Let's Talk About Attraction

But even fat people prefer physically fit people.

Ahhh NT? Trust, some guys want the fats
.... bruh... we are talking about the majority of 20 year olds....

some guys want preteens too.. but we not gonna factor them into this equation
So am I. Are we supposed to be ashamed of that?

Im not using extremes. These days women I couldnt get with before get the cold shoulder from me because I have options far better than them. Im talking personal experience.

But that just helps confirm my theory. You are coughmoneycoughfinance geek and you are acting like thats a reason for women not to like you. :lol: Lets see if a man who is an avid barbie collector can pull the same ****.



You really think chicks know what a private equity analyst is?

I drive a regular impala, wear regular clothes, have a regular apartment, and go on regular dates...

Chicks like me because I'm not a narcissistic unintelligent dude that can't talk about anything outside of my own interests.

Just like an avid Barbie collector with good game can talk about other **** than Barbie.

You're using PUA tips, famb.

Where's your confidence at? You trying to convince ladies and trick ladies into liking you instead of the **** being organic.

A lame is a lame. A lame with money is still a lame.

Money just magnifies who you are, bruh
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When I get older  I'm 98 percent sure my viewpoints on children and marriage will be the same.

Said just about everyone at some point.

Don't underestimate hormones and aging. Your body/mind will flip the script on you and you'll go scrambling to the nearest fertility clinic. Bleedat!
I think there is nothing wrong with having preferences, after all if you feel that you cannot be intimate with your SO, how can you expect your relationship to survive?
I think the best way to get what you want (appearance wise), is to look at what they can be instead of what they currently are.

OP if you want a guy who is physically fit, dont choose the guy who already has his body together, instead choose a guy who is about 3/4 of the way there.
A guy who was overweight and has rediscovered the joys of physical fitness if you will, and is serious about slimming down and/or bulking up.

That way, when he reaches his goal he will be everything physically that you want him to be, but also if he does happen to start picking up pounds later in life,
you know that he has the drive and persistence to slim down again.
That will keep you out of a situation where you meet a guy who just had good genes and has always had a great body but age kicked in and they dont know how to exercise.

Same goes for guys who say they like thick women but not fat women.
Dont choose a woman who has the super fat booty now. All of that super fat booty is gonna turn into fat later on, or after she has kids. Its a fact of life
And even when they work out and slim back down a majority never get it all the way back how it was...see spoiler

Its better to choose a woman who is a little slimmer than what you want.
After the inevitable weight gain she will be exactly what you want physically.

Of course none of that matters if you are just hooking up, but if its someone you are considering being serious about, that is the way to go IMO.
I think there is nothing wrong with having preferences, after all if you feel that you cannot be intimate with your SO, how can you expect your relationship to survive?
I think the best way to get what you want (appearance wise), is to look at what they can be instead of what they currently are.

OP if you want a guy who is physically fit, dont choose the guy who already has his body together, instead choose a guy who is about 3/4 of the way there.
A guy who was overweight and has rediscovered the joys of physical fitness if you will, and is serious about slimming down and/or bulking up.

That way, when he reaches his goal he will be everything physically that you want him to be, but also if he does happen to start picking up pounds later in life,
you know that he has the drive and persistence to slim down again.
That will keep you out of a situation where you meet a guy who just had good genes and has always had a great body but age kicked in and they dont know how to exercise.

Same goes for guys who say they like thick women but not fat women.
Dont choose a woman who has the super fat booty now. All of that super fat booty is gonna turn into fat later on, or after she has kids. Its a fact of life
And even when they work out and slim back down a majority never get it all the way back how it was...see spoiler
Its better to choose a woman who is a little slimmer than what you want.
After the inevitable weight gain she will be exactly what you want physically.

Of course none of that matters if you are just hooking up, but if its someone you are considering being serious about, that is the way to go IMO.
For what it's worth , Kim isn't that big. She's just under the illusion that tight is always right when it can in fact make you look like a sausage. Men don't have much of an excuse. They don't have to deal with hormones, pregnancy, menstrual bloating, and fat shifting for the most part. Matter of fact, the fact that they have more muscle than women works in their favor in burning off fat quicker.

Again, don't want to come off as extremely shallow but I think it is more preference.


You really think chicks know what a private equity analyst is?

