let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by DMan14

100 points and free egg rolls THATS RACIST!
#@+% did they do that?  there was a point everybody was saying utilize Lin and Novak and you had a few were saying naw and stuff like "you wanted novak, you got him" after that cold 3 attempt at the end of the game.  How you feel now?
The Novak talk was specifically for idiots saying Pringles should've brought him in cold to take a 3 in the Bulls game. Pringles then does exactly that in the Celts game. Even though he wasn't suppose to be a decoy those idiots got what they wanted.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by DMan14

100 points and free egg rolls THATS RACIST!

#@+% did they do that?  there was a point everybody was saying utilize Lin and Novak and you had a few were saying naw and stuff like "you wanted novak, you got him" after that cold 3 attempt at the end of the game.  How you feel now?
The Novak talk was specifically for idiots saying Pringles should've brought him in cold to take a 3 in the Bulls game. Pringles then does exactly that in the Celts game. Even though he was suppose to be a decoy those idiots got what they wanted.
Oh ok.  But Pringles still needs to go, none of that would've been a problem if he knew how to use his players.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

#@+% did they do that?  there was a point everybody was saying utilize Lin and Novak and you had a few were saying naw and stuff like "you wanted novak, you got him" after that cold 3 attempt at the end of the game.  How you feel now?
The Novak talk was specifically for idiots saying Pringles should've brought him in cold to take a 3 in the Bulls game. Pringles then does exactly that in the Celts game. Even though he was suppose to be a decoy those idiots got what they wanted.
Oh ok.  But Pringles still needs to go, none of that would've been a problem if he knew how to use his players.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Oh btw, This honestly shows how bad of a Coach Mike D'Antoni is, we do have a bench that can be utilized but he's so arrogent he never gave it a shot.  This should have been happening weeks ago. Novak & Lin

I heard Breen trying to protect Pringles by saying nobody got to see Lin in practice over the other guards and that's why he didn't get thrown out there and that's how it's been for all teams this season.

Never expected Pringles to play all 12 guys on the roster but he is very stubborn with his 6 and 7 man rotations. Constantly wanting to give Walker and TD a chance.
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Oh btw, This honestly shows how bad of a Coach Mike D'Antoni is, we do have a bench that can be utilized but he's so arrogent he never gave it a shot.  This should have been happening weeks ago. Novak & Lin

Tell me about it. D'Antoni needs to be fired he is just shooting hoping something hits the target and Lin just happen to be that.
Im not a NY fan at all and I can come in here no trolling and say melo is a problem. Ppl in general and especially on NT are in love with big names. Point blank melo takes really bad shots and doesnt play good team ball. Yes other players have been labeled ball hogs but at this stage in his career melo still takes some of the worse shots. With that said congrats to LIN
I mean, good for him......Obviously not a long term solution but def better than TD though, but I think people are just gassed because its been forever since we even had a PG, so anyone who shows SOMETHING will be exaggerated that much more
(debbie downer)
Originally Posted by Coupeit88

Oh btw, This honestly shows how bad of a Coach Mike D'Antoni is


As good as the kid has played, Pringles needs to remember Toney Douglas is on this team. Lin CANNOT be playing 40 minutes until BDiddy comes back, if he ever does. I was at the game and you could tell he was gassed a bunch of times. There was a time in the 3rd quarter w/ like 1:45 left when Jeffries came in and he looked to the bench expecting to get a sub. Woulda been a great time to get him a quick breather with a minute left and the break between quarters. But unfortunately D'Antoni picks names out of a hat as far as his subs are concerned.

I know y'all remember how Duhon was able to run the offense than he hit the wall because 40 minutes a night for certain guys is just asking too much, period. Let's hope Lin keeps up the Linsanity but at the same time, let's hope this #!%*%+# guy Pringles sees that he can't play 40 every night (like that's ever going to happen)
lol @ pringles. im not sure im ready to say d'antoni should be fired, when honestly he didn't have much of a solid and steady squad. with the knicks, its always a number of things...always has been. now after tonight, im thinking a bit differently. this is the first time i've seen ny play without melo or stat. novak is a solid shooter and i think he should be given a solid role in the rotation. my rule is u never let talent go to waste. lin and novak were slept on and now we saw what they can do. so changes have to be made. lin and amare/chandler have the potential to be the best pick and roll duos in the game. novak could be the best knicks shooter given the mins and consistency. jefferies has always been praised for his defense and tonight we saw it honestly. however, dude has been hated on for his offense and with good reason too.

trade melo?
knicks are still short handed offensively. lin/novak won the game pts wise. knicks are still shorthanded offensively. and melo is a consistent scorer so...enough with that trade melo trolling.

i think more time needs to be spent tweaking the team esp now with lin. its too early to start pointing fingers or calling for trades. we not winning a championship so the focus now should be building a team that works best, position by position, and chemistry wise. now with lin and novak displaying their talents, the knicks coaching staff has work to do to decide what will work best starting wise and off the bench.

but at the very least, if lin continues to play consistently smart and unselfishly, creating plays for others while drawing defenders, splitting the D and making shots and drawing fouls, the knicks had better hand that man a real contract. NY has a habit of getting rid of good players
Looks like Lin been watching Steve Nash highlights. Him and stat need to work that pick n roll ASAP and hope melo is done for the year. I have lost so much respect for him. Dude is a certified cancer Player
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

Not sure how I feel that there's people who can seriously say they hope Melo is done for the year
Yeah I'm beginning to realize despite being fans a lot of ppl don't know a lot about basketball.
how you gonna play this guy almost the whole game tho? D'Antoni is a joke.  Toney Douglas might be trash but you can't throw him out the rotation like trash.  Lin was dead tired. They ran NO plays or sets just a high screen and roll the whole game.  I could coach the Knicks if thats all it takes
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

Not sure how I feel that there's people who can seriously say they hope Melo is done for the year
Yeah I'm beginning to realize despite being fans a lot of ppl don't know a lot about basketball.

Cause were so much better with him right?
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