Most embarrassing thing thats happened to you vol. w/e

I was on 6th grade when this happened, still haunts me to this day.

Me and my boys were eating in a pizzeria and suddenly I feel like I need to take a dump. I proceed to the toilet and as soon as I'm finished I notice there is no paper. I look around and there's no paper in the whole god damn toilet. I call my boys and tell them to bring me some paper. I wait for like 5 minutes and nothing happens and I call them, no answer. Wait a couple minutes more and call again. This time they answer laughing and tell me they left the pizzeria and didn't bring any paper. At this point I'm !@%$$#* furious but I have to find a way to get out of the situation. I decide to call directory assistance to get the number of the pizzeria and tell them that I'm stuck in their toilet and need some paper. They kindly bring some paper behind the door and I jet out the place as fast as I can. Needless to say I never ate there again and I've always checked the paper after that
I was on 6th grade when this happened, still haunts me to this day.

Me and my boys were eating in a pizzeria and suddenly I feel like I need to take a dump. I proceed to the toilet and as soon as I'm finished I notice there is no paper. I look around and there's no paper in the whole god damn toilet. I call my boys and tell them to bring me some paper. I wait for like 5 minutes and nothing happens and I call them, no answer. Wait a couple minutes more and call again. This time they answer laughing and tell me they left the pizzeria and didn't bring any paper. At this point I'm !@%$$#* furious but I have to find a way to get out of the situation. I decide to call directory assistance to get the number of the pizzeria and tell them that I'm stuck in their toilet and need some paper. They kindly bring some paper behind the door and I jet out the place as fast as I can. Needless to say I never ate there again and I've always checked the paper after that
In 7th grade I was an angry, large girl with a sickkkk unibrow. My dad told me if I didn't join a sports team I would not get money to go to gamestop anymore (which was my secret way of getting kentucky fried chicken since they were right next to each other).
I decided to join the basketball team because I figured I'd never have to play since our team was actually pretty good...
WRONG. So coach puts me in, I SNATCH the ball from some tiny girl and I think I'm doing it until the ref calls me for traveling which I clearly was, and I start yelling at her like she ate my last drumstick

I got benched and was called "Julianne the Man" for the rest of the year.
In 7th grade I was an angry, large girl with a sickkkk unibrow. My dad told me if I didn't join a sports team I would not get money to go to gamestop anymore (which was my secret way of getting kentucky fried chicken since they were right next to each other).
I decided to join the basketball team because I figured I'd never have to play since our team was actually pretty good...
WRONG. So coach puts me in, I SNATCH the ball from some tiny girl and I think I'm doing it until the ref calls me for traveling which I clearly was, and I start yelling at her like she ate my last drumstick

I got benched and was called "Julianne the Man" for the rest of the year.
Originally Posted by kilojules64

In 7th grade I was an angry, large girl with a sickkkk unibrow. My dad told me if I didn't join a sports team I would not get money to go to gamestop anymore (which was my secret way of getting kentucky fried chicken since they were right next to each other).
I decided to join the basketball team because I figured I'd never have to play since our team was actually pretty good...
WRONG. So coach puts me in, I SNATCH the ball from some tiny girl and I think I'm doing it until the ref calls me for traveling which I clearly was, and I start yelling at her like she ate my last drumstick

I got benched and was called "Julianne the Man" for the rest of the year.


Originally Posted by kilojules64

In 7th grade I was an angry, large girl with a sickkkk unibrow. My dad told me if I didn't join a sports team I would not get money to go to gamestop anymore (which was my secret way of getting kentucky fried chicken since they were right next to each other).
I decided to join the basketball team because I figured I'd never have to play since our team was actually pretty good...
WRONG. So coach puts me in, I SNATCH the ball from some tiny girl and I think I'm doing it until the ref calls me for traveling which I clearly was, and I start yelling at her like she ate my last drumstick

I got benched and was called "Julianne the Man" for the rest of the year.


Originally Posted by Mr718

In HS playing around with this chick (my now girlfriend) and she ask me to jump on her back.  She assures she can carry me up the street.  So I get a running start and jump, as soon as I jump she drops down to her knees and I front flip fall right on my shoulder/face
.  She says didn't think I would really jump 
Her, her friend, and by boy all stand there in shock.  I ask my boy to help me up and we walks away laughing.  I look down and my man meat is hanging out from my boxers.  Sagging pants FTL.  Felt like %+**.


