Modernwarfare 3 Teaser- Find Makarov

i knew it was fake. activision is still prolly recovering from 35 or so infinity ward employees it lost after firing infinity ward's founder and head exec/creative director. In other words, a lot of the people who made cod 1 2 and all the modern warfares will not be around anymore so Activision has been trying to hire new people. so there was no way they could have a trailer already out.

...i wouldn't be surprised if the game doesn't even come out this year.

mw2> black ops
i knew it was fake. activision is still prolly recovering from 35 or so infinity ward employees it lost after firing infinity ward's founder and head exec/creative director. In other words, a lot of the people who made cod 1 2 and all the modern warfares will not be around anymore so Activision has been trying to hire new people. so there was no way they could have a trailer already out.

...i wouldn't be surprised if the game doesn't even come out this year.

mw2> black ops
It's probably a movie. 
Sources say it's a call of duty-inspired project. 

Set your clock to past March 2 and you'll see this:

It's probably a movie. 
Sources say it's a call of duty-inspired project. 

Set your clock to past March 2 and you'll see this:

LiveMyReality wrote:
Any reason why so many people from Infinity Ward were fired? Was it a performance based issue?
[h2]2010 employee firings and departures[/h2][h3][edit]Dismissal of senior employees[/h3]
On March 1, 2010, Activision amended its report with the Securities and Exchange Commission to add notification that two senior employees of Infinity Ward were being fired due to "breaches of contract and insubordination". This coincided with Jason West (Infinity Ward president, game director, co-CCO, and CTO) and Vince Zampella (CEO and co-founder of Infinity Ward) editing their profiles on the website LinkedIn to list Infinity Ward as a former employer as of March 2010. Reportedly, a meeting between Zampella, West, and Activision staff occurred on March 1, after which neither Zampella nor West were seen; this was followed by the arrival of security guards at the studio. It was later confirmed by Activision that West and Zampella had been dismissed, and had been replaced on an interim basis by Activision CTO Steve Pearce and head of production Steve Ackrich.

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick addressed Infinity Ward studio heads on March 2, 2010 about Zampella and West's dismissal. A second meeting was held with all of Infinity Ward's employees on hand. The outcomes of those meetings are currently unknown, but Activision has explained that Infinity Ward is still "central" to the future of the Call of Duty franchise. Activision has created a new studio, Sledgehammer Games, to create an "action-adventure" installment of the Call of Duty franchise. As of March 3, 2010, Activision maintains that Infinity Ward is still the central pillar of their Call of Duty franchise and this new studio is merely an extension of the franchise.
[h3][edit]Further departures[/h3]
Following West and Zampella's firings, nearly half of the remaining Infinity Ward employees resigned. Throughout April and May 2010, 46 employees, among the lead designers and programmers who worked on Modern Warfare 2, abruptly left Infinity Ward. All have so far declined to comment on their reasons for leaving.[sup][33][/sup]
[h3][edit]Lawsuits[/h3][h4][edit]West and Zampella vs. Activision[/h4]
Following the initial news of West and Zampella's departure, it was reported that Infinity Ward has not received royalties from the sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and that the developer may have breached their contract with Activision by holding meetings with other video game publishers including Electronic Arts. This was revealed to be the reason behind the firings when West and Zampella filed a lawsuit against Activision on March 4, 2010 over "substantial royalty payments" that Activision failed to pay them in the weeks leading up to their firing. According to their attorney Robert Schwartz, Activision had hired lawyers to investigate West and Zampella on charges of insubordination and breaches of contract in February, which culminated in their dismissal. West and Zampella's lawsuit was filed to force Activision to compensate West and Zampella for the unpaid royalties, and to secure contractual rights over the Modern Warfare branch of the Call of Duty franchise, among other things. If their lawsuit is successful, West and Zampella could retain the power to halt the development and release of any future games and downloadable content in the Modern Warfare setting.

