Man Punched so hard..loses half his head :X

Originally Posted by cgutta

.................that just not right
Originally Posted by CasperJr

The two thugs started screaming taunts and abuse at him about his cousin but when he confronted them he was hit so hard he fell back and smashed his head on the pavement.

he did it to himself learn how to walk away people its really not worth it sometimes

especially when its 1 against 2
I'm so sad about both of these guys...This can happen to me or you just by going to the grocery store or just even hoping out of the is aserious thing. Someone else has a bigger problem than you always.
lookin like he took a George Foreman punch

those guys that did this to him need to be crippled.
that sucks.

at clowns that always have to be some righteous ssaint. if somethings funny its funny, has nothing to do with respecting the situation. humor is areaction and if you're sitting there forcing yourself to be depressed cause the situation as a whole is a bad one, despite finding it funny, you should gokill yaself.
Originally Posted by jackiechizzan


dude looks like the guy riding in hulk hogan son's car with his skull gone

Don't wanna embed since it's pretty brutal..

The Messenger is a miracle story.. It's amazing he made such a great recovery given the amount of damage..18 bullets and only hit w/one. Lucky man..
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