Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Dude acts like he is the lone person that realized Nike made a business move.

Again when did i claim any of this? :lol:

All i stated was that Nike is playing both sides of the fence, ****** took that as bashing Nike/Kap. If ya'll want to celebrate Nike for that then go right ahead & enjoy your commercials. I'm just not gonna champion Nike for lining their pockets.

I'm gonna call a spade a spade.
No one is celebrating nike b, it was a power moves on both ends, they gave kap a platform to speak on and they reaped the benefits. IDK where you got cats praising nike from lol
No one is celebrating nike b, it was a power moves on both ends, they gave kap a platform to speak on and they reaped the benefits. IDK where you got cats praising nike from lol

So The Dozens upon dozens of "influencers" i see online talking about how proud they are to be representing Nike because they're "for the culture" didn't happen, People throwing shots at other companies & calling them racist because they didn't support Kap didn't happen, People's support for Nike products didn't increase because those people felt as if Nike was in support of the black community didn't happen... All that was just a Mirage :lol:
So The Dozens upon dozens of "influencers" i see online talking about how proud they are to be representing Nike because they're "for the culture" didn't happen, People throwing shots at other companies & calling them racist because they didn't support Kap didn't happen, People's support for Nike products didn't increase because those people felt as if Nike was in support of the black community didn't happen... All that was just a Mirage :lol:
When you refered to people "yall" in your previous post I will assume you're talking about people in this thread, I've yet to see anyone in the thread caping for Nike and even if that's the case we are all members of a website named "Niketalk" obviously there will be die hard nike heads that throw their cape on and act as if Nike is doing Gods work. Adidas and Puma rightly deserve shots for suppressing their Nazi involvement by paying google to take it off the internet. So do Nike for withdrawing their sponsorship of Iran during the World Cup over the trump ****. You shouldn't try to be on that philosophical **** or feel like your calling a spade a spade when you're talking about "influencers" going on about how they are proud of nike. They get paid to "influence" consumers what do you expect :rofl: . I'm pretty sure everyone in here has been hip to the game that Nike, Adidas, UA, and several other companies run when they do their "BHM" or "Be True" lines. I'm also pretty sure a lot of us agree with you that it's just Nike making business moves. The reason people are on your *** is because you're beating a proverbial dead horse and you aren't relaying any information we don't know lol
When you refered to people "yall" in your previous post I will assume you're talking about people in this thread, I've yet to see anyone in the thread caping for Nike and even if that's the case we are all members of a website named "Niketalk" obviously there will be die hard nike heads that throw their cape on and act as if Nike is doing Gods work. Adidas and Puma rightly deserve shots for suppressing their Nazi involvement by paying google to take it off the internet. So do Nike for withdrawing their sponsorship of Iran during the World Cup over the trump ****. You shouldn't try to be on that philosophical **** or feel like your calling a spade a spade when you're talking about "influencers" going on about how they are proud of nike. They get paid to "influence" consumers what do you expect :rofl: . I'm pretty sure everyone in here has been hip to the game that Nike, Adidas, UA, and several other companies run when they do their "BHM" or "Be True" lines. I'm also pretty sure a lot of us agree with you that it's just Nike making business moves. The reason people are on your *** is because you're beating a proverbial dead horse and you aren't relaying any information we don't know lol

That Kap Nike thread is full of people who are stating the exact opposite of what you explained..... but Okay :lol:
we are on a website named "Niketalk" what do you expect? get your head out your *** b lmao

I expect people to Not Blindly pledge allegiance to a brand because they bought some nice shoes from them... but that's being "philosophical" Heard You.
I expect people to Not Blindly pledge allegiance to a brand because they bought some nice shoes from them... but that's being "philosophical" Heard You.
You can't expect people to not blindly pledge allegiance to a brand, people pledge allegiance to a lot smaller ****, it's how the world goes.
So The Dozens upon dozens of "influencers" i see online talking about how proud they are to be representing Nike because they're "for the culture" didn't happen, People throwing shots at other companies & calling them racist because they didn't support Kap didn't happen, People's support for Nike products didn't increase because those people felt as if Nike was in support of the black community didn't happen... All that was just a Mirage :lol:
Dude, people side with Nike being against obvious racism. That’s it. Why you’re finding a way to be against that says a lot about yourself. You claim “you never said that” when people make an assumption about you based on what you’ve said over and over again yet you’re doing the same for people aiding with him on the racial debate. Stop

“a business move”, ok, so if they lost a ton of money would you be ok with it then?
Dude, people side with Nike being against obvious racism. That’s it. Why you’re finding a way to be against that says a lot about yourself. You claim “you never said that” when people make an assumption about you based on what you’ve said over and over again yet you’re doing the same for people aiding with him on the racial debate. Stop


Nike Sides with their pockets... This is the only point i've been making. Yet again ya'll think Nike gives two ****s about black issues.

Nike Sides with their pockets... This is the only point i've been making. Yet again ya'll think Nike gives two ****s about black issues.
I don’t care what they care about. They spoke against racism and for that single thing I agree with them.

They Initially lost money but have since gained it back becuase people agree with it too. It wasn’t a sure bet. What else do you want to complain about?
Look man i'm not sitting here giving two ****s about what other groups think about black people as a whole. Anyone who believes that pseudoscience is ignorant and has decided to remain Ignorant considering their is so much information out there clearly stating otherwise

Turns out that "Anyone" is getting voted in and making policy that affects your life .

