Man shot and killed over a parking space in Florida VOL....STAND YOUR GROUND?

im saying is it really worth getting into a confrontation if it risks your life? ask yourself that... im not saying the guy was wrong for protecting his wife but sometimes its not worth it especially if its your life thats on the line...
im saying is it really worth getting into a confrontation if it risks your life? ask yourself that... im not saying the guy was wrong for protecting his wife but sometimes its not worth it especially if its your life thats on the line...

If it involves your family, I don't even see how this is a question...
im saying is it really worth getting into a confrontation if it risks your life? ask yourself that... im not saying the guy was wrong for protecting his wife but sometimes its not worth it especially if its your life thats on the line...

If I see my pregnant wife being harassed, yeah I'm taking the heat off of her and putting it on me immediately if I feel it's necessary.

I'm not "walking away." Where you want him to go? Down the road to play KENO and hope it blows over by the time he gets back? :stoneface:
If it involves your family, I don't even see how this is a question...

To your point, I do think that in most cases too much pride can be the downfall of man. Let **** slide, it isn't that serious. However this situation is one where it would have been really tough to just let it slide. That's my pregnant wife man...
Kelly, who drives a septic tank, briefly parked his tanker in this handicapped spot outside the Circle A Food Store before running inside this store for a beverage. When he came out, he saw Drejka taking pictures of his vehicle.

"He asked me (if) was I handicapped, and I said, 'Obviously, I'm driving a tanker. I'm not handicapped.' And I asked if was he handicapped and he stated 'No, my mom is,'" Kelly said.

Kelly asked Drejka if his mom was nearby and offered to move his tanker. That’s when he says Drejka became furious.

"He flipped out on me called me every n-word, said he's going to shoot me," Kelly said. "He said he was going to kill me, and he went back to his truck, got something out of his truck and walked back up on me."

Store owner Ali Salous came out and shut down the confrontation.

"I didn't know this was going to happen two months later with another guy. It's really sad," he said.

Salous says Drejka has a history of confrontations in and around his store.

"He told me I can't help it. Every time I do this I get in trouble, and I can't help it. I keep doing it," Salous said.

Kelly said Drejka called his job and left a threatening voice mail on the answering service.

To your point, I do think that in most cases too much pride can be the downfall of man. Let **** slide, it isn't that serious. However this situation is one where it would have been really tough to just let it slide. That's my pregnant wife man...

I agree with a lot of what you said. However, even the most mild-mannered people flip that switch if they see a family member being accosted.
I agree with a lot of what you said. However, even the most mild-mannered people flip that switch if they see a family member being accosted.

Nah I totally agree. In a perfect world, you'd exercise full thorough judgement before escalating to pushing him to the ground like that, but it's YOUR WIFE, YOUR FAMILY, and who's exercising that thorough of thought in that situation?

Loosely related, but I remember like two years ago I was hooping with a guy. Used to always talk **** to him. One day, he gets into a confrontation while hooping w/someone else, and he left the gym and came back with his pistol. You just never know who you're talking to or getting into confrontations with. Has nothing to do with what happened in the OP, but in a general sense excess pride can be deadly.
im saying is it really worth getting into a confrontation if it risks your life? ask yourself that... im not saying the guy was wrong for protecting his wife but sometimes its not worth it especially if its your life thats on the line...
When keeping it real goes wrong

But sometimes as a man, you don’t think with logic

I knew it :lol:


This better be enough to charge this dude.
If I see my pregnant wife being harassed, yeah I'm taking the heat off of her and putting it on me immediately if I feel it's necessary.

I'm not "walking away." Where you want him to go? Down the road to play KENO and hope it blows over by the time he gets back? :stoneface:

The article says the man slammed the other man to the ground for arguing with his woman.

Where is trying to break up the confrontation? Where is calling security or the police?
The article says the man slammed the other man to the ground for arguing with his woman.

Where is trying to break up the confrontation? Where is calling security or the police?

What was being said to his wife? Did he know the shooter or his history? Did he think his wife was in imminent danger?

Tune in next week ...
im surprised no one posted the shooters identity as in a picture

NTPolice where ya at?
Everyone is debating whether or not he should have been expected to have a cool head and not pushed the dude...

Bottom line he shouldn't have pushed him. It's assault in any state.

The issue that needs to be focused on is the fact that these racist MAGA types are emboldened to harass black people on a daily basis. And the law doesn't even give blacks the right to walk down the street without being attacked verbally and incited with hate speech. Like I said, these people don't have badges, we have enough problems with the ones that do. If they want the smoke fight fire with fire and watch how quick the laws change.
So yall really think if McGlockton would've walked over and politely asked Drejka to leave, Drejka would've walked away?

That situation would've escalated no matter what because Drejka was out there looking for an issue.
Everyone is debating whether or not he should have been expected to have a cool head and not pushed the dude...

Bottom line he shouldn't have pushed him. It's assault in any state.

The issue that needs to be focused on is the fact that these racist MAGA types are emboldened to harass black people on a daily basis. And the law doesn't even give blacks the right to walk down the street without being attacked verbally and incited with hate speech. Like I said, these people don't have badges, we have enough problems with the ones that do. If they want the smoke fight fire with fire and watch how quick the laws change.

Thats why i said before i would like a law where i can report a racist and it goes on their background check

So yall really think if McGlockton would've walked over and politely asked Drejka to leave, Drejka would've walked away?

That situation would've escalated no matter what because Drejka was out there looking for an issue.

But dude still could of hopped in the car and skirtt
That stand your ground crap is corny because it gives people an avenue to get ballsy and provoke confrontations that they wouldn’t have provoked if they weren’t armed and/or didn’t think they would be able to get away with due to stand your ground.

After the confrontation starts and the other side puts hands on them, they want to shoot and hide behind stand your ground.

It’s one thing if your life really is in danger to protect yourself (which clearly wasn’t the case here) But to run your mouth, act hostile, provoke a confrontation only to pull a gun out after you get the energy you were looking for is disgusting.
How can you see the optics of this and claim that this isn't about race. That's crazy.

Because they were birthed and raised by idle, subdued racism.

They're naive, ignorant, and/or cognitively deficient, or all of above.

On the other hand this is a man who is a violent, overt racist, and a murderer.

The white devil and his **** mom should be put down by firing squad.
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