Mark McGwire admits to using steroids in 1998

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

This news is no shocker.

Can't wait to throw injection needles onto Wrigley Field when the Cards come to town.

are you for real?!??



I thought it was pretty much conceded by everyone that he had an HOF career well before he starting having crazy home run numbers

As RyGuy (I believe) said, even more disappointing then that he used them. Plus, he could've done it with Pitt and would've batted more than .150 inthe playoffs. As for Mark, no surprise, much like it is obvious Sammy and Barry did them as well. I mean, the only one that could fool some people would bethe Kid coming out and admitting
barry bonds is too much of a coward to do what mark just did ... props to him when we all know every one of them dudes was juicing ...
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Mark just gained a LOT of respect from me.

As much respect as someone who never used in the first place? Obviously not.

More respect than someone who used and then came clean without ever being dishonest? No.

More respect than someone who used and lied and is still lying/deflecting the topic? YES.
His numbers before getting big are proof that he was building a Hall of Fame resume.
You look at his numbers and before 1998 he was in.

400-400 has never been done.
Its funny how few people have this opinion when it comes to Bonds.
It's because he's black, and everyone who fails to have that opinion is racist.

That's what you want to hear, right? I mean, I'm just guessing what you're getting at, because you've definitely got an point to prove.

Aside from trying to guess what your angle is, I have to say that you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm an AVID sports fan, and I have never, EVER... NOT ONE TIME... ever talked to someone who said #1 without saying #2:
#1. Barry should not be in the Hall
#2. Barry was headed to the Hall before the big surge in production that suggested steroid use

How are you going to own someone like that and feel no shame?
You kilt it bro.
Im watching the interview on mlb network and dude said he would've had the same numbers if he hadn't used steroids.
Cheating is part of the culture of baseball.

Hank Aaron is laughing while every one ignores he did amphetamines to maintain his power through his old age this is a well documented occurrence.

If you think any era of the game is clean or pure you're just ignorant or naive.
They showed a bit of the interview here and he said he tried steroids for the first time around 1989-90 and started using them regularly around 93-94.

So that means that he hit over 200 HRs before regular steroid use and over 350 HRs on steroids. I dont think he'll get into the HOF not only because hecheated, but because he cheated for about a decade.

If I'm a baseball writer then I'd vote guys with HOF numbers in regardless of if they did roids. Managers, GMs, team doctors, team owners, uppermanagement, Bud Selig, etc. were all aware of steroid usage but turned a blind eye because it made the game better. As soon as the feds caught on all the guysinvolved started to play dumb and act like they had no clue any of this was going on.
I wasn't surprised, I don't like these steroid users going to the HOF. First these guys use steroids and ruin the sport of baseball, then they want toget rewarded by trying to enter the HOF
The rules should change,
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

That's what you want to hear, right? I mean, I'm just guessing what you're getting at, because you've definitely got an point to prove.

Aside from trying to guess what your angle is, I have to say that you have no idea what you're talking about. I'm an AVID sports fan, and I have never, EVER... NOT ONE TIME... ever talked to someone who said #1 without saying #2:
#1. Barry should not be in the Hall
#2. Barry was headed to the Hall before the big surge in production that suggested steroid use

How are you going to own someone like that and feel no shame?
You kilt it bro.


theres no way he was not juicing his entire career. i would not vote him in the hof on the basis of he was not much of a baseball player outside of thehomeruns. hell of a slugger, yes. hall of fame baseball player with or without roids, no.
[table][tr][th=""]Rank[/th] [th=""]Player (age that year)[/th] [th=""]Home Runs[/th] [th=""]Year[/th] [th=""]Bats[/th] [th=""]HR Log[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]Barry Bonds (36)[/td] [td]73*[/td] [td]2001[/td] [td]L[/td] [td]HR Log
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]Mark McGwire (34)[/td] [td]70*[/td] [td]1998[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]Sammy Sosa (29)[/td] [td]66*[/td] [td]1998[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4.[/td] [td]Mark McGwire (35)[/td] [td]65*[/td] [td]1999[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5.[/td] [td]Sammy Sosa (32)[/td] [td]64*[/td] [td]2001[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6.[/td] [td]Sammy Sosa (30)[/td] [td]63*[/td] [td]1999[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7.[/td] [td]Roger Maris (26)[/td] [td]61[/td] [td]1961[/td] [td]L[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8.[/td] [td]Babe Ruth+ (32)[/td] [td]60[/td] [td]1927[/td] [td]L[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9.[/td] [td]Babe Ruth+ (26)[/td] [td]59[/td] [td]1921[/td] [td]L[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10.[/td] [td]Jimmie Foxx+ (24)[/td] [td]58[/td] [td]1932[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]HR Log[/td] [/tr][/table]
He's a sideshow - just another Canseco. People on ESPN are somewhat implying that he is somehow now vindicated. In his interview, all I saw was him actinglike he was a victim. Tons of pressure on him (that none of us could possibly understand:rolleyes), wear and tear on his body (like nobody else goes throughthat:rolleyes), yet somehow it didn't help him hit homeruns!!! He actually had the audacity to claim that he could have hit 70 homeruns without the use ofsteroids.

Like I said, just a total clown.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

If you think any era of the game is clean or pure you're just ignorant or naive.

Did yall see this idiot on ESPN ranting and raving about "Babe Ruth didn't have these advantages! Willie Mays couldn't get that edge! Hank Aaronnever benefited from PEDs!"
These dudes try so hard to pigeonhole this as one singular tainted erato save the rest of baseball's history...

It is what it is... From the Black Sox scandal to Pete Rose betting on baseball to the cocaine problems in the 80s to the Steroids Era, baseball's historyis tied to cheating and drug abuse...

I still love it as much or more than any other sport and I can't see that changing any time soon.
after a decade of denial, dude finally realizes he couldn't get away with this one from the public.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Hopefully this is a move to relieve himself of guilt/stress, rather than being pushed into doing so by the Cardinals' management.

Either way, I assume this would only help his odds of entering Cooperstown. And to hell with any Cardinal's fan thinking he'll go in with a Card's hat on.
Today hurt him if anything. Steroids don't enhance your performance? Well what do they do then

And ever since the grand jury "act" he killed his chances.
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