Mike Vick Sentenced to 23 Months in Prison

ultimately a victim of his own celebrity and the sense of invicibility that comes along with it.
Ahh finally something I can co-sign.
This Dude was so full of himself, that when it was early on and only looking like some misdemeanor type ++$!, he coulda have easily copped a plea and did NOTIME. trust. They said his initial lawyer shoulda have pushed him harder to take the deal, huh? Your house was raided for drugs and you got an illegal dogfighting ring being run out of it and you cant see this ++$! is gonna snowball into something Way bigger.

Vick's mentality was "!+@@ that, Im Mike Vick. Them people love me."
okay Mike, what do you call a black man with a 100 million dollarcontract and millions in endorsement deals? A *+!@+#.
better know that!

with that said, I feel sooo much safer now that Mike's locked up, I didnt even lock my doors last nite, I just know the world's a much safer place forhaving gone after Mike with the ferocity the federal gov't did
I'm sick and tired of americas ignorant youth movement ... people just talk these days with no knowledge and then they hear a small tidbit on the news thatsupports their argument and run with it knowing damn well they have no idea what it means ... people who werent celebrities went to jail for life for doingesentially the same thing ... vick got lucky cuz he was a star and copped a plea ... i dont wish another mans demise on him but for some reason i hope thestate tacks on in this case to get people to understand that the law, regardless of what you think, is the law ... if you dont like the law become a politicianor abide
is there a final figure of the amount of money lost...i remember reading something that had it about 120mil...between endorsements and contracts lost...thenthe Falcons were even going after him for the signing bonus right? how did all that turn out
There's some things in this world that I just don't get. A football player can murder two people and get off scotch free. A football player can drivedrunk and kill a lady and then drive drunk after that, and yet he's still playing football. A football player can beat his wife, abuse drugs, and yet theycan still play football. But Mike Vick kills some dogs and it's curtains. Go ahead and kill somebody with your car, but lord forbid you kill a dog. I'mnot trying to excuse what he did, but it just doesn't make any sense to me how this is such a huge deal compared to other stuff that goes on.
There's some things in this world that I just don't get. A football player can murder two people and get off scotch free. A football player can drive drunk and kill a lady and then drive drunk after that, and yet he's still playing football. A football player can beat his wife, abuse drugs, and yet they can still play football. But Mike Vick kills some dogs and it's curtains. Go ahead and kill somebody with your car, but lord forbid you kill a dog. I'm not trying to excuse what he did, but it just doesn't make any sense to me how this is such a huge deal compared to other stuff that goes on.
this is the only argument that gets me feeling for dude ... but see when i think about it more, its not mike vick that should get let off becauseof everyone else getting off, people in the world should be FIGHTING for the people who do serious crime to do serious punishment ... I wish people actuallycared about normal people getting killed and beaten and their offenders getting let off ... +!%@ mike vick his dumb!+%# smoke weed and failed a lie detectortest knowing damn well it would get him ... [Katt Williams] +!%@ Mike [/Katt Williams]
Originally Posted by AI Bundy

There's some things in this world that I just don't get. A football player can murder two people and get off scotch free. A football player can drive drunk and kill a lady and then drive drunk after that, and yet he's still playing football. A football player can beat his wife, abuse drugs, and yet they can still play football. But Mike Vick kills some dogs and it's curtains. Go ahead and kill somebody with your car, but lord forbid you kill a dog. I'm not trying to excuse what he did, but it just doesn't make any sense to me how this is such a huge deal compared to other stuff that goes on.

First off, I don't think Ray killed anybody. He was just with the wrong people at the wrong time. It's not like dude didn't go to trial.
None of those other cases were fed cases were they? You get brought up on federal charges, and you are going down. It doesn't matter who you are.Martha Stewart got throw in jail over some total BS
Poindexter thoughthe was doing Vick a favor by dropping the case. If he didn't drop the case, the feds don't come in. If the feds don't come in, he gets brought upon state charges and probably gets acquitted too. Even if he wasn't acquitted, he probably could have copped a plea with no jail time.
Some people in here are using their "love" for dogs to hide their "hate" for Vick.
That's pretty much what I see as well. Also, I find it hard to believe that some people think that racism doesn't exist in this day inage, you dudes just don't live in the real world.

It's just the cool thing to say nowadays. Free the Jena 6!!!!!!!! Free Sean Taylor's killers!!!!!!! Free Mike Vick!!!!!!!!

