Moron President Using Tariffs to Stop Immigration

they not doing anything, Obama had 8 years dummies in his party decided to choose healthcare topic over comprehensive immigration reform.. Trump's Zealot advisor Stephen Miller overshot their attempt...

Daca for da wall should've been da solution for now..welp.

No amnesty for illegals period.
"We believe the tariffs on vehicles would undoubtedly be passed on to consumers, which would raise the price of vehicles sold in the US by an average of about $1,300," wrote Emmanuel Rosner, auto analyst for Deutsche Bank.

Can't wait to see how this ends.
Lol yet we have Melania Trump declared a living genius to gain citizenship LEGALLY. The US doesn’t care about new citizens, they care about the color of those new citizens

And that’s the harsh truth, Trump doesn’t care if European migrants come flocking or Canadians, this idiot only cares about the brown immigrants south of mexico.
The Democrats should do something about the border then. Illegals use "asylum" because word has spread through the third world that once you claim it, you're in. Our immigration system is broken.
Border security is essential and controlling immigration is needed for population control, but how the flying **** is increasing tariffs going to stop that?

Hates immigrants, wife is a quintessential immigrant (who, by the way, overstayed in the US and was technically illegal for a period of time).
Doesn't believe in women empowerment and pro-life, wife has photos of her ******* all over the Internet.

im sure this is outside da line to da US embassy right?....right?


there's illegal immigration and there's legal can waste everyone's time here and stall, or you can actually quote from da article on what's actually going on.
Bruh I quoted from the article how this is gonna hurt consumers more than da China tariffs because of the impact it’ll have on agriculture. This ain’t an immigration debate this a stupidity one for thinking making food more expensive will stop illegal immigrants from coming here.
Bruh I quoted from the article how this is gonna hurt consumers more than da China tariffs because of the impact it’ll have on agriculture. This ain’t an immigration debate this a stupidity one for thinking making food more expensive will stop illegal immigrants from coming here.

As long as living conditions in these countries don't improve, illegal immigration will continue. They move for opportunity, not for ******* cheap products. Smfh
As long as living conditions in these countries don't improve, illegal immigration will continue. They move for opportunity, not for ****ing cheap products. Smfh
Right. Bunch of privileged entitled *******s sit here mad that they’re leaving their land of little opportunity, corruption and safety issues for a great country.
"We believe the tariffs on vehicles would undoubtedly be passed on to consumers, which would raise the price of vehicles sold in the US by an average of about $1,300," wrote Emmanuel Rosner, auto analyst for Deutsche Bank.

Can't wait to see how this ends.

where was this sudden angst when da previous administration tried to implement new CAFE standards that would've jacked da prices of new cars by many thousands?

da reality is both sides neglected immigration for decades.
where was this sudden angst when da previous administration tried to implement new CAFE standards that would've jacked da prices of new cars by many thousands?

da reality is both sides neglected immigration for decades.
After 9/11 Home land security wasn’t playing around when it came to foreign immigrants especially from people coming from the Middle East. Nothing was never neglected you just cappin.
This ain’t an immigration debate this a stupidity one for thinking making food more expensive will stop illegal immigrants from coming here.

so your answer is to continue to let streams of illegal immigrants to continue to cross da border because you're afraid of what companies might do if they can't continue to break da law by hiring illegal labor? oh ok :lol:
so your answer is to continue to let streams of illegal immigrants to continue to cross da border because you're afraid of what companies might do if they can't continue to break da law by hiring illegal labor? oh ok :lol:

Your parents didn’t come here illegally on a boat before you were born ?
After 9/11 Home land security wasn’t playing around when it came to foreign immigrants especially from people coming from the Middle East.

immigration is one topic, Homeland security is another... Homeland dept didn't even exist on 9/11...
immigration is one topic, Homeland security is another... Homeland dept didn't even exist on 9/11...
Homeland security doesn’t deal with enforcing immigration laws? Okay buddy your cappin.

I said “after 9/11” not before or on 9/11

As long as living conditions in these countries don't improve, illegal immigration will continue.

so by that logic, da homeless should have open doors with no locks before them to anyone's crib because their destitute conditions.
Homeland security doesn’t deal with enforcing immigration laws? Okay buddy your cappin.

that's POST 9/11.

Referred to by some as former INS[2] and by others as legacy INS, the agency ceased to exist under that name on March 1, 2003, when most of its functions were transferred to three new entities – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) – within the newly created Department of Homeland Security, as part of a major government reorganization following the September 11 attacks of 2001
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