On April 9, 2010 a countersuit was filed by Activision stating their actions in firing Zampella and West were justified, calling the two "self-serving schemers". Zampella and West's attorney responded to the countersuit the same day saying the publisher's claims are "false and outrageous".The trial date for this case was revealed on July 9, 2010 to be scheduled for May 23, 2011. The countersuit mentioned that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is in development.
Infinity Ward Employee Group v. Activision[/h4]
On April 27, 2010, 38 current and former employees of Infinity Ward brought a lawsuit against Activision. Calling themselves the "Infinity Ward Employee Group" (IWEG), the plaintiffs seek between $75 million and $125 million in compensatory damages from Activision for unpaid bonuses for work on Modern Warfare 2. The lawsuit alleges that Activision withheld compensation from the plaintiffs in order to force them to stay with the studio and develop Modern Warfare 3. In addition, the plaintiffs are also seeking between $75 million and $500 million in punitive damages. The trial date for this case was revealed on July 9, 2010 to be scheduled for May 23, 2011.
[h3][edit]Respawn Entertainment[/h3]
On April 12, 2010 the LA Times reported that West and Zampella were forming a new independent gaming studio known as Respawn Entertainment. They are seeking funding from EA through the EA Partners Program. West and Zampella will incorporate the rights to all intellectual property produced by them in the future. As of July 10, 2010, 38 of the 46 Infinity Ward employees who resigned from that studio following the firings of West and Zampella revealed through their LinkedIn and Facebook profiles that they had signed on with Respawn Entertainment. According to comments by the employees, Respawn was expected to begin work on its first project in May 2010.
[h3][edit]Infinity Ward "Fully" Reconstructed[/h3]
In an article published November 19, 2010, Vivendi chairman and CEO Jean-Bernard Levy stated that Infinity Ward "got over" their problems and are fully reconstructed. According to the article, they are very happy with the way they have been able to reconstruct it. Later in the article, the executive went on to say that there will be 3 studios working on the Call of Duty franchise, both Raven Software, Infinity Ward, and the newly formed studio, Sledgehammer Games.
Lawsuits against EA and West & Zampella[/h3]
According to an article on December 21, 2010, Activision amended its lawsuit against West and Zampella to join Electronic Arts (EA) as a defendant. According to the article, Activision stated that EA began a conspiracy with West & Zampella. Activision stated its largest unidentified rival was Electronic Arts. They also stated that Electronic Arts intentionally interfered with contracts, engaged in unfair competition, and aided and abetted breaches of fiduciary duty by West and Zampella. The complaint also alleged that West and Zampella refused to sign standard exit documents representing that they had returned all Activision property, including computer code. Activision alleged West and Zampella were "motivated by envy and personal greed" and intentionally released game trailers for Modern Warfare 2 the same day Treyarch posted promotion videos for downloadable content for Call of Duty: World at War. The article also showed a transcript of text message between West and an unnamed Infinity Ward employee. In January 2011, the court will rule on Activision's petition to join EA as a defendant. The trial date between Jason West, Vince Zampella, and the Infinity Ward Employee Group vs. Activision is currently set for May 23, 2011.
LiveMyReality wrote:
Any reason why so many people from Infinity Ward were fired? Was it a performance based issue?
[h2]2010 employee firings and departures[/h2][h3][edit]Dismissal of senior employees[/h3]
On March 1, 2010, Activision amended its report with the Securities and Exchange Commission to add notification that two senior employees of Infinity Ward were being fired due to "breaches of contract and insubordination". This coincided with Jason West (Infinity Ward president, game director, co-CCO, and CTO) and Vince Zampella (CEO and co-founder of Infinity Ward) editing their profiles on the website LinkedIn to list Infinity Ward as a former employer as of March 2010. Reportedly, a meeting between Zampella, West, and Activision staff occurred on March 1, after which neither Zampella nor West were seen; this was followed by the arrival of security guards at the studio. It was later confirmed by Activision that West and Zampella had been dismissed, and had been replaced on an interim basis by Activision CTO Steve Pearce and head of production Steve Ackrich.

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick addressed Infinity Ward studio heads on March 2, 2010 about Zampella and West's dismissal. A second meeting was held with all of Infinity Ward's employees on hand. The outcomes of those meetings are currently unknown, but Activision has explained that Infinity Ward is still "central" to the future of the Call of Duty franchise. Activision has created a new studio, Sledgehammer Games, to create an "action-adventure" installment of the Call of Duty franchise. As of March 3, 2010, Activision maintains that Infinity Ward is still the central pillar of their Call of Duty franchise and this new studio is merely an extension of the franchise.
[h3][edit]Further departures[/h3]
Following West and Zampella's firings, nearly half of the remaining Infinity Ward employees resigned. Throughout April and May 2010, 46 employees, among the lead designers and programmers who worked on Modern Warfare 2, abruptly left Infinity Ward. All have so far declined to comment on their reasons for leaving.[sup][33][/sup]
[h3][edit]Lawsuits[/h3][h4][edit]West and Zampella vs. Activision[/h4]
Following the initial news of West and Zampella's departure, it was reported that Infinity Ward has not received royalties from the sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and that the developer may have breached their contract with Activision by holding meetings with other video game publishers including Electronic Arts. This was revealed to be the reason behind the firings when West and Zampella filed a lawsuit against Activision on March 4, 2010 over "substantial royalty payments" that Activision failed to pay them in the weeks leading up to their firing. According to their attorney Robert Schwartz, Activision had hired lawyers to investigate West and Zampella on charges of insubordination and breaches of contract in February, which culminated in their dismissal. West and Zampella's lawsuit was filed to force Activision to compensate West and Zampella for the unpaid royalties, and to secure contractual rights over the Modern Warfare branch of the Call of Duty franchise, among other things. If their lawsuit is successful, West and Zampella could retain the power to halt the development and release of any future games and downloadable content in the Modern Warfare setting.