Such an asinine statement on so many levels. No, the cool thing to is not to say Free the Jena 6, THE RIGHT THING TO DO IS TO FREE THE JENA 6, theyshouldn't have been mistreated by the legal system in the first place, but I'm guessing nobody thinks that case was about race right? As far as SeanTaylor's killers, the only people I think would say something like that would be their family members, but even they know that what those boys did waswrong, simply put.
That's pretty much what I see as well. Also, I find it hard to believe that some people think that racism doesn't exist in this day in age, you dudes just don't live in the real world.
Who is saying racism doesn't exist? I just don't think it played a huge role in this issue. It may from a cultural perspective, but Idon't think the judge looked at Michael Vick and said 'Well, he's black. I'm really gonna @$@@ him!'...His co-defendants were black, too.Does anybody think they got screwed by the system?
I'm guessing nobody thinks that case was about race right?
You may not be trying to do so, but comparing that situation with this one is completely asinine. Not even remotely the same thing. The Jena 6kids were absolutely wronged. The Jena 6 kids got arrested for defending themselves against racist white people. You can defend the Jena 6 and make alegitimate case that they were victims of a SERIOUS injustice.

You cannot do so for Michael Vick. He got a drastically lighter sentence than others who have been implicated in Federal dog fighting cases. He made his ownsituation worse by not being able to get his stories straight after his arrest. He made his situation worse by failing a drug test he KNEW was coming whileawaiting his sentencing, then he failed a lie detector test...Michael Vick signed a Statement of Fact admitting to the crimes he committed. He agreed to a pleabargain without knowing exactly how he was going to paint his own picture from there on out. Seems like his lawyers did a pretty terrible job of defending himin this case.
they were just talking ab how mike should have went to trial on first take and i whole heartedly agree. i questioned why he pleaded guilty in the first place.skip had the same logic as me, IT ONLY TAKES 1 JUROR, couple that with the 0 credibility that the ex-cons that would be testifying against him have and therewould be a great chance he would be playing in the nfl next year. putting his fate in the hands of animal loving, pompous henry hudson was way more risky thangoing to trial.

on another related note, when i see how much money vick has lost it's gut wrenching
how much do you guys think he has left? i wouldn't begin to speculatebecause i have no clue. i'll just say he'll be far from broke, he just won't be living as lavishly as he did before.
hopefully he wasnt an idiot and hs some long term investments, a lifetime or 2 maxed out 401k and some stocks, you could hope

If this happened to any other player it we would all be saying the same thing ... stupid $%$$ ... end of story

stop saying because he's black they say this and that, you just sound ignorant to us with them comments...

you guys are covering this story better then espn, props
Such an asinine statement on so many levels. No, the cool thing to is not to say Free the Jena 6, THE RIGHT THING TO DO IS TO FREE THE JENA 6, they shouldn't have been mistreated by the legal system in the first place, but I'm guessing nobody thinks that case was about race right? As far as Sean Taylor's killers, the only people I think would say something like that would be their family members, but even they know that what those boys did was wrong, simply put.
Come on man lets be real ... maybe you dont pay attention to the youth today or just are older and dont see it but I know more people saying FREEJENA 6 that dont know two@%!$#% about+@%+ a jena6 is ... too many sheep in this world man pay attention
Who is saying racism doesn't exist? I just don't think it played a huge role in this issue. It may from a cultural perspective, but I don't think the judge looked at Michael Vick and said 'Well, he's black. I'm really gonna @$@@ him!'...His co-defendants were black, too. Does anybody think they got screwed by the system?
When people say that this Mike Vick case has nothing to do with race, that means to me those same people are not possible seeing things the waythey could be. By automatically saying race doesn't matter when it comes to Mike Vick is asinine in itself because its like there saying racism doesn'texist at all, and saying that the color or Mike Vick's skin isn't the cause for some if not all of the "harsh" backlash that he is receiving.Also, don't think for one second that before in the past a white judge hasn't tried to make an example out of a black "criminal", it happensmore often then we think.

You may not be trying to do so, but comparing that situation with this one is completely asinine. Not even remotely the same thing. The Jena 6 kids were absolutely wronged. The Jena 6 kids got arrested for defending themselves against racist white people. You can defend the Jena 6 and make a legitimate case that they were victims of a SERIOUS injustice.

Nah champ, you completely missed what I was pointing out, DaJoka004 said that people are just saying FREEthe Jena 6 and Free Mike Vick because its the cool thing to do
. To me,that alone shows me the ignorance that is running rampid in society nowadays. People weren't saying FREE the Jena 6 because it was cool, we were sayingthat because they were treated unfairly to begin with and unlike some of the people on NT now, WE stood up for our rights and what we believed in. FREE theJena 6 was about taking a stand against a government system that is trying to make black an underclass in America, does anybody else see that?? FREE the Jena 6and FREE Mike Vick is two different extremes, I will give you that, and just like every good rational person should be able to agree with, the Jena 6shouldn't have been in that situation in the first place seeing how they were mistreated, Mike Vick on the other hand did bring some of this action uponhimself. I think most people just don't agree with the sentencing that took place.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I do believe that if it was average Joe who got arrested, it would be less time than Vick got.

Famous people get off easy all the time due to their stature, wealth and connections. So I don't see how an Average Joe would have received less time. The feds have strict sentencing guidelines, unlike local court systems where judges like to legislate from the bench.

And my question for the "Free Mike Vick" crowd: on what grounds should he be freed?

