Most Memorable Moment in a Movie Theater

Originally Posted by DublBagn

Most memorable for me by far is during the opening night of American Gangster, its boy is blazed out of his mind...he has nacho's (with extra everything x 1000), large popcorn, large drink and 2 different candies....we are walking up the stairs to find seats (the previews had just started so its dark), he was wearing flip flops and missed the next step and somehow slipped, throwing everything in the was like a scene form a movie the way everything landed right on him....the entire theater, including me, pointed and laughed....

sidenote: he said for the entire movie with nacho cheese/salsa/jalapenos all over his shirt.....

I dying right now. Oh my lord.

That reminded me of when me and a few of my boys went to go see Death Race blazed to oblivion. I was so high I fell asleep during the credits, I'm talkinREM type sleep. All I remember was my boy bought a bag of Skittles, he went to pour the skittles in his hand and I guess he misjudged where his handwas.....Skittles ricocheted every where off the floor like glock bullets.

-The Juice
I was wit my girl. And we was just sitting there waiting for a movie to start (cant remember which one but I do know it was on a premier night cuz it waspack). So anyways. Theres these girls just bein mad annoying, screaming, running up and down the stairs etc. So im just watchin em and as this girl is damnnear sprinting down the stairs racing her friend on the other side, she trips and busts her %@+. So since they were being annoying and I wanted to drawattention to them I just yelled out " O #%+% ###!@ JUST BUSTED HER %@+" just in time for everyone to see her rolling down the last 10 or so stairs.

Everyone just bust out laughing and she bounced. She tried to sneak back in when the previews started so no1 would see her. But I was on the look out. So whenshe came in I yelled "There goes this chick tryin to sneak back in here like she James Bond". Everyone in the theater stopped watching the trailersand laughed at her all the way back to her seat. Chick just went to her seat and shut the F up for the rest of the movie.

Bet she dont be actin stupid at the theater no more.
A couple of months ago me and some friends went to the movies, I forgot what were watching, and there was this one big fat black dude that was just actingridiculous. He would say random stuff throughout the previews. Like "Boy shut yo $%@ up! You can't call anyone gay, with a haircut like that!"Because some kid called his friend gay. And things just got rowdy, then everyone chanted for the fat dude to do something. So he took a pic of the theatre andwas like, "Y'all gon find yourselves on facebook, by the end of the night!" Then a cop showed up, and everyone was singing the "Bad Boys,Bad Boys, what you gonna do?" song. Fat dude eventually got escorted for starting the chant.

I can't compete with the most of NT!
to all my peeps who have gotten dome at the theaters.
Originally Posted by donpoppa

she wants to get in his face like a man she can get the remy bottle to the face like one instead of her bf. she got quite
Mine had be when old man told some teenagers to shut the F up
and they came behind him and pissed all over his head it was
cruel but hilarious
it was during the week, so nobody was at theater really and we picked a stpid movie to watc which was "how to lose a guy in 10 days", so i wasnt inschool at that time and i pretended on the phone i was her dad and she had a dr appt, so they released her without any problems and we sat way at the top ofcourse and there was only 1 other person watching that movie, so i basically went down on her. good old days, some ferris buller type stuff.
Originally Posted by dunkaruu

Went to see LOTR and the line was MASSIVE so a three of us decided to head to a liquor store and pick up 40's for us to drink, and candy for our friends waiting in line. We get back, and about half an hour later, they begin to let the line into the theater. My cousin and I managed to hide our 40's in our jackets, but our other friend, he had it awkwardly placed, so much so that when he approached the person that checks the ticket, it slipped out and shattered at his feet. He just looks at us and at the person taking the tickets and security and books it for outside, mind you HE WAS 24 AT THE TIME. We didn't see him till the end of the movie.

saw two moms get into it during the most recent Harry Potter movie cause
one of them brought frogs into the movie, and when confronted about it, was just like
" F you B. I wanted some frogs. By the time the movie ends, PETCO will be closed, so shut up and watch the movie"
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Two guys high fived each other after the highway scene in the Matrix Reloaded, then proceeded to giver their recap of what just happened and their favorite moments, all this while the movie was still going on.
there's some funny *** stories up in here.

I got dome action in the theatre several times.

I also seen Erick Dampier @ the theatres when he played for the Warriors. He was there with a hot asian girl that barely came up to his waist
I noticed him and pointed him out to my boy, and he was like "Yo! Dampier!" and threw up the deuces. He was on his way out and we were on the way intho. He's a tall *** mofo, even tho they call him "short" for a center.
Went to go see the grudge with my older sister and her friend, and it was large group of teens at the bottom row laughing and talking throughout the wholemovie, so I told my sister I'll brb, went to the the concession and asked for a courtesy cup and then proceeded to fill it with hot butter oil. So I getback to the seat and 5 min later I threw the cup of butter towards the front row and hit a girl in the back of her head.
Originally Posted by viiheaven

I was in the theater for some movie (can't remember which) and during the trailers, the trailer for Twilight came up. As soon as it ended, a few people started cheering. I screamed "SHUT THE %#!$ UP!" The whole theater just got quiet.

- My friends brother barfed during "The Hills Have Eyes"
He seriously had to run to the closest trash can.

-Cant remember which movie but about half way through this big thuggish looking dude with a wife beater and a fake chain comes in looking all confused. He satdown in the very front row and started texting, super bright phone and all. After about 15 minutes he gets up and walks out. The theater instantly smelled likecigarette smoke. I was thinking woww this dude really just DGAF huh? Did he serious just light one up in the back of the theater??? Like 5 mins later he walksback in and sits down like nothing happened.
I visited a friend in Westchester County, N.Y., when the first Lord of the Rings came out. Bill and Hillary Clinton were in the theater. When Gandalf and Bilbo are smoking and Bilbo says, "Ah, the finest weed in the shire!" Bill let out a huge laugh. 
Used to work @ KP.............I got stories for DAYS!!!!! Ive seen fights, had to kick ppl out for having sex in like kiddie movies. Ill never for one time when a dude brought a creep to the theater and happen to catch his girl in the same movie " Think it was 8 mile or something" Anyway hes hiding in the mens room scared out his mind. Hes like you Ill pay you $20 bux if you pretend that you kicking me out the theater!!! well made my money saw homeboy running like Usain......................People really waste a TON of money at these places and leave 8 dollar nachos untouched.
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