LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by Not a sneak

I'm watching season 2 right now. Almost done. Hopefully I can finish this season and up to season 5 in two weeks and watch season 6.

Michael and Claire are SO annoying, same with Charlie.
but as you go on, every character has a time where they are annoying as hell ..
Locke, Ben, Hurley, and Desmond NEVER get annoying. To an extent neither does Sayid but some of his flashbacks are just lame.

I was indifferent to Charlie until the fandom started jocking hum when he died. I guess ppl have a thing for underdogs. He's just a sometimes funny addict to me that doesn't deserve a female as hot as Claire.

Kate is by far THE most annoying character on the show.
nahh that goes to jack.. especially in season 3-4 .. everytime he would question john even though we all knew john was right .
those shoes suck. love the idea though.

And they didn't exactly say how Christian died, they just show Jack being lead to his body by a ME and he says something like "his blood alcohol levelwas whatever and could have lead to a massive heart attack" so yeah.

Things I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing in S6:

Jack and Christian convo on the island .. somehow.
We are officially LESS than 2 weeks away!!

James- I like the idea of Christian being used for someone else to get back on the island via flight 815, like they needed Locke to get back via flight 316.But, there are 2 Locke's. As far as we know there is only 1 Christian on the island.
I REALLLLLLY like the idea of Christian being a proxy, but like I said, i'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride and not worry about speculation anymore.

The kicks are dope but I'm low on funds also
I think the one of the main reasons why people hate Michael is because of "WALT WWWWWWAAAAALLLLLLLLTTT WALT WALT WAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTT"
That's def one reason. Another is the way he tricked Jack and them to rescue Walt. He could have told them about the list and I'm sure they still wouldhave went on their own. Another is him killing Anna Lucia and Libby, BEFORE he tricked Jack and them.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

The kicks are dope but I'm low on funds also
I think the one of the main reasons why people hate Michael is because of "WALT WWWWWWAAAAALLLLLLLLTTT WALT WALT WAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTT"
Thats one of the only reasons why I like him.
I still don't know why keeping this thread is a big deal. It has a lot of information in it, not just on S5 IMO.

But, why don't we put our official vote for a new thread in right here. We'll count the vote's from right now until next Tuesday morning at 9amEST. That gives us (me) a week from the premier to get over losing this thread if needed
Then someone can make a S6 thread if needed.


Keep this one.
we'd be smarter to have a new thread to avoid the yuku malfunctions... see the old PS3 threads for reference. When this thread gets to a certain point itwill start to crash and mess up yuku.

I say put this thread in the archives and make a fresh thread for S6, because you know the thread is gonna be bigger than past seasons...
After thinking about it... A fresh start would be cool. I mean this thread has history with the theories and what not but it really was a season 5 thread. Plusif we put the same effort in the next thread, it could be better..

Like the show, All good things must come to an end..
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

we'd be smarter to have a new thread to avoid the yuku malfunctions... see the old PS3 threads for reference. When this thread gets to a certain point it will start to crash and mess up yuku..

This. Start a new thread.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

we'd be smarter to have a new thread to avoid the yuku malfunctions... see the old PS3 threads for reference. When this thread gets to a certain point it will start to crash and mess up yuku.

I didn't know that. If that's going to be the case then.....
(yes the 5 stages of grief).
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

We are officially LESS than 2 weeks away!!

James- I like the idea of Christian being used for someone else to get back on the island via flight 815, like they needed Locke to get back via flight 316.But, there are 2 Locke's. As far as we know there is only 1 Christian on the island.
I always remember what Richard Alpert said to Locke(I believe) in the "Incident". He said he's been on this island a long time and this island has performed many miracles but he's never seen or heard of anyone coming back to life. We haven't heard the last from Christian!
Originally Posted by DubA169

so i finally gave up and decided to give lost a chance. over the last 2 weeks i've watched the first 2 seasons. !%%$ is awesome. it's like lord of theflies mixed with 24, mixed with the twighlight zone. i'm scared to read this thread. because i'm sure something will get spoiled. i'll be back wheni catch up to the new season

see yall soon
i finally finished. ready for some ANSWERS. I hated season 5 at first, with all the time travel stuff (thought it was kind of just an easy way out for the writers), but as the season kept going and they started giving you some answers about the initiative, ben, whitmore, the hostiles and explaining stuff i really liked it.

but all in all WOW
the show is great. i don't know if i've ever seen such good character development on TV. i havn't cared about what happens to characters on a show since the wire.
Bastitch wrote on 3/12/09:
I don't want to sound condescending in any way, but I think all the theories and speculation is going to ruin the end of this show for a lot of the people.

I like the factual explanations like the what the 4-toed statue is and things like that, but the deep speculation and the constant "why haven't theyexplained this yet?" is really going to lead to some let down.

It was just like being "smart" as a pro-wrestling fan. So many things were leaked out throughout the week that by the time the shows came on, youhad this set level of expectations. Like, "Aw, man, Triple H is holding everybody down int he locker room". Now every show I watch, I'm tintedto that color, ya know?

Don't get me wrong. I understand the excitement and the willingness to get out there and try to "figure everything out". It add a differentlevel of involvement and for some enhances the experience that is Lost.

I'm being really careful around this thread, myself. You guys are really doing a good job with the spoilers and what not, and I appreciate that. I'mjust trying to get through this in a more conventional way without many spoilers. I think I'll be better off come the finale.

P.S. Juliet is hot, even while under a car.

Yes, I quoted myself.

Yes, I called it.
Originally Posted by Bastitch

Bastitch wrote on 3/12/09:
I don't want to sound condescending in any way, but I think all the theories and speculation is going to ruin the end of this show for a lot of the people.

I like the factual explanations like the what the 4-toed statue is and things like that, but the deep speculation and the constant "why haven't theyexplained this yet?" is really going to lead to some let down.

It was just like being "smart" as a pro-wrestling fan. So many things were leaked out throughout the week that by the time the shows came on, youhad this set level of expectations. Like, "Aw, man, Triple H is holding everybody down int he locker room". Now every show I watch, I'm tintedto that color, ya know?

Don't get me wrong. I understand the excitement and the willingness to get out there and try to "figure everything out". It add a differentlevel of involvement and for some enhances the experience that is Lost.

I'm being really careful around this thread, myself. You guys are really doing a good job with the spoilers and what not, and I appreciate that. I'mjust trying to get through this in a more conventional way without many spoilers. I think I'll be better off come the finale.

P.S. Juliet is hot, even while under a car.

Yes, I quoted myself.

Yes, I called it.


But that happens every season. Especially the first two. And it almost killed the show in the 3rd season...
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