so ummm did the bomb from season 5 work or not. i almost forgot about the whole point of season 5 haha

i can see faraday being smokey. i think that's a great direction to take it in because then at least season 5 all seems like it was meant for something.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Widmore is Farradays father? I must have missed something
I guess i need to re watch season 5. I watched all 5 seasons in a span of like a few weeks though. A lot of things might have flew over my head
some one tell me how they got back to the present from the 1970's. I watched seasons 1 thru 5 in 5 days and now im just missing what they dont show of season 6 on hulu.

Originally Posted by tecca nena

some one tell me how they got back to the present from the 1970's. I watched seasons 1 thru 5 in 5 days and now im just missing what they dont show of season 6 on hulu.


The "indecent" or the nuke that Juliet set off/hit a couple times followed by the bright flash of light. It's the end of S5. The very end. I dont know how you missed that.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by tecca nena

some one tell me how they got back to the present from the 1970's. I watched seasons 1 thru 5 in 5 days and now im just missing what they dont show of season 6 on hulu.


The "indecent" or the nuke that Juliet set off/hit a couple times followed by the bright flash of light. It's the end of S5. The very end. I dont know how you missed that.
Yeah I remember that...
So a hydrogen bomb some how brought em to the present. That wasnt their intentions but  Ill buy it.
Figured i'd drop the 30k in here.

This week has literally gone by the fastest to me. Can't wait for Tuesday night, epic really isn't even the word that can be used on how good this will be...
The Hanso Foundation is a foundation in the Lost television series. It was formed by arms purveyor Alvar Hanso, who turned his attention from "keeping the world safe through the development of sophisticated weapons systems" to focus instead on the development of new technologies to "create a brighter future for all humanity." Nearly all information about the Foundation is drawn from its Web site, thehansofoundation.org, with further background revealed as part of the alternate reality game, the Lost Experience.

The Hanso Foundation, through its funding of the Dharma Initiative, was involved in the construction of facilities on the island depicted in Lost.

* 1 Activities
* 2 Executives
* 3 Appearances
* 4 What's In The Box
o 4.1 The Lost Experience
* 5 References
* 6 External links

[edit] Activities

According to a mission statement on the Hanso website, "The Hanso Foundation stands at the vanguard of social and scientific research for the advancement of the human race. For forty years, the foundation has offered grants to worthy experiments designed to further the evolution of the human race and provide technological solutions to the most pressing problems of our time. The Hanso Foundation: a commitment to encouraging greatness in science and technology and furthering the cause of human development." Hanso, The foundations CEO, said in the 6th season of lost a clue to The end of lost was "Goodness gracious great balls of fire." The Foundation funded many projects, including the Educational Outreach Imperative, Institute for Genomic Advancement, Mathematical Forecasting Initiative, Worldwide Wellness and Prevention Development Program, and the Life-Extension Project. The Life-Extension Project worked on initiatives such as the life-extension of an orangutan named "Joop" celebrating its 105th birthday. It also provided financial backing for the Dharma Initiative on islands in the South Pacific. ("Joop" is the name of an orangutan appearing in the Jules Verne novel The Mysterious Island, which is about a group of castaways on a strange Pacific island.)

The Foundation has offices in Copenhagen, Vík, Seoul, Zanzibar, and Santa Barbara.[1] The Alvar Hanso Cancer Center was constructed in Geneva.

The greeting "Namaste" is used by the organization's members, including Dr. Marvin Candle (Pierre Chang) in each of the Hanso Foundation orientation films.
[edit] Executives

Alvar Hanso, a Danish weapons purveyor, established and funded the foundation. Other executives ran the company such as Dr. Thomas Mittelwerk, the chief technologist and trusted righthand adviser to Hanso.

During the Lost Experience, documents and other information were released to suggest that the management of the Foundation was scandalous and, in some cases, criminal. For example, some executives were revealed to have falsely reported the extent of their education in their biographies. One executive was caught in an extramarital affair. Others defended tobacco companies, nuclear power plants and an oil company that dumped chemical waste in Florida. Another executive was sentenced to eight years for insider trading which he subsidized through a retirement fund for a health care union.
[edit] Appearances

The Hanso Foundation was first mentioned in the Lost season 2 episode "Orientation". After discussing DHARMA Initiative founders Karen and Gerald DeGroot, the orientation film refers to "reclusive Danish industrialist and munitions magnate Alvar Hanso, whose financial backing made their dream of a multi-purpose social science research facility a reality."

In the film Mission Impossible 3, the closing credits thank the Hanso Foundation. Also, the logo on the building from which the "Rabbit's Foot" is stolen resembles the logo of "Paik Heavy Industries", a company owned by Sun Kwon's father.
[edit] What's In The Box

Possibly a new show from Bad Robot. If you go to Bable Reasearch website their is a Hanso logo on the bottom. Their is also a short video that looks very similar to cloverfield.
[edit] The Lost Experience
Main article: Lost Experience

The domain thehansofoundation.org was registered on July 18, 2005 by ABC [2] On May 2, 2006, coinciding with the debut of Lost season 2 in the UK, the Hanso Foundation site was used as part of "The Lost Experience", an alternate reality game which ABC had previously announced on April 24, 2006.[3]

ABC stated the game would be launched on May 2 in the UK, May 3 and 17 in the USA and May 4 in Australia. On May 2 in the UK, May 3 in the USA and May 4 in Australia, each episode of Lost broadcast that day included Hanso Foundation advertisements in the commercial breaks, which included a toll-free phone number to call. Calling the number gave information, including a password for the Hanso website and access to the voicemail of Hanso executives.

In addition to the content shown openly on the site, fans of Lost have found additional pages and information hidden in easter eggs [4], by decompiling the Flash files on the site.[5] On May 9, advertisements were published in various national newspapers by the Lost production team condemning the metafictional novel Bad Twin.[6]

During the Lost Experience, an actor portraying fictional executive Vince Temme appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live.[7] During the appearance, on May 24, 2006, McIntyre stated that the Foundation had canceled the DHARMA Initiative in 1987 and did not know why the producers of "Lost" have attached the Initiative or the Foundation to their show.[8][/hide]
Yeah there's so much backstory outside of the main tv show, I hate it. It's so hard to get into all of it (for me at least).

On another note... my man lefleur
. Quite a impressive resume.

yeah i'm not up on most of the extracurricular lost stuff. if the series ends well and they throw all that stuff in there, then i'll buy the ultimate edition
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Someone has the last name Hanso if I recall correctly, or was it something I imagined.

You're thinking of Henzo.
I don't remember if I imagined it or not since I can't remember where I heard it or maybe it was from something unrelated.
But I hope they talk about dude.
It feels like there is so much to be talked about but so little time.

Spoiler [+]
[table][tr][td]11[/td][td]114[/td][td]"Happily Ever After"[sup][83][/sup][/td][td]TBA[/td][td]TBA[/td][td]Desmond[sup][84][/sup][/td][td]TBD[/td][td]April 6, 2010 (2010-04-06)[sup][83][/sup][/td][/tr][/table]
they can explain everything in a couple episodes if they wanted to. you don't have to actually show much. just have someone in a position of power explain whatever mysteries they choose
^ true, but that'll be really lame if that's how they do it.... like the series finale is just jacob with a 2-hour power point presentation and a laser pointer.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

^ true, but that'll be really lame if that's how they do it.... like the series finale is just jacob with a 2-hour power point presentation and a laser pointer.

Honestly that could even be good if they did it right.
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