Just want to let it all out.

You're catching too many feelings. On some jerry rice steez. Let some of them joints slip through your fingers.

I'll tell you first hand, in a situation like this, she probably just wanted to quick affection. Either she doesn't want a relationship now or she wasn't feeling you as much as you were feeling her.

You've got to look on the bright side op, think of all the money you can save by not taking her out. Also all the time you have to do stuff you want to do. If you settled with her, she'd be your only chick and the rest of the world's females would be off limits and now you're on the market for anything. If she didn't want you, let it ride my dude. Don't even think about her because apparently she erased you.
This sucks but if she's backing out before anything happens between y'all , it's just not worth your time or energy . Plenty of girls out there .
^ Yea don't know whats goin on with me right now. And that's most likely true that she didn't feel me as much (really thought so though). I think it was the fact that she was more mature than the other yambs I've dated.
OP..like a few of these dudes are saying..PLENTY of females out there..PLENTY! Took me 6 years to figure that out... I used to be on that wave of fiending over one chick, no more! Now I got a full roster and I do the ignoring now, I respond to text whenever the hell I feel like it and damn it feels good :lol:.. I know what you're going through so all I can say is, take your time, breathe...and get back in the game..Don't lose sleep over one chick.
Gotta start seeing/treating yourself as the prize, OP. If she (or any other girl for that matter) decide not to get on board, then that's her loss...plenty of chicks who will, as many have already stated.

go listen to drake discography and call it a night
DON'T do that, cuz u will end up at her house

SO true...so true.
How long has it been since you last talked to her? You should probably caller her and tell her you wanna get back together before it's too late.
Part of me thinks you're just infatuated, having never met a woman you've hit it off with so well; which is completely understandable.

I don't think you should give up so easily. It would be better that you tried and it didn't work out, than if you didn't and always wondered "what if".
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I know everyone's gunna clown you, for showing emotion but I'll be damned if I said that my fav memories ever weren't from the infatuation phase
It/s literally perfect. And both parties involved are just making such an effort
And eevrything's new so everything's fun and you get to explore each other and play the question game
at that point everything that comes out that girls mouth is beautiful and hilarious and so different!
"Richard: When you develop an infatuation for someone you always find a reason to believe that this is exactly the person for you. It doesn't need to be a good reason. Taking photographs of the night sky, for example. Now, in the long run, that's just the kind of dumb, irritating habit that would cause you to split up. But in the haze of infatuation, it's just what you've been searching for all these years."
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