastering
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Columbias and Oreos never had Nike Air to begin with, and same with all the VII's. Probably part of the reason JB wants to start with those models.

If JB revealed one the Classic OG colorways with NO Nike AIr than they would have blown up their own spot that this was fake remastering
With all due respect if you reread my post I say proper chi 1 release. Only nike air branding. I'm not a child talk elsewhere bruh
Columbias and Oreos never had Nike Air to begin with, and same with all the VII's. Probably part of the reason JB wants to start with those models.

If JB revealed one the Classic OG colorways with NO Nike AIr than they would have blown up their own spot that this was fake remastering
With all due respect if you reread my post I say proper chi 1 release. Only nike air branding. I'm not a child talk elsewhere bruh

With no particular respect whatsoever, if you reread MY post I don't mention the Chicago 1 because I don't care about it. I was using your post to riff on an entirely different thought. Thanks for playing though bruh
With no particular respect whatsoever, if you reread MY post I don't mention the Chicago 1 because I don't care about it. I was using your post to riff on an entirely different thought. Thanks for playing though bruh

You point out retro + 4s having no nike branding when I specifically said proper which would mean...? Yeah you playing games. Duly noted :rofl:
All remastered means is "we gonna give you all the cws you want and nike air treatment for all you fanboys" :lol:

How many being waiting for columbia 4s and French blue 7s? Oreo 4s? Hares? Proper chi 1 release? [.]
no Nike Air

Columbias and Oreos never had Nike Air to begin with, and same with all the VII's. Probably part of the reason JB wants to start with those models.

If JB revealed one the Classic OG colorways with NO Nike AIr than they would have blown up their own spot that this was fake remastering

smart guy.

thats exactly why. i think end of the year or 2016 we will get the OG models and Nike Air.
I don't get what og sneaker heads want ppl who don't (have never owned) the og versions to do!? Never cop a retro of an original and NEVER have the shoe to begin with? Y'all already know younger/newer collectors will want the shoes y'all consider staples. And if jb decreases the quality, sure that's something to gripe about, but damn let someone eat! I don't get how ones passion for something leads them to think that culture it entails will somehow stay the same.
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I don't get what og sneaker heads want ppl who don't (have never owned) the og versions to do!? Never cop a retro of an original and NEVER have the shoe to begin with? Y'all already know younger/newer collectors will want the shoes y'all consider staples. And if jb decreases the quality, sure that's something to gripe about, but damn let someone eat! I don't get how ones passion for something leads them to think that culture it entails will somehow stay the same.

Its all about tryin to raise awareness of the situation. Giving the younger generation an insight of a pre-twitter-instagram era where you pretty much got what you paid for. But its obviously kind of pointless when arrogance is king and Knowledge is ignored and laughed at. Ive personally stoped givin a f..k so by all means buy all you like, but dont comwback b.tchin and moanin when they re-release everything again with quality and a lower pricepoint once the hype is over.
Its all about tryin to raise awareness of the situation. Giving the younger generation an insight of a pre-twitter-instagram era where you pretty much got what you paid for. But its obviously kind of pointless when arrogance is king and Knowledge is ignored and laughed at. Ive personally stoped givin a f..k so by all means buy all you like, but dont comwback b.tchin and moanin when they re-release everything again with quality and a lower pricepoint once the hype is over.

Ok Ok I get that. Knowledge and awareness would solve a lot of what's fkd up about the game. It's hard to school youth on something so critical when they don't care themselves. I get that too. And I get how most could just say fk jb, Nike, etc. bc of all that. Honestly asking though, how do you think we could squeeze that old school quality out off these companies? Bc we know a boycott won't work.
The only way things change is if people stop buying the shoes. That's not gonna happen. It just is what it is. The younger guys will be in our position years from now when LeBrons start to retro and what not. The colors will be off, quality won't be as it was, maybe the shape and the cycle continues. I'm shocked retro Js with quality issues sell so well while true OG LeBrons, Kobes and KDs sit a lot. People will look back and kick themselves years from now IMO.
Ok Ok I get that. Knowledge and awareness would solve a lot of what's fkd up about the game. It's hard to school youth on something so critical when they don't care themselves. I get that too. And I get how most could just say fk jb, Nike, etc. bc of all that. Honestly asking though, how do you think we could squeeze that old school quality out off these companies? Bc we know a boycott won't work.
boycotting would defintielty work lol just need enough people. 

