Moment of Truth:Things you did or do that ppl may see is weird, nasty, disgusting.....

Whenever I make PB&J I'll stick the knife back in the jar of peanut butter when I'm done and lick the peanut butter off the knife. Multiple times sometimes.
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:lol: Funny stuff. I think i've told NT enough though, i'll pass.

Or i'll just give an easy one, I drink the water from the tuna can.
When I'm at my crib chillen in bball shorts. I hold on and fondle my penis like 80% of the time. Its like I'm keep in it peped up for a lucky female later that day.

My guy, I'm doing this right now.. Hand down my pants, swole meat on deck with the chokehold
First time I ever fapped I got naked and sat in the bath tub. Thought I was supposed to "force" the nut out and ended up pissing all over myself.

Funny because I was just about to make a new thread "First time you fapped".
For me it was to some solo webcam video. Dat feeling :pimp: . I use to half-fap before to still pics but I thought I wasn't doing it right. Then one summer I threw that on and decided to give it a try. After about 4 mins, poof. A fee minutes Right after I decided to give it a try with some real porn
Umm.. I've detailed my adventures into bdsm on here before.... But I don't want to get this locked... Again lol... So, all I got to say is... Cue Metallica, give me some American flag pants, OG steel 10's, a beer, and my bamboo cane...
First time I ever fapped I got naked and sat in the bath tub. Thought I was supposed to "force" the nut out and ended up pissing all over myself.
1st fap thread?
I downloaded a video of a girl on a webcam playing with the chesticles and said wth ill try it. Got *** naked and used the worse technique and soon as I was about to give up I felt something, and made a mess smh. My joint was sore the whole night but the rest of that week was 3x a day
First time I ever fapped I got naked and sat in the bath tub. Thought I was supposed to "force" the nut out and ended up pissing all over myself.
I did it in the tub too and when I busted in the tub...the jizz looked like little sea monkeys and I was catching them and rubbing it between my fingers like elmers glue
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My first fap was right after watching How to be a Player, the Amber nurse scene 
I wanna post my stories but I have cousins and friends that lurk NT

first time I fapped though was at 11 to the  2002 sports illustrated swimsuit edition
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first time I fapped was in my brothers room in the corner so if my mom came upstairs I would hear lol...I used a combo of spit and lotion as lube...still do this this day and it was to the sports illustrated swimsuit edition from 02...I was 11 at the time...after that I was fappin literally 3-4x times day..even went to school and fapped in the stalls using hand soap and spit
Soap always used to burn the %$^& out of my urethra.
How do you guys remember the first time you fapped? I have an extraordinary memory and I can't remember when it was or what it was to. I do remember the struggle to get fap material tho. Your only choices were dial up internet
, dusty magazines under your best friend's parents bed 
and super late night TV with your heart pounding out your chest while you listening for footsteps. Kids these days have it so easy.
I used to record cinemax flicks on old vhs's & label them random**** that I knew my grandma wouldnt touch
I will still sometimes piss in a bottle if I don't feel like getting up & run to the bathroom
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