Middle Eastern individuals busted @ Boston's main water supply after midnight

No. That's not what you're "saying" though.

Your proceeded to correlate middle eastern men being suspicious with terrorism, and 9/11.

If that isn't racial profiling, than I don't know what is.
Yup.  You shouldn't have to walk on eggshells if you're middle eastern in the US no matter what happened previously.  Did you see white people walking on eggshells when Timothy McVeigh got caught? 

op and others in here seemed to have skipped over this.
op and others in here seemed to have skipped over this.

White people living in fear and walking on egg shells after another white man commits an act of terrorism doesn't seem as likely though.

Muslims are in the minority however and there is a lot more stigma surrounding their religion + terrorism. They shouldn't have to face any more or less backlash than other races/religions/national origins. I agree. Unfortunately, that's the country we live in.
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No kidding it's freaking 38.6 square miles!

7 kids who happened to be middle eastern trespassed and this is news? FBI got involved, water testing... man oh man! Paranoia!

So bottom line.. if you're Middle Eastern looking like Bin Ladin, stay home or be racially profiled and harassed.
Bottom line is if your Middle Eastern its probably not a good idea to be at a water Reservoir at Midnight of a major city that was just a victim of  a terrorist attack just asking to be harassed.
No kidding it's freaking 38.6 square miles!

7 kids who happened to be middle eastern trespassed and this is news? FBI got involved, water testing... man oh man! Paranoia!

So bottom line.. if you're Middle Eastern looking like Bin Ladin, stay home or be racially profiled and harassed. 
Bottom line is if your Middle Eastern its probably not a good idea to be at a water Reservoir at Midnight of a major city that was just a victim of  a terrorist attack just asking to be harassed.
That is the point. Racial profiling. Random middle eastern individuals can't walk around the reservoir because of terrorism? You do see the ignorance in that right? The Dark Knight Rises killer was an act of terrorism far worse than the Boston bombings. Nobody said it was a bad idea for white people to go to the movies. Why is it that people from the middle east cannot enjoy day to day life?
Still dont see why they couldn't go thru the proper channels to get out there...

Folks have said its a place where people go for field trips as youngsters ...

Why couldn't they get permission?
op and others in here seemed to have skipped over this.

White people living in fear and walking on egg shells after another white man commits an act of terrorism doesn't seem as likely though.

Muslims are in the minority however and there is a lot more stigma surrounding their religion + terrorism. They shouldn't have to face any more or less backlash than other races/religions/national origins. I agree. Unfortunately, that's the country we live in.

That was the point of the question, of course white people aren't going to act differently because of the actions of someone who shares the same skin color as them.

You said that the Middle Eastern guys should be walking on egg shells just because of their race even though the terrorist attacks in Boston were done by non Middle Easterners.
open up your minds people.... those of you who are saying that middle easterners gotta live different lives than others cause "thats just the way things are" are not adding to the problem of racial profiling... y'all are the problem.
You said that the Middle Eastern guys should be walking on egg shells just because of their race even though the terrorist attacks in Boston were done by non Middle Easterners.

a. The Boston bombings were committed by self-proclaimed terrorists
b. It has since heightened the fear of terrorism in the northeast
c. Americans typically correlate terrorism with the middle east and muslims
d. Therefore, being of "middle eastern" decent, you'd think one would be overly aware of the profiling that goes on in this country and have the mindfulness to not put themselves in the position to be wrongfully persecuted by the masses even if they are 100% innocent

Make sense? I don't think anyone innocent should have to walk on egg shells out of fear because they are part of a certain group. HOWEVER, we do not live in a just society. Certain associations and actions can draw unwanted attention because of irrelevant factors such as race.
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a. The Boston bombings were committed by self-proclaimed terrorists
b. It has since heightened the fear of terrorism in the northeast
c. Americans typically correlate terrorism with the middle east and muslims
d. Therefore, being of "middle eastern" decent, you'd think one would be overly aware of the profiling that goes on in this country and have the mindfulness to not put themselves in the position to be wrongfully persecuted by the masses even if they are 100% innocent

Make sense? I don't think anyone innocent should have to walk on egg shells out of fear because they are part of a certain group. HOWEVER, we do not live in a just society. Certain associations and actions can draw unwanted attention because of irrelevant factors such as race.
u srs? you just said being of middle eastern descent means you have to be "overly aware" and have the "mindfulness" to not get wrongly persecuted... and then you said you dont think innocent people should have to walk on egg shells out of fear. i'm confused by your contradictions
Only reason anyone is assuming the worst is because of their Racial background
They went there after midnight though. You don't see ANYTHING wrong with that picture? Why couldn't they have gone during the DAY?
Technically, anything after midnight is part of the day. 

So what these people are walking by the lake at night? Loitering is the worst it should be. These people are just put on blast because of their race, and we all know that.
Only reason anyone is assuming the worst is because of their Racial background

They went there after midnight though. You don't see ANYTHING wrong with that picture? Why couldn't they have gone during the DAY?

Its funny because if they went during the day, people would still be suspicious as to why this group of foreign people wanted to check the place out.
So were these 7 individuals racially profiled by whoever detained them?  Is that what people are saying?

Or are we saying that this is only news because of their background?

If it's the latter, I can dig it.  But I don't think authorities were alerted because "Middle Eastern" people were trespassing.  I'd imagine they were just doing their job and happened upon these 7 people who were somewhere they shouldn't have been.  And I'm NOT trying to say that law enforcement doesn't profile, because they do.  I've been a victim of it several times.  But in this instance, I think they were probably doing what taxpayers pay them to do.  
Its funny because if they went during the day, people would still be suspicious as to why this group of foreign people wanted to check the place out.
berry true, still, the element of nigh time makes us assume the worst because the unknown can creep up on you when you can't see as well, although it can happen in the daylight, you feel a bit more safe when everything is exposed to your retina.
Got locked out of my apartment once. It was on the second floor, and my roommate at the time (Chinese dude) said he'd climbed up the balcony once to get in when he locked himself out. Told me to do the same. I walked outside, looked up, and thought, "What would a black man climbing up a balcony and entering an apartment look like right now?" Took the L and paid for the replacement key.

Bottom line: As a person with certain stigmas attached to them, you need to act in your own self-interest by thinking about how your actions appear to others. As a minority this is common sense. Either these people are complete idiots, or they were definitely up to something shady.
Every single person in this thread has stereotyped someone and thought nothing of it in their lifetime. :rolleyes

I feel like this is news because their excuse for trespassing at a public water supply was their career/educational interests as chemical engineers. What does that even mean? They were doing experiments and such? You got 7 independent chemical engineers doing fieldwork to go knows what end, after hours, and at public water supply. I don't give a **** if it was 7 blonde haired, blue eyed, white women, you can't do that. A person is free to enjoy life and all America has to offer, to do what they please how they please without suspicions being cast. But na, you can't do that.
u srs? you just said being of middle eastern descent means you have to be "overly aware" and have the "mindfulness" to not get wrongly persecuted... and then you said you dont think innocent people should have to walk on egg shells out of fear. i'm confused by your contradictions

I said "they have to be overly aware??" :lol:

Your reading comprehension skills are bordering the "downs."

Read my post again. I said "one would think they would be" (referencing past treatment by authorities). I know in certain situations involving police I know what not to do, what not to say, and how not to act because of stereotypes. It's not rocket science. It's a natural response, operant conditioning. You know how many muslim people were in fear for their safety post 9/11 breh? Probably not because it sounds like you think this world is all sunshine and rainbows. You really think all who are innocent are treated as so :lol:

Take your blinders off.
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