I drive a regular impala, wear regular clothes, have a regular apartment, and go on regular dates...

Chicks like me because I'm not a narcissistic unintelligent dude that can't talk about anything outside of my own interests.

Just like an avid Barbie collector with good game can talk about other **** than Barbie.

You're using PUA tips, famb.

Where's your confidence at? You trying to convince ladies and trick ladies into liking you instead of the **** being organic.

A lame is a lame. A lame with money is still a lame.

Money just magnifies who you are, bruh

Yes. I work with girls like that. The company I work for has a decent percentage of female partners. Not to mention my graduating class was at least 50% female. They all knew as well. Not to mention you can more or less guess what it is just by the job title. If nothing else they know its in finance. Stop thinking of females as brain dead creatures who cant possibly put 2 and 2 together without your help.

LMAO. Some of the **** youve said youve done is taught in PUA. The entire TAY is just PUA tactics. Only difference is you knew to do it and I had to learn.

"Tricking" girls by acknowleding some seduction techniques are effective. The **** did I just read? :lol:
That's like "tricking" your boss by finding a more effective way to do your work

Acting as if PUArtist dont have GFs and they dont establish a connection with the girls they meet. Okay Mr. High and Mighty
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The PUA can be really useful to many dudes, especially the inner game stuff.

But at a certain point I feel dudes are just wasting their time with that stuff once you master the basics. Which is really simple obvious stuff, but some dudes never been out on game so you can't judge them for not knowing.

The Red Pill community is garbage doe. Yeah there is solid advice but you can get the info other places without the saltiness, woman hating, and racism.
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Yes. I work with girls like that. The company I work for has a decent percentage of female partners. Not to mention my graduating class was at least 50% female. They all knew as well. Not to mention you can more or less guess what it is just by the job title. If nothing else they know its in finance. Stop thinking of females as brain dead creatures who cant possibly put 2 and 2 together without your help.

LMAO. Some of the **** youve said youve done is taught in PUA. The entire TAY is just PUA tactics. Only difference is you knew to do it and I had to learn.

"Tricking" girls by acknowleding some seduction techniques are effective. The **** did I just read? :lol:
That's like "tricking" your boss by finding a more effective way to do your work

Acting as if PUArtist dont have GFs and they dont establish a connection with the girls they meet. Okay Mr. High and Mighty

A large percent of PEOPLE don't even know what private equity is so you over there trying to assume I'm denigrating female intelligence is a reach at best famb. We're just talking about chicks.

But whatever man... if that makes you feel more comfortable, by all means go for it...

Just know that when you look up on 5 or so years... You're going to realize that genuine convo and confidence is the most effective pick up tactic.

Have fun my g. Hope you flourish in da yambs.
For what it's worth , Kim isn't that big. She's just under the illusion that tight is always right when it can in fact make you look like a sausage. Men don't have much of an excuse. They don't have to deal with hormones, pregnancy, menstrual bloating, and fat shifting for the most part. Matter of fact, the fact that they have more muscle than women works in their favor in burning off fat quicker.

Again, don't want to come off as extremely shallow but I think it is more preference.

You'd be surprised how much genetics plays a role in how men hold fat as well.

There are world class athletes, in the NFL, NBA & the UFC.

Guys who work out everyday. Have insane cardio but just have stubborn fat.

Take Cain Velasquez for example, dude easily has more endurance and stamina than 99% of men on this planet. Hell he arguably has a better motor than virtually anybody in his profession.

But dude's physique would probably disappoint you. Dude is a natural endomoprh. A lot of endos can be in peak physical condition but because of natural factors outside of their control they'll likely never be good enough for you.

Endo and mesomorphs are both probably not your type.

Ectomorphs are the way to go for you.

I honestly think a lot of women just buy into double standards that society has conditioned them to believe but the reality is just like women's biology dictates how they're built, men too deal with changes in their body. Hell a lot of athletes see testerone levels drop after age 30 and opt for TRT therapy to normalize their levels.

Those guys are absolute the cream of the crop athletes but again, because of factors outside of their control their bodies may not look all that aesthetically pleasing.
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^^^ Cain doesn't diet or lift for muscle doe

And what about endos gaining muscle easily?

Looks like we moved from PUA tactics to broscience :lol: It is like MISC in here
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And lettuce be cereal Rusty, most endos could give a **** about aesthetics.

