Motivational quotes to keep you going.

Make a game of finding something positive in every situation.Ninety-five percent of your emotions are determined by how you interpret events to yourself.

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.
this one is made by me:

Some people look up at the sky and ask God for strength; Not me, instead I look within myself to show God I am not weak.
^ think ima steal that
edit: @ ice 
Heres the thing that makes life so interesting the theory of evolution claims that only the strong will survive maybe so maybe so but the theory of competition says just because their strong doesnt mean they cant get their !*#+% kicked thats right see with every long shot come from behind underdog will tell you this the other guy may infact be the favorite the odds may be stacked against you fair enough but what the odds don't know is that this isn't a math test this is a completely different kind of test one where passion has a funny way of trumping logic so before you step up to the starting line before the whistle blows and the clock starts ticking just remember out here the results always don't add up... no matter what the stats may say and the experts may think and the commentators may have predicted when the race is on all bets are off don't be surprised if somebody decides to flip the script and take a pass on yelling uncle and then suddenly as the old saying goes... we got ourselves a game.
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."- James Dean

It just makes me enjoy every day I wake up to with no regrets and unnecessary anger.
Originally Posted by Icecixz

this one is made by me:

Some people look up at the sky and ask God for strength; Not me, instead I look within myself to show God I am not weak.

Originally Posted by bkmac

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."- James Dean

It just makes me enjoy every day I wake up to with no regrets and unnecessary anger.

Great posts guys, still one of the best threads to ever grace NT. I don't have a quote for you guys but instead just a simple observation. These quotes we all have contributed to this thread should be used just as they are uplifting, motivational, and inspiration but don't ever put these quotes as something you can fall on when things get rough. These quotes are only as tangible as we make them so if you make them like concrete and you fall it'll hurt more than if you made them as tangible as a pillow to only cushion your fall.

The reason i'm adding this is because i've seen in my personal life how people misuse the concept of what a motivational quote should be. They see a quote they like and they make it so concrete that they think for every situation in their life that that personal quote will hold true. It's when people realize that sometimes things don't go their way that they end up blaming the quote instead of blaming themselves.

You shouldn't live your life by what a bunch of random quotes say but instead just live life itself or else it'll hit you like a ton of bricks.
The 3.1% that high school basketball players play in college is a statistic. Working because your dream depends on it 24/7 is not.

Replace the first sentence with whatever you're trying to achieve.
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