by trying to act tough, okay yeah write your ticket and be done with it. his first mistake is letting the dude get in the car and start it. he should've stopped him there instead of getting in front of the car.
the cop over reacted, tryna be all tough by being loud and drawing attention. he had a right to get mad and pull the guy out of the car, but SOME cops are drama queens.
how did he overreact exactly?ever have your foot run over by a car?

me neither, and it would probably infuriate me

you sound stupid
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Dude deserved a beatdown for that. That's what happens when you think having money lets you do whatever the !@#$ you want with no consequences.
As much as Niketalk hates cops, this cop had every right to do that. He was writing a ticket, the d-bag didn't want one, tried to drive away while the officer did so and ran over his foot in the process.

Dudes really should stop labeling all cops though. Lot of cool ones out there.


He's lucky that was being video taped. What a jerk. :smh: at people disrespecting an officer of the law like that.

I swear im a very fair and objective person, but that cop seemed to have overeacted....dudes talking like he legit ran over his foot...the car moved .0000000000008 of an inch.

Dude with the Rari is a dummy, if he really wanted to piss of the cop he shouldve told him how many years he'd have to work to afford that car....or ask him how much he made last year and just die of laughter if the cop responded or not.
Dude is dumb for not just accepting the ticket but god I hate cops too.

That's the closest that ******g pig will ever get to owning a Ferrari. Picked the wrong career, bruh bruh
that cop probably wanted to give him a ticket cause it was a Ferrari. if it was any other regular car nothing wouldve happened.

jelly much?
how did he overreact exactly?ever have your foot run over by a car?

me neither, and it would probably infuriate me

you sound stupid

he shouldn't of let him get in the car in the first place, and putting yourself in front of the car was stupid. I showed this to my cousin (who is a cop), and he told me the cops first mistake was letting him start the car. should've sat the dude down until he done writing the ticket. than let him leave. obviously if the guy started the car and started to move he was going to either push the cop out of the way or drive off.

dont get me wrong that ish prob hurts but that could've been avoided
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I swear im a very fair and objective person, but that cop seemed to have overeacted....dudes talking like he legit ran over his foot...the car moved .0000000000008 of an inch.

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I started to crack up when they threw the street cone in front of dudes motionless body.

All they needed was that janitor from the high school chick fight to come threw with the Broom and sweep the trash away.
Cops are corrupt d-bags who love power.  The smart way to defend yourself against cops is to know the law yourself, so you can fully use every right you have as an American.
regardless if the cop was a **** or not, driving a ferrari doesnt make you immune to rules. Especially driving over a cops foot. I mean, its only a ticket. If anything you can just make a payment plan
I've gotten my foot run over when I was like 8 by a Lincoln town car at like 5mph (not 0.10mph) and it DID NOT HURT ONE BIT. It fully went over my foot and this it was just like his shoes got stuck under the wheel and he reacted way too late. He definitely over reacted. He's giving a ticket to the Ferrari; why isn't is partner giving a ticket to the car behind it? Looked like they pulled over to give him a ticket too. Cop was on that "Be prepared to be ****ed by the big **** of the law". :lol:
Dude was in the completely wrong but I like how the cop started limping after dude was already on the ground...his foot wasn't even in front of the wheel at first then he moved it. there was traffic dude wasn't getting far and I'm sure he had dudes info already.
The driver is an have a Ferrari but can't pay a parking ticket? :stoneface: If anyone in that scene felt some entitlement it was the dbag driving,....getting your foot run over is no joke, happened to me when I was 10, I was lucky my foot wasn't broken...there's bad cops but cmon now dude was writing him a ticket
Cops are corrupt d-bags who love power.  The smart way to defend yourself against cops is to know the law yourself, so you can fully use every right you have as an American.

dont call 911 if you ever have an emergency, since you know the law yourself.
Cops are corrupt d-bags who love power.  The smart way to defend yourself against cops is to know the law yourself, so you can fully use every right you have as an American.

ok wise guy, how would be defend himself after trying to run over a cop? what law backs up the driver in that situation?

Dude is dumb for not just accepting the ticket but god I hate cops too.
That's the closest that ******g pig will ever get to owning a Ferrari. Picked the wrong career, bruh bruh

Pics' of your Ferrari bruh bruh?

Props to the cop..
that cop probably wanted to give him a ticket cause it was a Ferrari. if it was any other regular car nothing wouldve happened.
jelly much?
Can you see what the street signs indicate for parking there or if there was a hydrant?  I have a pretty good feeling he was parked illegally if he just got in and tried to drive off.  MOST people would ask why they're getting a ticket if they thought they were okay.  Plenty of people, myself included, will try to get away with it sometimes in the city if they can't find a spot or are in a rush.

Should've went down a little differently by both parties but obviously it happened because of where the driver parked and then trying to drive off.  The type of car just adds to whether people are salty or not.
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