Kanye West can speak the way he does because his money protects him - to an extent - from the legal shenanigans put in place by ignorant folks who believe that the size of one's head is indicative of their IQ. Even then, Kanye having access to the best lawyers money can buy doesn't completely shield him from being roughed up by police without apologies. All he has to do is be at the wrong place at the wrong time in order to "match the description." Just ask that NBA player from the Milwaukee, Thabo Sefolosha, or that black tennis player.

The average Black person doesn't have the luxury of name recognition to protect them from laws and policies based on stereotypes and assumptions that don't apply to most Black people. As long as politicians can successfully campaign on a message of "lazy, criminal, good-for-nothing blacks," slavery will always be relevant.
I don’t care what they care about. They spoke against racism and for that single thing I agree with them.

They Initially lost money but have since gained it back becuase people agree with it too. It wasn’t a sure bet. What else do you want to complain about?

They "Spoke against Racism" by still being in a billion dollar partnership with the very same league your new spokesperson is calling racism...

Also they pay people millions upon millions of dollars to experts to examine these kind of Moves. Nike wasn't planning an entire add campaign around a guy if they thought it was gonna be a detriment to their company. but whatever keeps your fantasy world afloat my guy :lol:

When Have i Ever said that it wasn't a good thing, I Simply stated That NIKE MOTIVATION BEHIND DOING THIS WAS COMPLETELY BUSINESS, NOT TO "TAKE A STAND AGAINST RACISM"....
Read your response again. My point is that it is both, not mutually exclusive....

Point being life is more about greys than black/white.

Nike could have done what most companies would have done, not take a stance. A risk was taken, just because it's calculated doesn't mean it isn't a risk. A companies goal is to increase stock holder value. Not take political stances.

Nike's relationship with the NFL is a separate issue entirely.
Dude acts like he is the lone person that realized Nike made a business move.


When Have i Ever said that it wasn't a good thing, I Simply stated That NIKE MOTIVATION BEHIND DOING THIS WAS COMPLETELY BUSINESS, NOT TO "TAKE A STAND AGAINST RACISM"....

Yo - let’s keep it funky here and platform aside, acknowledge this was a strategic business from Kaepernick as well. He’s not even in the league and the premiere athletic wear company in the universe is paying him the same amount as their TOP TIER NFL sponsored athletes. He wouldn’t be getting that read or making that much as a back-up in the league. He lowkey turned this into a W, financially speaking. Let that man talk his **** and get his bread
Turns out that "Anyone" is getting voted in and making policy that affects your life .

Kanye West can speak the way he does because his money protects him - to an extent - from the legal shenanigans put in place by ignorant folks who believe that the size of one's head is indicative of their IQ. Even then, Kanye having access to the best lawyers money can buy doesn't completely shield him from being roughed up by police without apologies. All he has to do is be at the wrong place at the wrong time in order to "match the description." Just ask that NBA player from the Milwaukee, Thabo Sefolosha, or that black tennis player.

The average Black person doesn't have the luxury of name recognition to protect them from laws and policies based on stereotypes and assumptions that don't apply to most Black people. As long as politicians can successfully campaign on a message of "lazy, criminal, good-for-nothing blacks," slavery will always be relevant.

So what is harping on slavery doing to change those outlooks, whether slavery is talked about or not that same demographic is going to look for reasons to demonize black people. that is an illogical crowd, thought & facts are not going to change their mind.

When i speak on not relating everything to slavery, i'm talking in terms of black people not being encouraged in thinking that we are way more than that. That's not our true history, that isn't the beginning of our history, & not enough attention is paid to the positive aspects we created & those who are still making things happen despite the ******** enacted through this system.

Racism is built into the fabric of this country it's not going anywhere unless we ready to literally destroy America.... With that said it would be in our best interest to find ways to create & build our own things instead of acting as if it's impossible because racism exists.
They "Spoke against Racism" by still being in a billion dollar partnership with the very same league your new spokesperson is calling racism...

Also they pay people millions upon millions of dollars to experts to examine these kind of Moves. Nike wasn't planning an entire add campaign around a guy if they thought it was gonna be a detriment to their company. but whatever keeps your fantasy world afloat my guy :lol:
Fantasy world? Again, NOBODY is worshiping Nike for what they did. Everybody should be against racism. You’re sitting here like people are jumping for joy.

Again, you’re upset they made money off of it. Boohoo baby boy, guess not enough people burned their socks. You’re going out of your way to speak against an anti racism ad. Think about that. Then being with the NFL actually puts them in a worse situation. NFL fans are full of racists. They may also not be resigned when their contract is over.

Your argument is nothing more than a rant you want everyone to agree with
He’s not wrong in what he’s saying especially about nick cannon. Nick cannon said ye is his boy but every single time she brought up , he cracks a joke and on every day struggle he insinuated that drake smash.

You smashed 10 years ago and y’all both moved on and had families, him still talking about it is corn ball / ****boy stuff.

Idk about the drake stuff though . It’s plenty of rumors outs here about him, he not really addressing any lol
I agree with what he saying but to respect it requires people to change the whole scope of what “celebrity” is and the idea of randoms disrespectfully discussing your life having to come with being a public figure

with social media the lines are blurred because living room conversations are now spilled over into YT interviews/IG live/comment sections/etc. for content creation

interesting to see if its respected but Vlad is licking his chops rn
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