Originally Posted by Mr718

In HS playing around with this chick (my now girlfriend) and she ask me to jump on her back.  She assures she can carry me up the street.  So I get a running start and jump, as soon as I jump she drops down to her knees and I front flip fall right on my shoulder/face
.  She says didn't think I would really jump 
Her, her friend, and by boy all stand there in shock.  I ask my boy to help me up and we walks away laughing.  I look down and my man meat is hanging out from my boxers.  Sagging pants FTL.  Felt like %+**.


Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by Mr718

Originally Posted by kilojules64

In 7th grade I was an angry, large girl with a sickkkk unibrow. My dad told me if I didn't join a sports team I would not get money to go to gamestop anymore (which was my secret way of getting kentucky fried chicken since they were right next to each other).
I decided to join the basketball team because I figured I'd never have to play since our team was actually pretty good...
WRONG. So coach puts me in, I SNATCH the ball from some tiny girl and I think I'm doing it until the ref calls me for traveling which I clearly was, and I start yelling at her like she ate my last drumstick

I got benched and was called "Julianne the Man" for the rest of the year.




Yes, me

Well I see things turned around for you... In NY?
Originally Posted by kilojules64

Originally Posted by Mr718

Originally Posted by kilojules64

In 7th grade I was an angry, large girl with a sickkkk unibrow. My dad told me if I didn't join a sports team I would not get money to go to gamestop anymore (which was my secret way of getting kentucky fried chicken since they were right next to each other).
I decided to join the basketball team because I figured I'd never have to play since our team was actually pretty good...
WRONG. So coach puts me in, I SNATCH the ball from some tiny girl and I think I'm doing it until the ref calls me for traveling which I clearly was, and I start yelling at her like she ate my last drumstick

I got benched and was called "Julianne the Man" for the rest of the year.




Yes, me

Well I see things turned around for you... In NY?
When I had my freshman orientation (SPOP @ UC Irvine), they had this 3 day weekend where you get to know a bunch of other incoming freshman. On the last night they had a big concert/dance and a big circle formed and dudes were going in the middle and doing their %@@%, so I get shoved in and I try to do a breakdancing move, whatever it's called when you get on your hands and then rotate your legs around, but I've never even attempted that and I just fell straight on my #$$ with everyone looking at me. Just got up and went out the circle. Felt pretty dumb.

Other than that, when I was around 8 or 9 I had to take a massive dump while at the park, so I was clenching hardcore as I walked to the bathroom, and I just couldn't make it. Had a big blowout and literally had to wipe %@@% off my tighty whities which I still wore. The next day I was in the swimming pool with one of my neighbors and my mom walked out with my underwear and said, "Erik, are these yours? What happened?" as my neighbor just started dying.

When I was in little league we had a big practice and I probably drank 2 or 3 gatorades and then the coach was giving us this long pep talk or whatever you wanna call it. I had a massive piss hard and was wearing a cup so I was in a lot of pain with this rager just pressed against my cup. I felt like I couldn't interrupt so I literally just sat there and pissed myself until it felt better. I sat on my jacket in the car on the way home and then even when I got home I took about a 2 minute piss. It felt absolutely amazing, but I was a little ashamed to tell my mom that I voluntarily pissed myself.

In 9th or 10th grade I had this big phobia about people knowing whether or not I was taking a %@@%, making too much noise while taking a %@@%, etc. We had a football party at one of the mom's houses, and I had to take a dump pretty bad. I kept holding it in and getting the gurgles until it was just too much and I couldn't hold it anymore. I made it to the bathroom but just as I was getting my shorts down the %@@% shot out and got all over the back of the toilet, the back of my shorts, my socks, the carpet in the bathroom, EVERYWHERE. As I was scrambling to clean it, I slammed my elbow against the tank and made a huge noise, and I could hear the mom from the kitchen saying, What was that?!? There was a huge stain on the rug so I just flipped it over, and I just cleaned as much as I could, and then made a beeline around the corner when I left the bathroom so no one could see it was me. I don't think I ever went back to that house again. When my mom picked me up, she just couldn't stop laughing.

Another day I ate an entire box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch (think 50+ grams of fiber, inulin specifically (causes nasty gas)), and I was in a movie with this chick. I was having gurgle guts the entire movie, and she kept thinking it was my stomach growling. I had to cut the movie short, drive her home, drive all the way home, and then splattered all over the toilet. Told her what was up afterwards and she just laughed.

Most of my embarrassing stories are %@@% or piss related I guess.
When I had my freshman orientation (SPOP @ UC Irvine), they had this 3 day weekend where you get to know a bunch of other incoming freshman. On the last night they had a big concert/dance and a big circle formed and dudes were going in the middle and doing their %@@%, so I get shoved in and I try to do a breakdancing move, whatever it's called when you get on your hands and then rotate your legs around, but I've never even attempted that and I just fell straight on my #$$ with everyone looking at me. Just got up and went out the circle. Felt pretty dumb.

