Jordan VI Infrared23, Toro?

Motherf... FNL didin't accept my payment through CC or PayPal and then put me back on SPLASH PAGE smh.... I done failed this morning :smh:

eeffffF it let me catch my flight :pimp:
yeah they BETTER be cancelling all EL orders today because its more or less going to be obvious. if they honor those orders thats whack. I think they just f'ed up on the tweet, I don't think they meant to send a bad link out on purpose. It screws over hundreds of thousands of people if they tweet it wrong so I can't see them doing it on purpose.

wont happen

i got the link like 8;05 and got it in cart 8;10

nothing "early" about that lol
Had it in my cart on finishline and almost completed checkout and now i been staring at a countdown clock for 15 mins..........
For anyone that tried to click the NIKE Link.. They copied the link incorrectly into twitter, so I figured out that you needed to add a number to the end and I typed in every number and adding 8 to the end of the link brought me directly to the page.
my *****
Hope I typed all my info correct. Lol really feel scared because I think I messed up something. 
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So I got through on FINISHLINE I used guest check out got a confirmation number but I used the wrong email so hopefully they don't screw me over they already got my 178.95 pending
i just paid like 198 shipped to cali for the cheapest
sold out bros
which one the toros or varsity
Y'all are fools for those who actually checked out with the Infrared 23 on NDC. They never tweeted the correct link so what will your explanation be to Meg for being able to purchase them...:rofl:

Read my last post, they just cut of one letter from the end of the link, so if you add the number 8 to the link they posted at the end it brings you directly to the page..
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Not to worried about this shoe just tried to add to see if I could get it for grins...What mess. Been in line almost 30 minutes now...
For anyone that tried to click the NIKE Link.. They copied the link incorrectly into twitter, so I figured out that you needed to add a number to the end and I typed in every number and adding 8 to the end of the link brought me directly to the page.
thats awkward... it was the number 9 for me lol
First time striking out @ FNL in a while. And the funny thing is that I was on the Confirm payment screen before 8:00 and then got got splashed to death.

O well, no biggie
Motherf... FNL didin't accept my payment through CC or PayPal and then put me back on SPLASH PAGE smh.... I done failed this morning :smh:

eeffffF it let me catch my flight :pimp:
Yeah I had both in cart. but wouldnt accept my card either. smh.
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