Minor QC issues (mismatched leather tumble/size of toe box/lateral panel cut) on the green pair, but overall very pleased with them both.
Just ordered the “budget” 880’s. Anyone interested in ordering from Avia.com, use code “FINDYOURTIME” for 15% without email sign up on their website. Be warned that they do ship in bags instead of a box, so there can be minor damage in transit.
Still waiting on my 855s to arrive. Next pair imma just pay the full ticket and get that 2 day prime delivery from Amazon.

Hoping that US Avía does the white green 830s as well.
That’s odd. Both of my orders shipped from Amazon even though I used Avis’s website. The packing slip even had the same store listed on Amazon’s page.
Yeah i ordered last Wednesday but looks like they’ll be here tomorrow.. I guess we’re all spoiled with fast shipping lol
Yep. It'll be six weeks this Friday.
Been so long I forget I ordered a pair, and then this thread shows in my notifications lol

Seems like the release has been a disaster. (Delayed release windows, multiple pairs being shown on social media, That one post specifically on IG of the guy that allowed them to use his OG tag but still hasn’t received his pair is odd, etc. )Hopefully they are able to produce the quality they are advertising or it could be a deterrent for people to buy any future releases from them.
Ok so off the bat the color is definitely different than what i expected. It’s more of like a white shoe dipped in coffee. So it’s got that vintage look as opposed to crisp white. Besides that these look good! No QC issues thst i can see just pretty strong glue smell but overall happy with em. They going straight to the feet.

djlunchbox djlunchbox That glue smell is almost intoxicating with how strong it is. The green pair is nice, but I sent them back because of the color difference from the pictures. I already own too many Club C’s that are that “vintaged” look. I was happy the Pippen’s were basic white, and I kept those.

I’ll post pictures of my 880’s when I get home from work later. They were delivered right before I went out the door today.
djlunchbox djlunchbox That glue smell is almost intoxicating with how strong it is. The green pair is nice, but I sent them back because of the color difference from the pictures. I already own too many Club C’s that are that “vintaged” look. I was happy the Pippen’s were basic white, and I kept those.

I’ll post pictures of my 880’s when I get home from work later. They were delivered right before I went out the door today.
That’s it i knew i had seen that color treatment before the club Cs!!!

Yeah i would’ve liked them to be more white but they’re still fire.
grabbed the 880’s off the Avia usa site and glad I did. Overall a decent re issue, the height actually is on par with some of the OG pairs I’ve seen floating around. Had the tongue height been a little higher I don’t even think anyone would have noticed as much. Anyhow they run a tad large so I wound up ordering a size 12 to compare to my 13.

grabbed the 880’s off the Avia usa site and glad I did. Overall a decent re issue, the height actually is on par with some of the OG pairs I’ve seen floating around. Had the tongue height been a little higher I don’t even think anyone would have noticed as much. Anyhow they run a tad large so I wound up ordering a size 12 to compare to my 13.

How’s the leather?
The USA 880s are tempting but after seeing the EU versions it’s like comparing an arcade game then playing it on an NES lol

That price tho i can’t do it. After i grab the red 855s I’ll debate whether to grab the 880s or a pair of 830s

I hope legacy and Avia is back join forces like Voltron and bring us some bangers
Straight to the toe. These are gonna get hella wears i already know. Might as well order the red jawns now lol

I would highly suggest the Pippen’s. They really “pop” with the crisp white base. I took my 880’s out of the box last night, and they look better in hand vs the promo pics. trethousandgt trethousandgt captured it perfectly with the height being good, just the shorter tounge. I had some loose stitches on one of the straps, but nothing major for a shoe that only cost $100.
The USA 880s are tempting but after seeing the EU versions it’s like comparing an arcade game then playing it on an NES lol

That price tho i can’t do it. After i grab the red 855s I’ll debate whether to grab the 880s or a pair of 830s

I hope legacy and Avia is back join forces like Voltron and bring us some bangers
Not really, the EU release looks to high cut compared to the OG, what it does have going for it is the height of the tongue -which is not accurate on the USA pair - here are some photos to compare
EU retro


Here is a side by side of the OG and the USA retro, I would say the USA retro is pretty good

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