Other than that, when I was around 8 or 9 I had to take a massive dump while at the park, so I was clenching hardcore as I walked to the bathroom, and I just couldn't make it. Had a big blowout and literally had to wipe %@@% off my tighty whities which I still wore. The next day I was in the swimming pool with one of my neighbors and my mom walked out with my underwear and said, "Erik, are these yours? What happened?" as my neighbor just started dying.

When I was in little league we had a big practice and I probably drank 2 or 3 gatorades and then the coach was giving us this long pep talk or whatever you wanna call it. I had a massive piss hard and was wearing a cup so I was in a lot of pain with this rager just pressed against my cup. I felt like I couldn't interrupt so I literally just sat there and pissed myself until it felt better. I sat on my jacket in the car on the way home and then even when I got home I took about a 2 minute piss. It felt absolutely amazing, but I was a little ashamed to tell my mom that I voluntarily pissed myself.

In 9th or 10th grade I had this big phobia about people knowing whether or not I was taking a %@@%, making too much noise while taking a %@@%, etc. We had a football party at one of the mom's houses, and I had to take a dump pretty bad. I kept holding it in and getting the gurgles until it was just too much and I couldn't hold it anymore. I made it to the bathroom but just as I was getting my shorts down the %@@% shot out and got all over the back of the toilet, the back of my shorts, my socks, the carpet in the bathroom, EVERYWHERE. As I was scrambling to clean it, I slammed my elbow against the tank and made a huge noise, and I could hear the mom from the kitchen saying, What was that?!? There was a huge stain on the rug so I just flipped it over, and I just cleaned as much as I could, and then made a beeline around the corner when I left the bathroom so no one could see it was me. I don't think I ever went back to that house again. When my mom picked me up, she just couldn't stop laughing.

Another day I ate an entire box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch (think 50+ grams of fiber, inulin specifically (causes nasty gas)), and I was in a movie with this chick. I was having gurgle guts the entire movie, and she kept thinking it was my stomach growling. I had to cut the movie short, drive her home, drive all the way home, and then splattered all over the toilet. Told her what was up afterwards and she just laughed.

Most of my embarrassing stories are %@@% or piss related I guess.
Back in HS me and my ex sat in the back of classroom for English. So we in the back messing around silently and since we're in the back no one saw us. Our teacher was all the way in the front of the room writing on the board and had his back turned to us. So she was playing too much and grabbed my meat, so in return I grab her chest. Some reason the teacher decides to look back at us and I just froze, I felt that if I didn't move he wouldn't notice, lol. So he gives me the mean death stare and then the whole class looks to see what hes looking at while my hand was still giving my ex the mean kung fu grip.

On another note, I created the most embarrassing moment for one of my boys. Our HS only took up the 3rd and 4th floor of the building and if there was a fire or fire drill we had to all exit through the back staircase which no one really uses. I went to use the back staircase because it was closer and I catch my boy getting neck from some chick right below the 3rd floor, dude thought he was slick and no one would see him, both of them didn't know I was at the top of the staircase observing. To this day, I have no idea why he was naked getting head, like I mean no pants and no shirt on. Being the child I was, I pulled the fire alarm cause I thought it would be funny. Everyone evacuates through the back staircase, I run back up so he don't see me and when we were all outside the building he was still naked with his butt against the wall holding his jeans and tee in a bunch covering his meat. He had his head looking down and kids from an all black high school had no mercy on a fellow peer, dude became the laughing stock of the year. I still don't have the balls to tell him I did it, I feel so bad about it now.
Back in HS me and my ex sat in the back of classroom for English. So we in the back messing around silently and since we're in the back no one saw us. Our teacher was all the way in the front of the room writing on the board and had his back turned to us. So she was playing too much and grabbed my meat, so in return I grab her chest. Some reason the teacher decides to look back at us and I just froze, I felt that if I didn't move he wouldn't notice, lol. So he gives me the mean death stare and then the whole class looks to see what hes looking at while my hand was still giving my ex the mean kung fu grip.

