Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I know I’ve said it before in here but I’m legit bout to retire from partying and pick up a hobby, something light like model airplanes :lol: ...The recovery time from turning up at this point is just not worth it :smh: ...It was a good run, but I’m ready for my hall of fame Induction :pimp:
Post covid-19 I might hit 1 just because. Maybe.
Do you drink water as you're drinking or once you are drunk? SRS question cause i feel like if i drink water once im drunk or after it makes me puke
Tbh I drink a lot of water throughout the day. I’m usually good by the time I start drinking. The only time I drink water when I’m drink is if I’m drinking outside and it’s hot.
Just take some aspirin before you go to sleep when you drink according to how much you drink.

At the very least you not gonna wake up with a headache.
If im drinking which is probably followed by some nose candy. I'm not even pondering water, like never ever. No more drank for me tho.
Condition your body to drink a gallon of water a day. Mix a couple of waters in when you are boozing and using that formula I haven't had a hangover in five or six years.

Also, I am super pumped about the Shark ION P50 I just purchased for the house. The versatility of the vacuum is outstanding. Typing that sentence makes me #washed.
It does which makes no sense when I think about it. I have no idea why I like both so much, it's like they cancel each other out.
Its two different highs.

Beer/alcohol isnt quite the downer but the buzz 8t gives is adjacent and sugar booger is a upper that will get you alert fast.
Its two different highs.

Beer/alcohol isnt quite the downer but the buzz 8t gives is adjacent and sugar booger is a upper that will get you alert fast.
Yea but after a few hours it's all mixed up, and each high diminishes into something else. I just find myself drinking more and snorting more but only cuz its there. And that post drank and cocaine depression is killer, for me at least.
Yea but after a few hours it's all mixed up, and each high diminishes into something else. I just find myself drinking more and snorting more but only cuz its there. And that post drank and cocaine depression is killer, for me at least.
From what I know you take the downer first, wait a while and then take the upper so it kicks in later. So as one high wears off the other high starts. That's usually with 2 opposing drugs though.

Mixing drank with cocaine and w/e else is a recipe for death.
Yea but after a few hours it's all mixed up, and each high diminishes into something else. I just find myself drinking more and snorting more but only cuz its there. And that post drank and cocaine depression is killer, for me at least.
bro... an upper and a downer? stop it.
From what I know you take the downer first, wait a while and then take the upper so it kicks in later. So as one high wears off the other high starts. That's usually with 2 opposing drugs though.

Mixing drank with cocaine and w/e else is a recipe for death.
Probably in my experience tho it starts off with the alcohol, start getting tipsy and then boom let's get some yay. And back and forth drinking and snorting, snorting and drinking. Until its 8 am and my nose is stuffed and I am contemplating living.
I dont know to many people that snort cocaine without alcohol being involved. But for sure it's not healthy.
I used to bartend in grad school. small bar. found so many bags on the floor after cleaning up. One day one of the regulars, who was a weed dealer, was cleaning up after hours and found a bag of blow. Asked me if he could have it. A week later, he came back and gave me cash...tombout here's your cut lmao
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