Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

The trailer makes the movie look like The Tree of Life mixed with Batman Begins...looking forward to it.
Realized that both Robin Hood's are in this film together. Epic. Haha.

Chose the right source material :pimp: chills, greatest superman story ever written.
^ ^ ^
It's not smoke, it's a contrail and while on planes it is due to the engine exhaust, it can also be due to the change in air pressure and creating a vortex. I'm no expert on the subject though so maybe you can wiki "contrail" for further info?
looks promising but still on the fence about this one. and wouldnt superman leave a single trail of smoke behind since he's not a jet or something?..just nitpicking though.

Definitely looks promising. I'm excited for it. I wonder how theyre gonna tie in the dark concept since superman stands for all that is good
I think it's gonna be fresh. Honestly, could it be any worse than the previous Superman film, or Green Lantern? I don't think so.
I know Superman has sucked as of late BUT I have a good feeling about this. It has good people running the show. In Nolan I Trust. 
Looks pretty good. On the surface I hope it sucks but DEEP down I want it to be the greatest Superman movie ever.
That comic-con trailer was indeed so much better. I was already excited about this but now I'm pumped after viewing the comic-con trailer.


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