If you're going to post around spouting "Free Vick" and making it your sig, you should probably have a legitimate reason why he should be freed. If you don't have a legitimate legal argument for why he should be freed, then you're just kidding yourselves and I feel sad for you.

It's just the cool thing to say nowadays. Free the Jena 6!!!!!!!! Free Sean Taylor's killers!!!!!!! Free Mike Vick!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by Spotti3otti3dopaliscious

And let's forget about the dogs. You're going to support somebody who lies and deceives the government which sole purpose is to protect, and serve you? Are you F'ing ******ed?

Gimme a friggin break. Seriously.

The government lies and deceives the people. And we pay them to do it.

Ain't **** just about the justice system in this country. And be real, for a lot of ya'll, if blacks aren't entertaining you, you don't give a **** about us. I often wonder why its so easy for others to dismiss the claims of someone black about social issues that they face. Anyone having suspicions about how race may have affected the handling of this case from the media to the public and ultimately the sentencing is not automatically wrong. Judging by the history of this country, its not a stretch by any means.

That said, this is not an apology for Vick. He was dumb as hell. He gave the system the opportunity to decide his fate. And the people around him are even worse. If only to make sure they keep getting money, they should've made sure Vick had nothing to do with that ****.

The sad part is Vick is a victim of his upbringing and ultimately a victim of his own celebrity and the sense of invicibility that comes along with it. Money does not absolve or dismiss one's ills, it enhances them.

Let's hope he lives a better, smarter life once he's released.

IF you're going to criticize our government for lying and deceiving people at least know your facts.....Tell me....in the history of this EARTH, whenhas there EVER been a government that didn't lie and deceive? Seriously? So to use that as an argument is weak and comical.

#2.....stop thinking that because we're black America doesn't give a %%++ about us. It ain't got+%@+ to do with your skin color. Americadoesn't give a damn about ANY one person. Capitalism buddy, people look out for themselves. Whether you're black, white, green or orange it won'tchange the fact that nobody outside of your friends and family gives a damn about you. So quit with this us vs. world mentality. It's way bigger thanthat.

#3. Mike Vick is black......so what?

He's also rich and stupid. The reason why he's getting such harsh treatment is because he's STUPID. Not because he's black, rich, or famous.WAKE UP!

And for the record....23 months(which he likely won't even serve all of) isn't even that bad for what he did. This negro lied to the federal governmentpeople! Thats' what its about.

You really think the FEDS give a damn about some dogs? Are you serious? If he would've told the truth from jump he might've gotten off with someprobation and a huge fine.

#4. Quit with this upbringing+%@+. Like every person that comes from the hood is destined for failure or some+%@+. Not everybody from the hood is a thug orhangs out with thugs.

Get this....there are actually some people in the hood who are hard-working, stand-up citizens. Vick's choice to associate with the criminals was justthat. Nobody forced this man to have bad friends. He has nobody to blame but himself. Stop sticking up for this man.
Of note...the final defendant in the Bad Newz Kennels case got his sentence this morning. 2 months for Tony Taylor. His reduced sentence is tied to hiscooperation with the government. Have to wonder if Vick would have swallowed his pride and spoken, if he might be looking at significantly less time.

Now, cue the "Stop Snitching" posts...

RICHMOND, Va. - A fourth defendant was sentenced Friday to two months in prison for his role in the dogfighting conspiracy that led to the downfall of NFL star Michael Vick.

Tony Taylor of Hampton, who cooperated with the government, was the first man to plead guilty in the case and the last to be sentenced. Vick, who financed the "Bad Newz Kennels" operation, was sentenced Monday to 23 months in prison. Purnell Peace of Virginia Beach and Quanis Phillips of Atlanta previously were sentenced to 18 months and 21 months, respectively.

Prosecutor Michael Gill asked U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson to sentence Taylor only to probation because of his cooperation with the government.

"He was the most significant source of information in this case," Gill said.

While Hudson said Taylor was entitled to credit for his cooperation, he did not believe such a large disparity in sentencing between Taylor and the other defendants was appropriate.

"You were as much an abuser of animals as any other defendant in this case," Hudson said.

All four men initially pleaded not guilty. Taylor changed his plea on July 30 and agreed to cooperate with the government in its prosecution of the others. Peace and Phillips soon changed their pleas as well, and Vick followed suit on Aug. 23.

Taylor scouted for a location for the dogfighting operation in 2001 and recommended a 15-acre tract in Surry County, in rural southeastern Virginia. Vick paid about $34,000 for the property the following year.

In a summary of facts that accompanied his plea agreement, Taylor said he maintained and trained the dogs for about three years. He admitted executing two dogs, shooting one and electrocuting the other, when they did not perform well in test fights.

Vick received a harsher sentence than Peace and Phillips after Hudson concluded that the suspended Atlanta Falcons quarterback lied about his direct involvement in killing dogs and about his marijuana use, which was detected in a drug test.

Taylor said he left the operation after a falling out with Phillips and others in September 2004.

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