On another note, I created the most embarrassing moment for one of my boys. Our HS only took up the 3rd and 4th floor of the building and if there was a fire or fire drill we had to all exit through the back staircase which no one really uses. I went to use the back staircase because it was closer and I catch my boy getting neck from some chick right below the 3rd floor, dude thought he was slick and no one would see him, both of them didn't know I was at the top of the staircase observing. To this day, I have no idea why he was naked getting head, like I mean no pants and no shirt on. Being the child I was, I pulled the fire alarm cause I thought it would be funny. Everyone evacuates through the back staircase, I run back up so he don't see me and when we were all outside the building he was still naked with his butt against the wall holding his jeans and tee in a bunch covering his meat. He had his head looking down and kids from an all black high school had no mercy on a fellow peer, dude became the laughing stock of the year. I still don't have the balls to tell him I did it, I feel so bad about it now.
this isn't the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me, but its the most recent so I'll share this story. last semester I was headin to my math class. when I walked in the building that my class is in, I decided to stop by the restroom to take a quick leak before I went to class. I walk in the bathroom and the first thing I noticed was that there were no urinals in it. it just had a bunch of stalls. I thought it was weird because I've never seen a mens bathroom at my school that didn't have urinals. it was my first time using the restroom in that building so I just figured that was the only mens room on campus that didn't have urinals. I didn't really give it too much thought. only thing on my mind was taking that leak. so I just go in one of the stalls and handle my business, and then I go to wash my hands. I must also add the the bathroom was completely empty. so right as I finish up washin my hands and start headin towards the door, the door opens and a girl walks in and holds the door open for me as I'm leaving. I was just like "thanks" and in my head I was like "does this dumb chick realize that she just went in the mens room?". so I walk out the bathroom and started walking down the hall towards my classroom and then it wasn't til I was like halfway down the hall when finally hit me. I was using the GIRLS room. I had to turn around and walk back to double check, and yep the door clearly said it was the women's room. I felt so ******ed. I didn't bother reading the sign at first, I just wanted to pee and somehow I assumed it was the mens room. good thing it was empty tho, cuz it coulda been a lot worse 
this isn't the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me, but its the most recent so I'll share this story. last semester I was headin to my math class. when I walked in the building that my class is in, I decided to stop by the restroom to take a quick leak before I went to class. I walk in the bathroom and the first thing I noticed was that there were no urinals in it. it just had a bunch of stalls. I thought it was weird because I've never seen a mens bathroom at my school that didn't have urinals. it was my first time using the restroom in that building so I just figured that was the only mens room on campus that didn't have urinals. I didn't really give it too much thought. only thing on my mind was taking that leak. so I just go in one of the stalls and handle my business, and then I go to wash my hands. I must also add the the bathroom was completely empty. so right as I finish up washin my hands and start headin towards the door, the door opens and a girl walks in and holds the door open for me as I'm leaving. I was just like "thanks" and in my head I was like "does this dumb chick realize that she just went in the mens room?". so I walk out the bathroom and started walking down the hall towards my classroom and then it wasn't til I was like halfway down the hall when finally hit me. I was using the GIRLS room. I had to turn around and walk back to double check, and yep the door clearly said it was the women's room. I felt so ******ed. I didn't bother reading the sign at first, I just wanted to pee and somehow I assumed it was the mens room. good thing it was empty tho, cuz it coulda been a lot worse 
Originally Posted by Caerus

Chillin like a swagged out pimp in middle school one day and was biting/chewing on the end of my pen (We all do it) well what I hadn't noticed was the end opened and i had ink in my mouth (How i didn't taste it, i still don't know) so i stop chewing and a chick comes up to me and asks me a question, i open my mouth to talk and she starts yelling and pointing. The WHOLE class looks and run to see and my entire mouth is filled with black ink.

+!$+ was disgusting...was called octomouth the rest of the year. *Feelsbadman*

same thing happened to me with a gel pen though
teeth lookin like starry night

Originally Posted by Caerus

Chillin like a swagged out pimp in middle school one day and was biting/chewing on the end of my pen (We all do it) well what I hadn't noticed was the end opened and i had ink in my mouth (How i didn't taste it, i still don't know) so i stop chewing and a chick comes up to me and asks me a question, i open my mouth to talk and she starts yelling and pointing. The WHOLE class looks and run to see and my entire mouth is filled with black ink.

+!$+ was disgusting...was called octomouth the rest of the year. *Feelsbadman*

same thing happened to me with a gel pen though
teeth lookin like starry night

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

in 3rd grade, teacher was mad and said no one can go to the bathroom, i really had to go but i was afraid to tell her that it was an emergency so end of the class i pissed myself in my khakis and this +!$!# called me up out of nowhere to erase the board......smh L was taken everyone saw my piss running down my pants.

Originally Posted by Mr718

So I get a running start and jump
Son, what made you think this was a good idea?
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