how was the last season? i totally forgot about it.

i remember watching the opening scene with dude running to the roof with the briefcase. i had the not-bad.jpg face the whole time.... don't remember anything after that. #drugs


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still watching it to the end regardless, was ok but the sweater had me thinking of Simon on top of the building in black
Gonna try to catch this latest ep while I'm here at work all night.

Like someone said above even though the show now is nowhere close to being as good as it was the first couple seasons I gotta stick with it to the end.
Haven't watched since the first season. Once I heard dude turns into a chick and gets his self pregnant I was done
Any of the OG characters still around
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Thanks man.

And I should have said second instead of first season. First two season were great
[quote name="Shox23" url="/t/255531/misfits-fans-series-thread/420#post_19016470"]Does anybody here watch Fresh Meats that show is hilarious
really? saw the 1st ep this morning and thought it was meh.might watch the 2nd one later[/quote]

I watched both seasons I thought it was really good
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