**Khalid Muhammed on Donahue Appreciation**

Nov 11, 2004
dude was a lil off base but speaks mostly truths
I just watched up to like part 4...
Dudes has some valid points but he is taking %!#@ to the extreme
yea he wasnt the most tactful of speakers and was radical but the base of many of his arguments were extremely valid
some of the white ppl were flabbergasted
they couldn't get their thoughts or statements straight
Dude did lack tact like haiti5 said but he did have good ideas to back them
It would have taken a well calculated asasination or a poisining to get rid of Muhammad cus dude was the former Leader of the FOI and was well versed inweaponry and could throw hands with the BEST of em.

somethin about being minister of mosque 7 in Harlem ...
Using a homophobic slur.

Giving props to a man who killed some White People.

"Lift the Pope's skirt."

"There's a little bit of Hitler in all White People."

Thank goodness he's dead. The world is a better place without people like him.
im not racist at all...and i dont agree with his extremist views..but as a young black man in todays society..dudes COMPLETELY RIGHT.

i hate to say it but you kinda gotta be black to understand *kanyeshrug
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