Most Memorable Moment in a Movie Theater

Me and a ex went to see the final final destination. We're the only two black people there, so a certain scene comes up in the movie where a racialslur is used and all the white people were all in shock when he said it, I started busting out laughing and as soon as i did that everybody was laughing.
I was with my girl, she had some "flip flops" on. She puts her feet on the seat in front, and the guy turns around to tell her that her they smellbad. Man, I was crying.
don't remember the movie but this huge og mo'nique sized broad gets up and starts donkey konging the hell out of the dude she was with.
literally drug dude out the theater by his shirt and dude didn't even try to defend himself
Watching Borat on its release night, like 15 deep. Half of us drunk off of our %+*, I don't think there was a second I wasn't laughing.
Went to see LOTR and the line was MASSIVE so a three of us decided to head to a liquor store and pick up 40's for us to drink, and candy for our friendswaiting in line. We get back, and about half an hour later, they begin to let the line into the theater. My cousin and I managed to hide our 40's in ourjackets, but our other friend, he had it awkwardly placed, so much so that when he approached the person that checks the ticket, it slipped out and shatteredat his feet. He just looks at us and at the person taking the tickets and security and books it for outside, mind you HE WAS 24 AT THE TIME. We didn't seehim till the end of the movie.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

First time I got dome was with my gf in junior high watching Little Big League.
damn you missed a good movie.
this one got me

I have too many to remember but one sticks out

few years ago I chugged a beer and two TILTS before a movie, went in sat down and thought I was going to die. My heart was pumping so fast I was shook.
I was with some girl and two lesbians who were behind us started to make out and everything. You just could smell the wet !%%$#.
Originally Posted by Kobe jordan

I was 12 and my brother was 10 and the dude next to us farted a couple times real loud and my and my brother could stop laughing... theater was empty so every one heard us...

if it was empty, who heard?
The ending of Last House On The Left.
Girl I was with was hiding in my arms
and when ol boy blew up,
EVERYONE screamed and I cursed loudly. But I drew it out so long
that when everyone was quiet, no one had heard me say "oh" but everyone heard me say...
you know.
back when i was in new jersey..i went to the movies with my cousins..we went to see the hills have eyes 2 or something like that..but $%#*%@ started fightingup in the movies b/c people wouldn't be was crazy
popcornflying, drinks flying..and this was back when nextels was real popular..$%#*%@ start throwing they phones

it was crazy..we didn't even make it through half the movie..we got our money back though
Originally Posted by ebpo

I was with my girl, she had some "flip flops" on. She puts her feet on the seat in front, and the guy turns around to tell her that her they smell bad. Man, I was crying.
hahaha you still with her?
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Originally Posted by ebpo

I was with my girl, she had some "flip flops" on. She puts her feet on the seat in front, and the guy turns around to tell her that her they smell bad. Man, I was crying.
hahaha you still with her?
Not anymore
me and my boy went with a group of 5 girls and i moved a row down so he could get his with this one chick. then when i thought it wasdone he said my name and during the brightest possible scene in the house of wax i turn around to see him still getting it. SOOOOOOOO akward. needless to sayi was done turning around for the rest of the movie. we still joke about it
I posted mine on NT as soon as it happened! Years ago. I was sitting in the theater watching 300 (SO good), and then right at the end part where all theSpartans are about to die and have kinda accepted their fate and it's all sad and whatever, this dude stumbles in, heads to an empty corner seat, and isstanding against the wall w his head kinda against the wall.

I was like "Is dude crying? What the f?" and the guy behind me jumps the seats and goes over to investigate. He turns around and yells "HE'SPEEING!" to the whole theatre, so I jump the seats and get to the end of a row and snap a pic specifically for NT. If you focus you can see the stream andeverything. Also note the dirtiness of the seat.

Anyway, so he pees, and if memory serves, pukes everywhere, and then passes out in his seat. All during Leonidas' monologue. So awesome.
went to see date movie on a monday at 6:30...perfect time to get it on in the back of theater....

back in my wild days, i fingered this girl during Spiderman 2 opening in the sold out theater while sitting in the front row.
me & 2 friends went to go watch up this past summer.
we were sobbing hysterically when dude's wife died... & a father of a group of kids turned around & told us to shut the hell up.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

I hate watching movies in theaters because something stupid happens every single time. I can count in one hand the movies I saw since 2000. (Gladiator, Passion of the Christ, Transformers, There Will Be Blood, Juno).

Gladiator - Group of white trash herbs kept singing that stupid "bawitdaba" Kid Rock song during fight scenes

Passion of the Christ - People kneeling and praying in tongue in the aisles

Transformers - Fat people and lots of 'em. Theater I was at has a "travel" concession stand (aka an employee carting around food and selling it in the aisle...there was so much...eating.

There Will Be Blood - Group of four New School students analyzing every other minute of the movie

Juno - Couple in front of us was going at it, girl was about to go down, I leaned forward and said "you know the movie we're watching is about an accidental pregnancy, right?"

1- people actually were praying while watching passion of the christ ?

2- my dude with the mean cockblock
other memorable moments were as a worker

i dont know if you guys notice but during the movie you have a patrol guy with a flashlight walking around. well we used to do patrols and trip dead center inthe middle of the theater during a really sad or quiet part. You could hear gasps and
. And all you see is the flashlight shining around the theater as the patrol guyrolls around trying to get up.

Theaters are alknown for hiring a lot of special needs kids. We have a few by us. One day we caught one of them with another special needs girl as she wasriding him. Wasn't even the best part. They were sitting two seats away from a senior citizen couple. They were also in first seat all the way in the backas you walk up the stairs. Weren't even hiding it.

We also put the walkie talkies in our back pocket and as we walk by to bend and pan some popcorn off the floor by a customer, the person on the other end makesa small fart sound. Fun to watch that one
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

^^Yo Galv that's crazy right there!
Did someone rat him out?

For some reason, no. Dude next to me was making a huge scene shushing everyone who was laughing but didn't get off his fat a to go talk to the theaterpeople. We all just walked past him when the movie was over, people were all snapping pics, posing w him it was awesome haha.
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