They'll just lift heavy and be strong AF but really only a few care about looking shredded.

Anybody can beat genetics, but most are not going to do it for the sake of keeping some chick happy.

At the end of the day if one is reasonably fit and that's still not good enough do you honestly think they'll break down their diet and exercise regimens for the Kellyreps of the world?

I'm not even throwing shade at her by saying that, it's just the truth.
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Neither do a lot of guys in the UFC yet they naturally have more aesthetically pleasing bodies.

Point is body type plays a large role in how men are built.

Don't say this in the fitness thread. Every g6m rat thinks he's a doctor. Refuse to believe some people just don't gain weight like that. They'll go on and on about how it's a myth.
And lettuce be cereal Rusty, most endos could give a **** about aesthetics.

They'll just lift heavy and be strong AF but really only a few care about looking shredded.

Anybody can beat genetics, but most are not going to do it for the sake of keeping some chick happy.

At the end of the day if one is reasonably fit and that's still not good enough do you honestly think they'll break down their diet and excersize regiments for the Kellyreps of the world?

:lol: True

-I got you when da reps reup
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Don't say this in the fitness thread. Every g6m rat thinks he's a doctor. Refuse to believe some people just don't gain weight like that. They'll go on and on about how it's a myth.

And you know what? At an extreme level, they're right.

But think about this. If world class athletes like Cain, a guy who has all the functional strength and endurance anyone could ever want, doesn't by default have a, by society's definition, an aesthetically pleasing body after spending hours in the gym every single day rolling and sparring then it's absolutely absurd to expect a natural endo to spend an exorbitant amount of time in the gym trying to achieve a specific look.

I mean most guys just want to be good shape. A lot of endos are in that thread as well, lifting crazy heavy. Those guys are in great shape, I mean they're healthy AF. They don't give a damn about reaching an aesthetically pleasing physique for others because it would mean going above and far beyond what they already do everyday in the gym.

It's not that serious for most guys.

For others? Sure, they want to reach a nigh Zyzz level of aesthetics even if they're endos and even if it'll be 10X harder for them than Meso and Ectos.
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I fully agree with that.

Few guys want to reach an aesthetically pleasing body for others. It's for themselves. Having the body you want makes you feel good.

Being able to fit in suits the want you want to fit in a suit, liking what you see in the mirror, etc all exude confidence. At least imo.
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Right on.

At days end it's about loving yourself.

Which is super overrated these days.

**** trying to live up to other's BS expectations. If your best isn't good enough then **** them.

No surprise why so many folks can't figure out how or why we see old couples still together after 50 years of marriage but most of us can't even keep someone for more than a few months at a time.

Our generation is too busy piling unrealistic BS expectations on one another.

Out here chopping our bodies up to make one another happy. True femininity and masculinity has been skewed.
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If you think about it, how the **** can you place love on another when you don't posses self love? That's like giving a cup of water without the water. Str8 thirst!



Finally caught up and you guys have been dropping knowledge. 
And being yourself IS KEY...

This kind of advice can do more harm then good. If a man that loved staying in his house, didn't keep up his hygiene, and was social awkward, and he came up to you and said how do I get women. You wouldn't say "just be yourself". If he takes that advice then he's going right back home to his basement and waiting for some chick to break through the ceiling like Turn Down For What. And yes there are tons of men like this and those are the guys that go to PUA forms or read self help books because just being themselves in that current state isn't getting them anywhere. They can change and become a BETTER version of them selves.
This kind of advice can do more harm then good. If a man that loved staying in his house, didn't keep up his hygiene, and was social awkward, and he came up to you and said how do I get women. You wouldn't say "just be yourself". If he takes that advice then he's going right back home to his basement and waiting for some chick to break through the ceiling like Turn Down For What. And yes there are tons of men like this and those are the guys that go to PUA forms or read self help books because just being themselves in that current state isn't getting them anywhere. They can change and become a BETTER version of them selves.

You mean lames?
Just being yourself =/= not being at your best.

At days end if you're a nerdy, video game playing, lazy introvert, being in shape doesn't change who you really are.

All you'll be is an in shape nerd.

But nobody should compromise who they really are for the sake of a woman. At days end you're lying to yourself and eventually the relationship will fail because your true self will eventually show.
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