Justice is Served: Barry Bonds #ALLSKILLS

98 All-Star game...Young Barry Bonds...skinny, some might say pre-peds.....but look at the power.  He hit it to the upper deck bros!!  His swing, grip, and bat speed is there.  *listen to the contact....same exact as when some peeps say his on the Roids.


Bruh, Bartolo Colon in that video
So you don't believe in the justice system? ok

If i pay a chef (in his case a trainer) to prepare me food...I'll trust him, its in his hands to feed me what's good.  

What is steroids anyways? If I take it, I can hit 100mph fastballs? 

Literally read this three times and don't know what you're saying. Reword and post again if you want a response

Those congressional hearings/testimony were such a waste of time/money at this point :lol:.

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Those congressional hearings/testimony were such a waste of time/money at this point 
Agreed. Once Barry Bonds said that he didn't take steroids and was just taking supplements that his PAID trainer was giving him (who he trusts).....it should've ended right there.  But all good, he had to go to trial...and guess what...he won...so let's move on. He's LEGIT GREATNESS ...no more asterisk!
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2011 Opening day where the giants raised the world series banner.  Day after they found him guilty of obstruction of justice.  Had people say to me they dont get the sign and who's barry  

and after 3 world series, im still not over 2002.  he shouldve had one. 
Since he didn't perform for Pitt (among another things) I always held that grudge and love that he didn't get a championship :lol:

Sports spite :pimp:

But I respect dominance when I see it
I would have to go back and compare but I remember many saying Jr was better (or as good) than pre roid Bonds. Could have just been the hype but that sentiment existed
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I would have to go back and compare but I remember many saying Jr was better (or as good) than pre roid Bonds. Could have just been the hype but that sentiment existed

it was hype.

People like Griff's personality more so they deluded themselves into thinking he was better. look at the numbers it's not that close bonds was better.
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I would take Ken Griffey Jr any day of the week if I had to pick between the two and Selig juice wasn't allowed
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both were superstars. bonds was a first ballot hall of famer either way. he just reached a super sayian god mode with balco.
both were superstars. bonds was a first ballot hall of famer either way. he just reached a super sayian god mode with balco.

Bonds was better by a considerable margin. and was already a super saygin god.

post strike thinned out pitching staffs just made it more obvious.
Bonds: 7x MVP  (3 MVPS in the early 90s)

Griffey: 1x MVP

if i recall, Bonds was left off the all 90s team where as griffey was named to it..  Nobody can justify leaving off bonds.  everybody hated him and loved griffey because of the contrasting personalities
Fact:  We all know Bonds is better than any player the past 50yrs

Fact:   He was falsely shamed for taking Steroids, when courts show he did NOT

No need anymore to talk pre or post Roids.....the god didn't use.  I believe in the justice system!
dude was the best in our generation before the accusations. after, he was the greatest

not guilty, ya got to feel me

wouldve had 8 hunna plus homers if he wasnt blackballed
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if you believe Bonds was clean :lol:

but I can even blame him, if MLB let it go on, I would use PED's too
People act like Bonds is some regular run of the mill hall of famer before roids.

he had 3 nearly 10 WAR seaosns before roids dude was already a god, and the greatest player of his generation.

Is he still the only player with 400 hr and 400 SB's?
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