On April 9, 2010 a countersuit was filed by Activision stating their actions in firing Zampella and West were justified, calling the two "self-serving schemers". Zampella and West's attorney responded to the countersuit the same day saying the publisher's claims are "false and outrageous".The trial date for this case was revealed on July 9, 2010 to be scheduled for May 23, 2011. The countersuit mentioned that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is in development.
Infinity Ward Employee Group v. Activision[/h4]
On April 27, 2010, 38 current and former employees of Infinity Ward brought a lawsuit against Activision. Calling themselves the "Infinity Ward Employee Group" (IWEG), the plaintiffs seek between $75 million and $125 million in compensatory damages from Activision for unpaid bonuses for work on Modern Warfare 2. The lawsuit alleges that Activision withheld compensation from the plaintiffs in order to force them to stay with the studio and develop Modern Warfare 3. In addition, the plaintiffs are also seeking between $75 million and $500 million in punitive damages. The trial date for this case was revealed on July 9, 2010 to be scheduled for May 23, 2011.
[h3][edit]Respawn Entertainment[/h3]
On April 12, 2010 the LA Times reported that West and Zampella were forming a new independent gaming studio known as Respawn Entertainment. They are seeking funding from EA through the EA Partners Program. West and Zampella will incorporate the rights to all intellectual property produced by them in the future. As of July 10, 2010, 38 of the 46 Infinity Ward employees who resigned from that studio following the firings of West and Zampella revealed through their LinkedIn and Facebook profiles that they had signed on with Respawn Entertainment. According to comments by the employees, Respawn was expected to begin work on its first project in May 2010.
[h3][edit]Infinity Ward "Fully" Reconstructed[/h3]
In an article published November 19, 2010, Vivendi chairman and CEO Jean-Bernard Levy stated that Infinity Ward "got over" their problems and are fully reconstructed. According to the article, they are very happy with the way they have been able to reconstruct it. Later in the article, the executive went on to say that there will be 3 studios working on the Call of Duty franchise, both Raven Software, Infinity Ward, and the newly formed studio, Sledgehammer Games.
Lawsuits against EA and West & Zampella[/h3]
According to an article on December 21, 2010, Activision amended its lawsuit against West and Zampella to join Electronic Arts (EA) as a defendant. According to the article, Activision stated that EA began a conspiracy with West & Zampella. Activision stated its largest unidentified rival was Electronic Arts. They also stated that Electronic Arts intentionally interfered with contracts, engaged in unfair competition, and aided and abetted breaches of fiduciary duty by West and Zampella. The complaint also alleged that West and Zampella refused to sign standard exit documents representing that they had returned all Activision property, including computer code. Activision alleged West and Zampella were "motivated by envy and personal greed" and intentionally released game trailers for Modern Warfare 2 the same day Treyarch posted promotion videos for downloadable content for Call of Duty: World at War. The article also showed a transcript of text message between West and an unnamed Infinity Ward employee. In January 2011, the court will rule on Activision's petition to join EA as a defendant. The trial date between Jason West, Vince Zampella, and the Infinity Ward Employee Group vs. Activision is currently set for May 23, 2011.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

lol.....Website all of a sudden doesnt exist, What a joke.
doesn't work for me either.  page times out.  black ops is getting real old...real fast!!
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

lol.....Website all of a sudden doesnt exist, What a joke.
doesn't work for me either.  page times out.  black ops is getting real old...real fast!!
Heres the trailer

See When cats can even make films based off it
this is why Modern Warfare & Modern Warfare 2s campaigns are GOAT
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