Just want to let it all out.

yo at least you talked to the girl and even hung out with her...YOU EVEN TOUCHED HER!!!

this right here puts you in the lead of 95% of nt.

2.5 percent are in commited relationships, and the other 2.5 are just always looking for a backyard to bury their bone.

im sure she liked you, but i think she snapped out of that little bliss so that yall wouldn't waste each others time.

take it as a learning experience and get the mouf or muffin that first night or else its gone forever.
she lives in SoCal and you live in the middle of nowhere. She got plenty of dudes to replace you here and you obsessed since there's nothing better where you are.
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I know everyone's gunna clown you, for showing emotion but I'll be damned if I said that my fav memories ever weren't from the infatuation phase
It/s literally perfect. And both parties involved are just making such an effort
And eevrything's new so everything's fun and you get to explore each other and play the question game
at that point everything that comes out that girls mouth is beautiful and hilarious and so different!
"Richard: When you develop an infatuation for someone you always find a reason to believe that this is exactly the person for you. It doesn't need to be a good reason. Taking photographs of the night sky, for example. Now, in the long run, that's just the kind of dumb, irritating habit that would cause you to split up. But in the haze of infatuation, it's just what you've been searching for all these years."
And this is how you end up like OP.

Dudes be on tumblr too much or think life is like a chick flick. 
We all go through this OP i feel you. I am 26 and you talk to/date women and it gets boring but there will be one that sparks that flame. It doesn't' always work out and those are the hard ones to lose but there will be another.
That's what that new box will do to you.
Have you in ur room fantasizing about the future n ****
Have you blasting Joe-Im In Luv and doing the choreography from the video in ur living room n ****
Have you thinking what you gon get her for valentines day even though that **** is 340 days away.
On Groupon getaways n **** looking for reasonable prices to take a couples trip even though you might gon book it and have to change the dates

But I feel what you going through. Happens to everyone. Just live your life my guy. If she want it, she want it. If she don't, she don't. Communicate
I mean at least she gave you a reason (or confirmed a reason).

How many girls have I taken out and thought we had a good time only for me to never hear from again via phone/text with no explanation?
Im in nj and was dating a girl in va and it was difficult and didnt last ... long distance relationships are always tough to go through
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