But the hype/fad/frenzy is fading some (we've already passed the peak), JB rarely truly sells out first day anymore its mostly smoke and mirrors now to protect the price point and buzz around the shoe. The thing thats gonna push it over the hill is when the youngins realize that the "resell game" is a dummy mission , i think thats when things really cool down
boycotting would defintielty work lol just need enough people. 

But the hype/fad/frenzy is fading some (we've already passed the peak), JB rarely truly sells out first day anymore its mostly smoke and mirrors now to protect the price point and buzz around the shoe. The thing thats gonna push it over the hill is when the youngins realize that the "resell game" is a dummy mission , i think thats when things really cool down
Boycott would be the second step.  First step is to stop going to resellers, they are the ones with the bots and ATC's and all that crap that are selling out the shoe online in seconds.  Dry up the secondary market first then work on JB.

Everyone hating on JB, but if it were my company I wouldn't change a thing either.  Not until my product starts to sit, and the first step like I mentioned above is resellers!  Let them buy up all the product and sit on it and take a loss
boycotting would defintielty work lol just need enough people. 

But the hype/fad/frenzy is fading some (we've already passed the peak), JB rarely truly sells out first day anymore its mostly smoke and mirrors now to protect the price point and buzz around the shoe. The thing thats gonna push it over the hill is when the youngins realize that the "resell game" is a dummy mission , i think thats when things really cool down
Boycott would be the second step.  First step is to stop going to resellers, they are the ones with the bots and ATC's and all that crap that are selling out the shoe online in seconds.  Dry up the secondary market first then work on JB.

Everyone hating on JB, but if it were my company I wouldn't change a thing either.  Not until my product starts to sit, and the first step like I mentioned above is resellers!  Let them buy up all the product and sit on it and take a loss
Re-sellers definitely aren't the only ones with bots.
Yeah no kidding
Because people bring up the whole 'join' date, 'OG head', 'in the game' before you type of talk.  Those people who are insecure feel threatened by new participants.  They can't stand the fact that the hype has changed, much like any thing else in life.

Can't complain too much, and just buy what you like.  If you are down waiting x amount of years for the right retro, then wait.
I don't get what og sneaker heads want ppl who don't (have never owned) the og versions to do!? Never cop a retro of an original and NEVER have the shoe to begin with? Y'all already know younger/newer collectors will want the shoes y'all consider staples. And if jb decreases the quality, sure that's something to gripe about, but damn let someone eat! I don't get how ones passion for something leads them to think that culture it entails will somehow stay the same.
The qualities on other Jordans are way better lol.
Boycott would be the second step.  First step is to stop going to resellers, they are the ones with the bots and ATC's and all that crap that are selling out the shoe online in seconds.  Dry up the secondary market first then work on JB.

Everyone hating on JB, but if it were my company I wouldn't change a thing either.  Not until my product starts to sit, and the first step like I mentioned above is resellers!  Let them buy up all the product and sit on it and take a loss

Resellers wouldn't have any one to sell their product to if people were boycotting....,..

But anyway ..Jb and nike are slowly eating away at resellers for us with the continued price hikes. There is a certain amount people are willing to pay for shoes regardless of availability and JB is gonna find that point and charge it themselves from the jump. When they find that point is when they jump the shark by pricing out the high school kids who were buying their shoes to sell their shoes to buy their shoes
Because people bring up the whole 'join' date, 'OG head', 'in the game' before you type of talk.  Those people who are insecure feel threatened by new participants.  They can't stand the fact that the hype has changed, much like any thing else in life.

Can't complain too much, and just buy what you like.  If you are down waiting x amount of years for the right retro, then wait.

I don't think anyone feels insecure, but when you got someone with a join date from right around the Concord release or later trying to throw shade or question your credibility, you not gonna just sit there and let that rock :lol:
Nike/JB should just do presales online months in advance on certain shoes they know people want. Then have the factories make enough for everyone to have a pair, along with extras to sell in stores. If they want to charge higher prices for made in China shoes, then do not make your customer base have to fight/stress/clamor for shoes every release day and have to succumb to resellers once that fails. If JB really wanted to "give back", then bring it back to the old days when you can easily walk into a store and purchase the shoes. I understand it is a for-profit business, but at a certain point there would presumably be a tipping point when people start purchasing other brands due to the high resale prices, or just get fed up with the new 'shoe game'. Designer shoes hand made in Europe with quality materials are almost (if not less) the same price than some of the resale prices of made in China Nikes/Jordans.... my 2 cents
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