Jordan IV Military Blue - May 4, 2024

Charlie Mack

I wasn’t ready :rofl:
".......The only difference between the recent OG retros, in comparison to the original OG,s that were released for the very first time. Is the quality of materials that were used on the first releases. The OG,s had way more premium materials used on them. The quality was just top notch back then, in comparison to what they're using today on the retros. They're never going to be able to use those same types of materials from the 1980,s because the price would be $250 - $300 for retros."
I'm glad you pointed this out because it seems like an obvious fact 99% of us don't consider. To add to that pleather has come along way and Nike has kinda did us the same way as McDonalds. Started off trying to win the public over with higher quality product and then shifting to much lower quality product once they had the game in a chokehold.
My point is that the quality of certain materials, that are used on tennis shoes right now, aren't anywhere close to the quality of what we were getting in the 80,s. No matter if they could bring back Durabuck in the same quality and form, or the other materials back to their original quality. If those materials were made exactly the same as they were in the 1980,s and early 1990,s. The prices would be at $250 - $300 at minimum.

I remember vividly, how better the quality and thickness, of the materials were on the og,s back then were. My og Metallic 5,s and infrared 6,s both had a unique smell that was pungent and strong from the rubber and materials on them. That smell lasted for atleast 3 to 4 months, as if they were new, even after wearing them every other day.

If you didn't have the og,s back then, then you wouldn't understand what im trying to say. You were actually getting your money's worth back then, because the quality on the og,s were like designer level. Even though they're getting better with the quality and shape right now, it's still nowhere close to the quality of materials that were used on the og,s.

My point is, i think that certain materials have changed drastically throughout the past few decades. That no matter how they improve the shape and look of the shoes, they'll never get it back to what was created at the beginning. They can get mighty close, but the quality, thickness of materials was on a entirely different level back then. So much to the point, that alot of us didn't appreciate it, until we started getting trash quality retros later on down the line.
My point is that the quality of certain materials, that are used on tennis shoes right now, aren't anywhere close to the quality of what we were getting in the 80,s. No matter if they could bring back Durabuck in the same quality and form, or the other materials back to their original quality. If those materials were made exactly the same as they were in the 1980,s and early 1990,s. The prices would be at $250 - $300 at minimum.

I remember vividly, how better the quality and thickness, of the materials were on the og,s back then were. My og Metallic 5,s and infrared 6,s both had a unique smell that was pungent and strong from the rubber and materials on them. That smell lasted for atleast 3 to 4 months, as if they were new, even after wearing them every other day.

If you didn't have the og,s back then, then you wouldn't understand what im trying to say. You were actually getting your money's worth back then, because the quality on the og,s were like designer level. Even though they're getting better with the quality and shape right now, it's still nowhere close to the quality of materials that were used on the og,s.

My point is, i think that certain materials have changed drastically throughout the past few decades. That no matter how they improve the shape and look of the shoes, they'll never get it back to what was created at the beginning. They can get mighty close, but the quality, thickness of materials was on a entirely different level back then. So much to the point, that alot of us didn't appreciate it, until we started getting trash quality retros later on down the line.

I just purchased the military blue IVs I can say the quality on those are still pretty high for $200 I will add that I rather pay higher prices for better quality, I don’t collect Sneakers so I rather them last for the long run
People don't like them but the dunk from above 4s are my favorite leather on a 4. Maybe I was fooled with the edges but looked and felt like a leather jacket from Wilson's 😂


One of my favorites as well. Great leather and that gum outsole! Navy blue on J's is almost always a win as well.
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